i have been feeling particularly moody and lethargic today...i havent had a TOM for about 2 months now...before that it was like 5 or 6...i journaled big time in my off line journal about my feelings and such (as I am still dealing with my dtrs death of almost 2 years ago)...and then i ate some fat free/sugar free chocolate puddin' and then took a shower and shaved my legs

. I always feel better with shaved legs. Someone said do something for me so I think i may go to the tanning booth as I have about 100 minutes left. maybe the warmth will trick my body into thinking summer is near. I may also go to the cemetary and see my dtr. I havent been since christmas and this is the longest i have gone because of the snow...i feel so bad i havent gone. I think that and a compilation of other feelings i am having are setting me back emotionally....but i will not let it get me down to the ground..i am desperately going to try to pull my shrinking but still big butt up and go do something to get my mind off of stuff....
brain vomit