Well I weighed in this morning... pretty dissappointed to have only a 0.40 loss. I knew these last few pounds were going to be difficult but I feel like I have at least a good 15lbs or more that needs to GO...
I could be refining things again, but I might stick with the same deficit and up the exercise... however I did start my half marathon training yesterday so maybe patience is key????
DAMN! WTH, Dee??? I'm very confused, you're racking up deficits like it's going out of style--at least 3500 calories worth or more (should equal a pound) A loss is great, though, congratulations! Weight is WEIRD--it can shoot up and shoot down and stay put

I bet the extra running will make it go down eventually, though. Hormones play a big role, too--I bet next week you'll drop way more!
every single time I start back up with the weights after I take a few months off, I always gain 2 lbs within the first 2 weeks....Main thing that bothers me is my stomach and I am honestly thinking about getting lipo on it after this challenge. I am serious! I am definitely not going another summer with this stomach.
You're AWESOME for sticking to your calorie plan! I feel just as proud, hurray!!! Ah yes, I remember very clearly that you put on some water weight or whatever when you start lifting--it'll come off.
Ha, I posted a .6 gain. I ate right, I worked out like a fiend, and I still gained. I'm more in tune with my body these days, so I'm not concerned. I'm predicting a big loss this week, though.
It's probably hormonal--the con of hanging out with a bunch of women.

I predict a big loss for you, too!
My damn weight is still the same!! I got the exercise in but no bonus points.This week will be different though.

Awww bummer, Amy! But you're healthy and getting the exercise in--which is awesome!
I've found it a lot harder to stay within my caloric limits lately where it used to be hard just get enough in
Perhaps it's where you're at in your cycle--trust me! It matters! I hope you cheer up and I'm with you on that one--I can't wait for it to be light enough so I can start trail running after work!
Update for me:
YES!!!! I actually managed to DIET all week, holy shit! ME!!!!!

If it weren't for the points and this team, I wouldn't have done it

Thank you gals (and Trops) for helping me MAKE THIS happen and be successful, too! It was hard. I'm not going to lie--I suffered dementia, anxiety (LOL not much of that, though) and extreme irritation and ANGER

I also felt stupid

and had to use little tricks like drinking mineral water to divert my snacking tendencies. I didn't touch a drop of alcohol.

Basically, I'm not asking for pity at all

, but basically, I suffered.

LOL! But I kicked ass with workouts AND I DROPPED 3.5 POUNDS!!!!!!! I'm
141.5 lbs this morning. My caloric deficits do not equate such a loss, so if my weight goes up to about 143.5 lbs, I'll be disappointed but it'll make logical sense. However, I'm going to continue on with dieting--I kinda want to add a cheat day--
Claudia, is it possible to change my Eating Plan to include that? Please?