I've been back from camp for the last couple hours. Hello interwebz.
Campsite had a dodgy home gym set-up. I acquired a dirty look from one of the head staff for doing supersets of overhead presses and bent over rows on either Tuesday or Wednesday with about 40-45kg (guestimating based on the assumption that I was using a 5-10kg bar). Played a game of basketball, lost count of how many points the other team scored, but my team scored 0. I was selected for the team because I was wearing a shirt saying "I'm multi-talented: I can talk and annoy you at the same time." Team captain mustn't have realised that none of my multiple talents include basketball or in fact anything involving a ball. Just shooting hoops, I think it took about 50 attempts for me to get the ball in once without game conditions. Got up early on Thursday morning for a group river-walk, made the mistake of shaving beforehand so that I'd look less hippyish and more like someone who a nice, attractive, fit female would consider kissing. By attempting to make myself attractive, I was late. I spent about 20 min running around the place looking for signs of life and found none; got a much better bout of exercise than if I'd gone walking with people though, so worth it. Got back to the camp site and had a really good conversation with ample doses of edification and kicks in the butt spattered throughout -- a conversation that perhaps would not have happened otherwise -- so very worth it. I like deep and meaningfuls. Regular bed time was 11pm; stayed up til after 1:00 last night sharing more deep and meaningfuls as a small group of us manly men talked about our dads and got fragile in what is not typically considered a remotely manly way: one of them had a cup of coffee that, by the end of the night, was better described as a cup of tears and snot. Got many loving spiritual kicks in the butt and slaps in the face throughout the week. Did some reading, did some writing, came home with New and Improved Old Testament knowledge. Phone was out of service all week; enjoyed a mild crash on the way home; ate enough that I'll probably step on the scales tomorrow morning and discover that I've moved up a couple weight classes (actually, I've been milk-deprived, so maybe not).