Yep. In about a week I'll start peaking.
Yesterday mentioned to the owner of the gym that when I first starting doing 3x10's on deadlifts it was with less than half of my 1RM at the time, so we agreed that it was only sensible that we should assume 140kg is still less than half of my 1RM and that I should open with 300kg. Can't possibly be anything unreasonable about that.
In all seriousness, I'm hoping to hit 200kg when I compete on 1 Dec. 160/100/200 would be pretty sweet, although only time will tell how well everything carries over to my maxes. Based on my competition earlier this year, and the competition I spectated at when I was too injured to compete a couple months ago, it looks like just being balanced is going to be a serious advantage in my weight class, as other lifters in my class have similar deadlifts, however my squat and bench press bring me up. Unless of course a certain Estonian gentleman I train with competes on the same day. He has a richer beard than me and is consequently stronger all over.