So you're referring to Oz the Great and Powerful? I actually saw that recently and loved it, because instead of just charging into a 45min battle interchangeable with every LOTR movie and 9/10 war movies, he wizarded all over the place. Just needed to clarify what you were talking about. The actress has done well in various other roles, but there was something off about her character in this one. I'm not sure if it's so much the acting as it is the script and plot she had to work with -- she had to pull a 180 character change halfway through the movie, without any hope of her character waking up to herself, but there wasn't a whole lot of character depth to begin with, and there wasn't much of a descent into wickedness. Her character transition wasn't actually character-driven; it was pretty much entirely something imposed on her, rather than the consequence of experiencing life through her mental framework and having her morals challenged, or anything of that nature. I feel like a rotten scoundrel saying this, but I think StarWars episode 3 did a better job at that aspect of the story (as an aside, I literally just shuddered over the sentiment of StarWars episode 3 doing something better than another movie, because episode 3 was dreadful).