Knee's feeling a lot better today, but not good enough for me to be willing to subject it to 1RM's tomorrow. Such is life. Back in April when I competed I was more excited about everyone else lifting than I was about my own lifting, anyway, so I'll probably show up as a spectator tomorrow.
In other news, I indulged in my uttermost masculine maturity this week and watched (all in one day) The Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio, and the manliest movie of all time: The Little Mermaid. When I'm a senior English teacher, I hope to find enough wiggle-room in the curriculum to take such movies and make year 12 students study them, just because I'm the kind of prick to sadistically enjoy making kids watch stuff that they're too cool for. It's about the 80th time I've seen The Wizard of Oz, and I still have no idea where the red brick road goes to, but somehow I suspect it's an even more interesting journey than Dorothy's journey. My memory of Pinocchio has obviously been distorted over the years: I could have sworn his nose grew more often, and I'd forgotten all about his adventures as a donkey in the belly of a whale (spoiler to anyone who hasn't been on Earth for the last 80 years). I found it intriguing that the movie overtly gives the feel-good message: "Just listen to your conscience and it'll all work out," but then you look at Jiminy Cricket and he's constantly distracted by secks, doesn't stick around half as much as he ought to, tells Pinocchio to lie by omission and when he is actually looking out for Pinocchio, he's pretty much only looking out for Pinocchio. Not a great conscience if you ask me. I feel like the only appropriate thing for me to do when it comes to the Little Mermaid is to blush and shy away because I actually enjoyed it. I had only seen it once before, when I was about 4 years old, so I was surprised by how well I remembered the songs. I learned the valuable lesson that fish on the land ain't happy, and that if you can't use your words to seduce someone, brushing your hair with a fork works almost as well.
Last thing I'd like to mention here tonight, on Wednesday I got my photograph taken with a random stranger in a cow costume, and he gave me a chicken hat to go with his cow costume. This was all for some cause involving the well-being of farming in Australia, but I didn't care about that, I just wanted a picture with some guy in a cow costume.