Ryan's Journal

Is there a reason not to train in just socks? Most gyms won't allow it because closed footwear is less of an OHS issue than no footwear, but this gym allows it. I don't do it on most lifts, but I get the most friction between my feet and the slab underneath me with just my socks on. If you look carefully, my toes are pointed in -- I deliberately turn them in for rows and then push my knees out, and need a lot of friction between my feet and the floor to make that work. It's all about getting tight in the right places. If I don't do that, my lower body isn't tight enough, and consequently doesn't support my torso properly, resulting in my lower back being the most worked part.

Thanks, I had some trouble with depth when I first got these shoes, but I've gotten more used to where my body needs to be. More tightness wouldn't go astray, though.
Makes a great deal of sense to me. Figured there was a reason, I just didn't know what it was, and all of the gyms I've been in are rather fussy about closed toe shoes.

What's the term for body awareness - propireception? Something like that but I'm too lazy to look it up. Anyway, sometimes it astounds me how just a little change in position or really focusing on a particular muscle group can make such a difference in whether I am successful at a challenging move while rock climbing, doing something hard on our bars, walking more steadily on the slackline, or other test. And of course, that sort of begs the question - is it the mind's focus or the body part focused upon?
That's proprioception. I remember, before and after buying my lifting shoes. With the former shoes, coach described my squats as "leaving arse prints on the floor." I went for the same feeling with the lifting shoes and my depth was questionable at best.
I only put that pic up today. I actually thought I had it up as my avatar. Haven't flipped any tyres in months. That was a photo taken from the day that they took me outside with a 270kg tyre and threatened not to let me back in until I flip it seven times. I was quite grateful for their mercy -- I only flipped it a total of 3 times. 1, 2, long struggle and fail, rest, 3.

I just noticed my status (based on post count) has moved from "Fourth Set" to "Needs to Deload."
Observation not your strong point then. You had status on the verge of overtraining for ages.
I would suggest you don't take up cycling, could prove fatal.

I remembered you saying about the flipping experience months ago. Suprised you haven't restarted the stongman stuff after your competition success, though I guess that has likely spurred you on to higher achievements.
Oh yes. I remember the verge of overtraining. I like the idea of getting back into more strongman stuff once I've done my next comp. I'm thinking about how I'll be programming my week...it looks like Fridays will be out once I get back to uni, and I'm considering maybe doing upper/lower Mon-Thu and strongman/conditioning Fri, if I can find the self-control to shorten the duration of my sessions.
I enjoyed reading your post (and the comments by Tony) about muscular women. It isn't in my genes to be a skinny woman so when I was younger/dumber, this caused me some distress. Now I can appreciate being a very fit woman and even more, I appreciate that my spouse enjoys the body we've effectively built together through years of playing and working together.
I enjoyed reading your post (and the comments by Tony) about muscular women. It isn't in my genes to be a skinny woman so when I was younger/dumber, this caused me some distress. Now I can appreciate being a very fit woman and even more, I appreciate that my spouse enjoys the body we've effectively built together through years of playing and working together.

There is a lot to be said for looking at someone and see the ability their appearance will give them. You and your spouse will see the fun you can have in each others appearance and that will be very appealling, no models etc. would ever match it.
One of my wife's old colleagues who was on Greanpeace most rescued campaign said that she liked the fit appearance but would never be able to have one as a boyfriend because they would have no common ground. The smartest thing ever to come out of her mouth, usually it was crumbs. Good way of showing that the appearance has to reflect the interests, fit people like being fit and others bore them as we bore others.
Thankyou. Next step is getting used to setting up the press like I'm actually going to press.

I was feeling really awesome when I got home after that PB. Then my ego was shattered when I got the results from my last assignment, and pretty much scraped by with a pass. Apparently I didn't understand the question. Yes I did understand the question, it just happened to be retarded!