Weight-Loss Team 1 Chat Thread

I didn't get to the gym, today, but I did go ice skating for about an hour and a half. I didn't think it was all that big of an exercise till it was over and my legs felt jelly like. :svengo: Eff it, I'm counting it. :biggrinjester:

Ice skating, roller skating, roller blading, skiing, those are all forms of exercise.

Count that shiz!

Have you seen the bodies on pro ice skaters! Buns o' steel baby!! lol
Wow, just looked at the calorie expenditure for ice skating, I've been wanting to go. Check out how many you burn in 30 minutes. Wow!!!

Your Weight: 200 Pounds.
Exercise Minutes: 30 Minutes.

skating, ice, 9 mph or less 262
skating, ice, general (Taylor Code 360) 333
skating, ice, rapidly, more than 9 mph 429
skating, speed, competitive 714
Eats spot on throughout the weekend... almost too low but I had some fruit and cheese to get into cal range. Ran intervals for 40 mins yesterday and did 70 mins of strength/circuit training today.

Really wanting to up my mileage running wise, its time to break this 5k wall thats surrounding me, I think the real issue is time... running 5+ miles takes TIME... something precious in my daily life.
Well done everyone! It looks like we have had a KILLER weekend, and at the mo we are 30 points ahead!!! Go team 1!!!!!!

I managed to be good :):) No alcohol, no junk, kept cals and exercised every day....altho i think i may be suffering from dance mat addiction!

Back to work tomorrow...:toetap05:...only 5 days til the weekend :p
Ya, I failed bad this weekend :( no exercise yesterday, missed calories bad because I drank like a drain!

Cals below today, mainly because I feel nauseas still. I've been trying to go to the gym but don't want to if I'm going to be this dehydrated.
I had a good weekend.Was actually social and got lots of activity in, ate well:)

I tried to eat a tiny piece of peach/raspberry pie and didnt like it, it was too sweet the crust andit did nothing for me so I hrew it away...What is happening to me:(LOL

I tried a couple chocalte grahm waffers same thing didnt liek them.Good for me I guess, I really dont liek much anymore...

I have played wii and wii fit all day today and all day yesturday.Well yesturday we went to friends for dinner and we all played wii all evneing.

Today I had friends over and we played for like 5 - 6 hrs.Wii fit, boxing, bowling, tennis, golfing you name it.Im exhausted.Im counting 1 hr of it as exercise as I boxed for at least 30 mins straight and used the wii board for much longer:)

Ive been feeling really good lately.Exercising lots, spending lots of quality time with my girls and family:)Ive been meditating and doing yoga more regularly.
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Ya, I failed bad this weekend :( no exercise yesterday, missed calories bad because I drank like a drain!

Cals below today, mainly because I feel nauseas still. I've been trying to go to the gym but don't want to if I'm going to be this dehydrated.

Aaawww well it happens.That is why we are all here in this challenege right:)!Try better tomorrow:)
Just checking in.. ate perfect today and another 2 hours on the treadmill.. so I have officially more then doubled the workout time for the week.. woot woot.. Hope everyone is doing great!!!
PHEW, that sucked, but I got it done. Put in an extra five minutes on the bike and switched from a cardio routine to a weight loss one, kicked my butt with some weights, and then upped the arctrainer by a minute (slow and steady, if I do a minute at a time, I know I'll stick to it!...no dropping back down :) )


35 minutes bike
25 minutes weights
21 minutes arctrainer

Brings the total this week toooo 5 hours, 26 minutes. Weights account for an hour and five minutes.

In other words, week is in the bag exercise wise, biotchessssssss, ye-ah!

(I stillll feel hung over :( )
Ya, I failed bad this weekend :( no exercise yesterday, missed calories bad because I drank like a drain!

Cals below today, mainly because I feel nauseas still. I've been trying to go to the gym but don't want to if I'm going to be this dehydrated.

Today is a new day!! and a new week..you cant change what was done..but you can counteract it with some exercise.

Cheer up and have a great week!!!
phew, that sucked, but i got it done. Put in an extra five minutes on the bike and switched from a cardio routine to a weight loss one, kicked my butt with some weights, and then upped the arctrainer by a minute (slow and steady, if i do a minute at a time, i know i'll stick to it!...no dropping back down :) )


35 minutes bike
25 minutes weights
21 minutes arctrainer

brings the total this week toooo 5 hours, 26 minutes. Weights account for an hour and five minutes.

In other words, week is in the bag exercise wise, biotchessssssss, ye-ah!

(i stillll feel hung over :( )

kick ass!!

Your fellow tits are proud
Wow teammates, awesome job this weekend!

Is it possible for the teammates who haven't checked in this thread much to update us on how you're doing? There's little point in being involved with this challenge if you're not hanging out with us in this thread sometimes..just posting your points behind the scenes is not really cutting it. Sorry if that sounds bitchy but we all feed off of each other's motivation. Thanks in advance for your participation :).
