Weight-Loss Team 1 Chat Thread

Got my workout in!!! Woot!!! Full points for me but no weight loss. :( But, Cita and I know how my body works with this. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it don't.

Way to go team! You did awesome this week! I noticed some big losses on our team spreadsheet. Way to kick ass!!!
So I decided that for week 2 I'm going to change things up a bit food wise... well more like how I track I guess. I would rather keep track of my deficit rather than how much I am getting... I still have to keep tabs on cals but since its a deficit we are looking for then that's what I'm going to base my points off of....

So with that I would like to have a 700+ deficit/day.

Got it? Got it! Good!
So i just finished shoveling mine and my neighbours driveway for the last half hour and i am sweatier then I am after my normal workout. So unless anyone has any objections, I am counting this towards my weekly workout hours!
Now excuse me while i go get myself a bottle of water :sifone:
I hope you are drinking alot of water for your stomach bug...dehydration can be a bitch....

I would never know what it would be like to be addicted to running...i faking hate it..I tried to get into it last year but FAK_A_DAK...it sucked. Maybe once I lose a little weight I will feel differently....Can you walk comfortably on it? Dont push it because we want you "in commission" for the challenge..get healthy!!! :)...gotta be some low impact stuff u can do...

thank you for worrying about us...


Gotta catch up from the weekend!

Karebare, I slacked off on the water all weekend and am paying for it now with water retention! I'm hoping it's what's keeping the scale from budging this week.

I thinks it takes a certain kind of person to LOVE running. I don't feel like I've worked out unless I am utterly exhausted, hurt all over, and smell like a gym bag. LOL! My H points me straight to the shower when I get home form the gym. Hah! I ran track in HS but never long distance. I was a pole vaulter, discus thrower, and 400 meter runner. After HS I got into 5k's and and 10k's and have been running ever since. It's my meditation. You have to do whatever it takes to MAKE you enjoy it whether it's an iPod, processing thoughts, watching tv (treadmill), etc. I prefer to run outside because I love the outdoors but my friend has to do it on a treadmill so she can watch her shows. It all depends on the person.

My knee is still sore but much better from last friday. I'm gonna hit the pavement and trails around the lake today with my girl in her jogging stroller. The weather's perfect for it! I have to get my house cleaned first though...
Maureen: Thanks! :hug2:

Claudia: Sweet! :hug2:

Kare: Awwwww :hug2: :grouphug:

Ladies and Trops: Congratulations! This challenge is awesome and a great motivator! :party:

10 points for yesterday! :hurray: I'm very proud of my exercise this week :) Today is belly dancing and Yoga, and I bought myself some Amy's (;)) organic burritos for lunch with fresh avocado--they're under 300 calories, tasty, and keep my stomach satisfied. Good old beans! :D
So i just finished shoveling mine and my neighbours driveway for the last half hour and i am sweatier then I am after my normal workout. So unless anyone has any objections, I am counting this towards my weekly workout hours!
Now excuse me while i go get myself a bottle of water :sifone:

Of course I always do it is ALOT of work shoveling snow and full body work out
I'm gonna hit the pavement and trails around the lake today with my girl in her jogging stroller. The weather's perfect for it! I have to get my house cleaned first though...

Glad your knee is feelin a bit better, I use to jog with the jogger alot when my youngest was still young and boy is it s work out!When I first ran without a jogger I couldnt believe how much easier it was, LOL but i loved the resistance of my childs weight and the poundage of the stroller.
I see that missing just two days of my eating plan is HORRIBLE point wise. I need to shape up (no pun intended.)

I've got a plan to go to the gym today with a friend.. trying to get her to get a membership there, which would rock.
So I am weightin in at -2 lbs offically....Claud is it ok to update my weihgt after I wake up, Im sur eim down a bit more I just gotta get some sleep first.Weight should make no diff as it doesnt count right:)!
You teammates are AWESOME! We rocked it this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MissDFIT adjustments to your plan are a good idea, and a 700 calorie deficit sure sounds like a good way to move those nasty pounds.

Anyone else is free to change your plan if you didn't find it working for you somehow last week. I know many of you go by daily calories but I found weekly calories allowed me the same amount in total but let me have some "re-feed" days (read: pig out days) as long as I made up for them later on. Now it was no easy feat making up later on, especially yesterday when I was starving and couldn't sleep from that salad as my main course. I so hope its worth it in the end..

Anyway, this week I am kicking it up a notch. I will shoot for less than 12,250 calories, which is an average daily total of 1750 cals per day. I'm hoping between a few less calories and the extra hour of exercise that I better push for to get the bonus points, I will get a loss.

Hope everyone's having a great day! Keep us posted on what you're up to :).
That the wonderful thing about the female body... both sexes can appreciate it! Personally I would rather watch a female stipper wiggling her boobies at me then a male stripper swinging his weiner at me same with ass shaking and what not lol
I do too... just not when it comes to stripping ha ha ha... i've never actually seen a male stripper but if it's anything like my husband who swings it around like a 6 year old, it's just not entertaining in that way lol... I just don't think i'll be one of those women throwing money at male strippers in my life time... but who knows i might be forced to go one time and end up being addicted :p
but yeah when it comes to touching and SMELLING mmmm the body it's the male who takes the cake... but when it come to flaunting, the female body seems to have irresistable artistic curves...
LOL this conversation just made my day!! I swear Step swings "pornstar" at me every chance he gets!!! (yes I named it pornstar long ago after my first encounter!!!)

I personally prefer both.. neither... ehh I'm indifferent... boobs are nice but not huge ones... I've come to like my boobs as they have shrank from almost a D to a full B... I've learned that a nice BRA can really take you a long way!!