It was a great night. There were actors all over the place, including cannibal hillbillies and a lot of zombies. One of my friends organised for a group of us to go. Towards the end of the night, he said of one of the female zombies who was within arm's reach of him: "She'd be really cute if she wasn't undead." I was looking away at the time, but enjoyed filling in the blanks as this was immediately followed with him crying out: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!!!!" There were smoke machines everywhere, a couple massive fireballs going off every minute, demon cage dancers, footlong hotdogs, and a high density of girls in slutty [nurse/comic character/animal/insert trope here] costumes who totally overreact when attacked by chainsaw-wielding zombies. Oh, and yes, there actually was a chainsaw wielding zombie. I actually found the chainsaw-wielding zombie a whole lot less intimidating than the one who lunged at me with an electric knife.
Incidentally, being Movember, I shaved the following morning, and now end all sentences with "Guv'ner." Here's me now: