Ryan's Journal

Deadlift is confidence as much as anything. You'll be right back in no time.
Good solid technique on the deads.
I thought the first part was the 175 and was wondering why you weren't going heavier, then I noticed the time display at the bottom.
Everyone I know who has avoided deadlifts to protect their backs has a bad back within a decade of training. Those doing deadlifts over 95% have no issues at all with their back.
Mmm, I'll take your words for it. Too scary for me. Actually based on the single leg deads I did with the KB the other day, current restriction is my hamstring, not my back.
What's your form like? From what I've observed around the place, I think there's a general tendency towards doing single-leg deadlifts with form closer to that of an RDL or SLDL, which will put a lot of the focus onto the hamstrings. In any case, I don't do single-legged deadlifts, and would hate to discover the inevitable truth that if I attempt them I'll make girls all over the world look much stronger than myself. You shouldn't be afraid of deadlifts. There's no necessity that you do them with massive weights. I did various forms of deadlifts for about a year before I ever put 100kg on the bar. If you and I were in the same location and I were training you, I'm 100% confident that, provided your ankles and any other injuries don't get in the way, I could coach you to achieve the same in 3 months. Even in saying that, the deadlift never needs to be performed for max effort work. People make a big deal out of deadlifts, and the name of the exercise doesn't help, but they're really no more vile than squats -- in fact I've found it much easier to hurt myself squatting than deadlifting, and a technically correct deadlift is how you should be picking up anything off the floor. Plus, they give women booties, and that's something everyone can be happy about.
Deadlift was always the first free weight exercise I taught to anyone wanting to use them for precisely the reason you state. So many will do perfect curls, knees bent, good posture, then dump it on the ground with arched back and wonder why their back is damaged. Should always be doing deadlift even if not doing deadlift as an exercise.

Time to chill and do well next week, as we are all sure you will.
So I woke up yesterday morning feeling like someone had played doctor unsuccessfully on my right knee, and the pain is still there today. I think the pain is where the lateral hamstrings attach to the tibia. I've got about 90degrees ROM at the knee right now. If this persists I think I'll need to bail out on this competition :( Still got a couple days to see how I fair, though.
Mobility work and gentle stretches. Possilbly send a message to Jrahien this is something he may be able to help with and will know your training etc. from here.
Really sorry to read of this, Ryan. Seconding the advice above. Oh, and no "comfort foods" for you - given that most are sweet or sweet/fat, they are usually quite inflammatory in the body!

Really hoping it is just a tweak that will right itself quickly!
Knee's feeling a lot better today, but not good enough for me to be willing to subject it to 1RM's tomorrow. Such is life. Back in April when I competed I was more excited about everyone else lifting than I was about my own lifting, anyway, so I'll probably show up as a spectator tomorrow.

In other news, I indulged in my uttermost masculine maturity this week and watched (all in one day) The Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio, and the manliest movie of all time: The Little Mermaid. When I'm a senior English teacher, I hope to find enough wiggle-room in the curriculum to take such movies and make year 12 students study them, just because I'm the kind of prick to sadistically enjoy making kids watch stuff that they're too cool for. It's about the 80th time I've seen The Wizard of Oz, and I still have no idea where the red brick road goes to, but somehow I suspect it's an even more interesting journey than Dorothy's journey. My memory of Pinocchio has obviously been distorted over the years: I could have sworn his nose grew more often, and I'd forgotten all about his adventures as a donkey in the belly of a whale (spoiler to anyone who hasn't been on Earth for the last 80 years). I found it intriguing that the movie overtly gives the feel-good message: "Just listen to your conscience and it'll all work out," but then you look at Jiminy Cricket and he's constantly distracted by secks, doesn't stick around half as much as he ought to, tells Pinocchio to lie by omission and when he is actually looking out for Pinocchio, he's pretty much only looking out for Pinocchio. Not a great conscience if you ask me. I feel like the only appropriate thing for me to do when it comes to the Little Mermaid is to blush and shy away because I actually enjoyed it. I had only seen it once before, when I was about 4 years old, so I was surprised by how well I remembered the songs. I learned the valuable lesson that fish on the land ain't happy, and that if you can't use your words to seduce someone, brushing your hair with a fork works almost as well.

Last thing I'd like to mention here tonight, on Wednesday I got my photograph taken with a random stranger in a cow costume, and he gave me a chicken hat to go with his cow costume. This was all for some cause involving the well-being of farming in Australia, but I didn't care about that, I just wanted a picture with some guy in a cow costume.