Some Accountability....

Ah, I just had to look cervical up, I thought it only refered to the neck of the uterus, I thought it was odd that you'd strain that.

So did your doctor say anything about training again? Is it a case of months now?
I had whiplash in my neck once and had to wear a neck brace, all I can say is follow the doctors instructions, I took my brace off early and although the strain didn't come back I don't think the area healed properly as I'm still tight on that side and get a little pain when doing shrugs.

What muscle relaxants did you get? I got given ones that seriously chileld me out, I had to stop taking them I went to work as I would just sit there doing nothing
=( i'm really sorry to hear this.

just try to have the strength to let this thing heal all the way before you start working out again so you can continue on your journey.

this is just a small obstacle to overcome!

Thank you that is very sweet :) I am hoping that it goes quickly as I'm a pretty fast healer if I take it easy :D
Ah, I just had to look cervical up, I thought it only refered to the neck of the uterus, I thought it was odd that you'd strain that.

So did your doctor say anything about training again? Is it a case of months now?
I had whiplash in my neck once and had to wear a neck brace, all I can say is follow the doctors instructions, I took my brace off early and although the strain didn't come back I don't think the area healed properly as I'm still tight on that side and get a little pain when doing shrugs.

What muscle relaxants did you get? I got given ones that seriously chileld me out, I had to stop taking them I went to work as I would just sit there doing nothing

He said I can't do anything for a week, and if it still hurts I have to go back in. If I feel better he said "you need to start **really** light weights or you will hurt it again." So a week doesn't sound so bad :) However, he says I'm not suppose to do anything that strains my upper body, I can avoid working out, but I still have to deal with my kids. so that is a little conflicting...

yeah, I have my brace on, it actually helps. the most pain I get is right in the dark red area of that pic where the "X's" are. He said that I need to give my neck muscles a rest and I can only do that with the brace. It gets pretty painful when I have to lift my arm as well.

He gave me something called cyclobenzaprine. Suppose to take it with 800mg of ibuprofen 3 times a day. I'm gonna start with the ibuprofen, then if it isn't helping enough the muslce relaxer. I don't like those thing: muscle relaxers and pain pills. They all make me too tired and ill to my stomach. I don't have to time to sit and do
hey diane! i hope you feel better soon. my neck hurts so bad today too! maybe the weather or stress who knows. i'm having a horrible week, so i'm hoping next week will be better. hang in there. you'll be able to workout in no time.
hey diane! i hope you feel better soon. my neck hurts so bad today too! maybe the weather or stress who knows. i'm having a horrible week, so i'm hoping next week will be better. hang in there. you'll be able to workout in no time.

Thanks Lil!

It isn't as bad as it initially was. The neck brace actually really helps! lol I'm just taking the ibuprofen during the day and took one muscle relaxer before bed. I'm trying to take it easy so I can get back to working out sooner!
Sucks ay, I know what you feel like that area really cripples you. Maybe start some shoulder circles and when you are back to normal start some exercises to strengthen it. I work of shoulder saver from t-nation a bit.

yeah, I'm gonna have to look into that for sure. It really has kept me from doing much. but It isn't giving me as many "shocks" as it was :)
nothing is worse than making progress then having a setback to make you feel like you're starting from scratch is there...??

having been down this road (a few times)... keep yer chin up. i'll do the same with all of mine for ya.. :rofl:
Hope you recover soon NLL, keep going girl ;)

Thanks Big T :) I'm trying to take it easy, but it's kinda hard not to use my right

nothing is worse than making progress then having a setback to make you feel like you're starting from scratch is there...??

having been down this road (a few times)... keep yer chin up. i'll do the same with all of mine for ya.. :rofl:

yeah no I was really starting to get into preparing our routine for the day and actually doing my cardio! Hopefully this will pass quickly. Hubby just did an 8 day straight, and has the next 4 days off, so that alone will help a lot.

well, I got a brace to hold my chins up....nothing like a little assistance! :D
Sorry to read about your injury, Diane. I wish you a speedy recovery, young lady. You are a tough one. You will pull through just fine, and apply enough of you to grow and prosper from this momentary injury.


Best regards,

Sorry to read about your injury, Diane. I wish you a speedy recovery, young lady. You are a tough one. You will pull through just fine, and apply enough of you to grow and prosper from this momentary injury.


Best regards,


Thanks Chillen :)

I did walk on my treadmill for an hour today. I called the doctor and he said no upper body workouts so I was cleared to walk :)
well I can't stay out of the gym
so......I did an hour of cardio today, making sure I wasn't swinging my arm. Also did a few leg exercises: (no weights)

Bavarian squats

lying 1 leg raises

click on the paper clip where the thread is listed and it will list the pics here. Good stuff:cool:

Edit: just checked, NLL doesn't have them there. nevermind
Hey, you never read my journal, I'll post pics if you want ;)

click on the paper clip where the thread is listed and it will list the pics here. Good stuff:cool:

Edit: just checked, NLL doesn't have them there. nevermind

Page 11, I have it bookmarked ;)

(kidding :))

You bone heads! LOL!!!

...... and what's the paper clip thing about?..never mind...I didn't know you could do that! No, mine aren't attachments, they are in my profile album...