Ryan's Journal

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Whether you are smart or dumb will largely depend on what your next targets are or if you are intending this just to shock your body, then go back to abnormal.
My main incentive is that going to the gym on Saturdays sucks, because it's always super-busy when I get there on Saturdays. I anticipate that I'll still be there this coming Saturday, but the less Saturdays I can spend waiting around for a rack to free up, the better. I'm also hoping that by reducing localised volume in each session I'll be feeling a bit fresher each session.
That looks dangerously like moderation to me.
My gym is generally very quiet on Saturdays, you are welcome to join if you wish. It's fee free but not what one would call local for you.
I have come to the understanding that this is not to be my year, but will be happier when I can leave the moderation I hate behind.
I hated training evenings and weekends when I had to in comercial gyms. The one I started proper training in was a roid pit full of bouncers so Fridays evenings where always legs based, most of the others were working shoulders, arms or chest to look more intimidating.
I'm a very moderate person. I have moderate political views, moderate stances in most arguments, and moderate episodes of sanity. I could have had a really good home gym of my own, but decided that being able to drive places was more important. Had I not found my current gym, I'd still be looking at my car today, wondering if it's really worth it. In saying that, I did have some sad moments when moving away from a commercial gym to this little dungeon, as in my last days there all the gym bunnies started coming out of hiding, and I realised there was something to miss even there.
The first gym I trained at was an old YMCA health club and very lame. I rapidly outgrew it and went to the roid pit were I spent the next 9 years training.
There were certainly less gym bunnies at the more hardcore gym, in fact I would say over 50% of the women there had bigger arms and shoulders than I do now let alone when I started there.
Reality is that most women are put of me if they see me training. It is where I release aggression and am the biggest a hole you could imagine. Not attractive to anyone worth knowing.
One place I trained there was a complaint against me during a body pump class because I was sweating so much that occasional drips hit someone nearby. The person raising the complaint was more of the mind to train to an intensity that wouldn't cause her make up to run. The staff didn't feel comfortable telling me directly so told a friend of mine, his response was to say when the person complaining lifts as much for as long as I do they can critisise, even I may have been more diplomatic with the staff.
I don't miss commercial gyms much. There are benefits but in fairness the ability to simply finish and crash out on the sofa with food and drink beats all.

I can be professionally moderate when required and even polite on occasion. Training however has a tendancy to bring out the ridiculous in me.
In debates where it isn't something dear to my heart I have a tendancy to argue against both sides, confusing the heck out of people and forcing them to think. I know people who have done the same to me as well and hated it at the time then been thankful for what I learned later.
One of these days I'd like to try a BodyPump class. I'm very curious about how I'd go in it. I can imagine myself either going in there and looking like a boss (to anyone who's watching instead of working out like they're supposed to; I forgive them, after all I'll likely be creeping on the gym bunny in front of me doing bent over rows, 'cause I'm good and wholesome like that) or being all "What is this muscle endurance thing? Argh, why do I fail?!!!"
Body pump good. My weakness is MSE work so this was totally leaving comfort zone behind and I like doing that. Really nice to see how heavy a 1 inch bar with 20kg on each end can become after doing variations of squats for a whole song, especially when you have an instructor who likes extended versions.

Were you smiling like that during your lunges too? I am awful at lunges so rarely smile during, sometimes after as thank goodness that's over.
I adore lunges! What's not to love about burning, shaking, sweating, gasping pain? (And if you don't get all of that, then clearly, you haven't done enough.)

Actually I just love that lunges make me better at the 2 things I like best to do: telemark skiing and mountain climbing.

I'm guessing those gym bunnies would be distracted by your presence, Ryan. Be kind!
Body pump good. My weakness is MSE work so this was totally leaving comfort zone behind and I like doing that. Really nice to see how heavy a 1 inch bar with 20kg on each end can become after doing variations of squats for a whole song, especially when you have an instructor who likes extended versions.

Were you smiling like that during your lunges too? I am awful at lunges so rarely smile during, sometimes after as thank goodness that's over.
What's MSE short for? I don't smile during lunges so much as I grimace. I'm told there's a difference.
I adore lunges! What's not to love about burning, shaking, sweating, gasping pain? (And if you don't get all of that, then clearly, you haven't done enough.)

Actually I just love that lunges make me better at the 2 things I like best to do: telemark skiing and mountain climbing.

I'm guessing those gym bunnies would be distracted by your presence, Ryan. Be kind!
I think the main things not to like about it are the burning, shaking, sweating, gasping pain. That and I tore a muscle in my ankle years ago and it hasn't been a fan of split-stance work ever since. That and we're manly men who squat about 800kg as warm up sets so when we do lunges with pink barbie weights and die, our beards fall off and a our testicles retract all the way up into our throats.

I'll be nice to the gym bunnies. How else can I expect them to be nice to me?
MSE (musclular strength endurance) basically that horrible gap between power and stamina that I don't have but try to get where I can.
The grimace smile thing is simliar to babies with wind or constipation, the face changes and then your realise the situation stinks.

I do lunges precisely because I hate them and am rubbish at them. SImilarly it is old injuries that make them most difficult but I just ignore that where possible.
Single arm deads can be really good for grip or single arem pull ups, proper with only one hold or easier with one hand holding bar other holding first wrist.
Remember to train grip evenly, otherwise you get a bad rep.