New member

yay!!!!! i realllllllllllllllllly hope it does work for you babe!!! ....I'm doing well on my new 3 meal a day plan and hope this will be my magic answer (haha as if that exists). I turned down the rest of H's chocolate bar last night AND the Smart Food popcorn as this diet is not based on total calories, but on eating times. The theory behind the Leptin Diet is that your body doesn't turn to the fat so easily if it has food to digest and if the metabolism is messed up or aging, constantly eating could hinder fat burning. Supposedly eating a high protein breakfast enables the body to burn up to 30% more calories for the entire day for various scientific reasons, and it has been very widely documented by a million studies that high protein diets cause more weight loss than high carb diets when eating the same calories. Not no carb (more like 30% carb), but just watching the carbs as supposedly its easy fuel so the body is not forced to burn fat. All of these theories are well and good. But do they really work?? That's the million dollar question that I will be answering over the next few weeks. If I can get below my challenge starting weight, I will view it as a success. Not too hopeful but keeping a positive outlook. Britta and Relly, maybe you want to give it a shot too?
i have been feeling particularly moody and lethargic today...i havent had a TOM for about 2 months now...before that it was like 5 or 6...i journaled big time in my off line journal about my feelings and such (as I am still dealing with my dtrs death of almost 2 years ago)...and then i ate some fat free/sugar free chocolate puddin' and then took a shower and shaved my legs. I always feel better with shaved legs. Someone said do something for me so I think i may go to the tanning booth as I have about 100 minutes left. maybe the warmth will trick my body into thinking summer is near. I may also go to the cemetary and see my dtr. I havent been since christmas and this is the longest i have gone because of the snow...i feel so bad i havent gone. I think that and a compilation of other feelings i am having are setting me back emotionally....but i will not let it get me down to the ground..i am desperately going to try to pull my shrinking but still big butt up and go do something to get my mind off of stuff....
brain vomit
![]() can do this woman....BUCK UP...and be happy, because .....Well Team, I failed ya last weekI had 5 horrible eating days BUT im gonna be back on track now for sure thise week.Im gonna pump out exercise and eat normally again...
Im glad we were on top this week I would have felt guilty if we fell below
Clearly we have the best team!!!
....woooohooo....DAMN...that is LOW!!! Great Job Val...and you motivated me to WHIP out the LITTLE BABY weights yesterday too...LOL!!!....wanna get rid of the NOODLE muscles...YEAAAA and UNLEASH the GUNS!!! ***POWWW POWWW****...I was busting a DRIVE BY ON YOUR ASS!!!No loss this week, due to a food-laden weekend. I DID see 138.5 lbs on Sunday morning but perhaps I'll see it again later this week--a weight loss roadblock, but a fatloss gem is that I've started lifting again!I expect to see some weight gain, and I dunno how well I'll do on sticking to the lower end of my calorie range. We'll see.
Well Team, I failed ya last weekI had 5 horrible eating days BUT im gonna be back on track now for sure thise week.Im gonna pump out exercise and eat normally again...
Im glad we were on top this week I would have felt guilty if we fell below
Clearly we have the best team!!!
Woooohoooo!!! I feel the SAME way.....Hello teammates of the most awesome team. I see we are kicking ass and taking names! NICE! I am down 1.4 from last week and I honestly thought it would be more because my clothes are fitting so loose, but maybe next week I'll lose those Biggest Loser numbers!!!
I'm so proud of everyone on this team for not only being so supportive but also for admitting when they had a bad week and when they are doing great. It is so refreshing to see honest, motivated people, and that is why I am so thankful to be in this competition! Seriously, not to get all mushy, but you guys are AWESOME and INSPIRING!
GREAT JOB TEAM 1!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's go Team Tits! Let's work it out these last 2 weeks!!
Well I am feeling awesome so far on my new diet. Its only been 2 days though LOL. But I've lost a 1/2 pound on each of the past 2 days that I've done the diet properly, and I was able to eat 1700 calories the other day and yesterday I had 1900 calories. I am still 1 lb above my starting weight of 147 so things will possibly go in the opposite direction again.
I plan to head to the gym today for my weights and some cardio.
Let's go Team Tits! Let's work it out these last 2 weeks!!
Go Team 1!! Let's make this a big loss week. We need it! Put the junk food down!! OOUUU!
This makes me sadonly 2 weeks left.. But we all need to kick ass for the last 14 days!!
On the plus side, this thread is the longest of all the club challenge threads.![]()