Ryan's Journal

I remember the good old days of primary school when being sick was the best thing in the world, because it meant I got to stay home. Now being sick sucks, because it means I have to stay home.
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Glad you are feeling better, Ryan.
I'm thinking the class with the group assignments sounds like torture and the biology experiments a delight - just the way my mind works.
The class with the group assignments is good, it's just the group work itself that's the problem. As for biology, it's not really experimenting if there's a standard result that you're supposed to get, and the only way to not get it is to screw up. In that sense, it's just like high school science "experiments." There is a distinct difference, though: in high school there was at least a clear rationale for everything we did, whereas in this class there's no clear rationale for anything we're doing. I don't mind doing things that have no clear purpose if it's clear that they're not supposed to have any clear purpose (eg put a bucket on your head and run into a wall for half an hour), but when everything we're doing has a very specific purpose, and is done that way for a very specific reason, I feel like I'm being duped by not receiving any of that explanation. I'm very meaning-oriented...except for when I'm running into a wall with a bucket on my head.
Well especially at university level, it does seem as though expectations of a particular outcome should be tossed in favor of exploring all manner of results, otherwise what is the point? No need to churn out more automatons, the world has plenty. I get what you are saying about the group work - that would be the torture part for me as well, I don't like to have to depend upon others, particularly others who are not of my choosing, for outcomes. Watch out for those who would put a bucket on your head, they are not good folks!
I don't have a problem with group work in and of itself, but one person in my group has a whole bunch of ideas which she refuses to deviate from but won't express them to us, and then gets upset that we're not pulling our weight when she won't give us anything to work with. Everyone's frustrated -- she's frustrated that the rest of us aren't being super-productive, and we're frustrated that she's not enabling us to be productive. She won't tell us what she wants us to do, we keep trying to get that information out of her, and she's entirely dismissive of the situation. I've got a range of theories of what's going on, ranging from her simply lacking confidence that we'd really want to hear what she has to say, through to her assuming that we should just know what she wants to happen, through to perhaps her being the most serious case of Asperger's syndrome I've ever seen.

Anyway, time to go train, and then vote in this year's federal election. Here's Thursday's training session:
Seems to be the time of year for birthdays here. I was a few days ago, and 15 solar rotations further along of course but all good stuff.

Surprised at you still going for straps on your lifts. Thought the fat gripz should be preventing such need, I will be playing with those starting this week.
Fair enough. Not used straps in years, since I used to do shrugs in fact, but my body seems to have caught up to my grip so I need to work on this now. Might be good to try varied grip work too, I never do and that can't be good.

I like your style of literary critique. Got to be worth a good grade there, assuming that's what you handed in.
In the first draft of the Dove Real Beauty Sketches reflection, I did include the statement: "I want to punch this ad in the face." Somehow, it just didn't feel right keeping it in the second draft. Still needed to be said.
Crappy on the squat side of things; PB on the deadlift side of things.