Ryan's Journal

Haha, a suitcase walk is one side at a time, so it does more for the obliques. Good way to kill two birds with one stone: grip + core; although as one will usually give out before the other, it's a little less reliable than doing farmer's walks and a separate oblique exercise.
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Sorry to be obscure. I was reading your blog about what people say/what you hear. Thought maybe there had been some miscommunications in your life of late, but perhaps I completely misunderstood your point.

Granted, many of the things people say are excuses and justifications and you have to look past them to understand the message and their real meaning. So often words do not convey our thoughts and wants well.
I live off the grid (solar and wind power) and in an area where the ground water is far too deep for a well so we catch what we can and haul the rest. I bring drinking/cooking water home in jugs I can hoist around while filling and transporting. If I would just ask, Tom would carry them from my truck to the house, but he does a ton of other stuff so I figure I should be able to manage the jugs, they are less than 50 lbs each unless I overfill them. What is the point of training if the strength isn't functional? On an off day, it is a "suitcase" carry, on a good day, it is a farmer walk.
Ah, right. In hindsight, that should have been obvious to me, since I did write the blog. It wasn't so much about miscommunication as it was me taking things people often say and me translating it into what I think is really going on.

I like the sound of living off the grid.

Milestone today:
Awesome stuff man. How do you like the belt? I've been debating on getting one.

If I could double my weight in deads, I'd be lifting almost 500. I have a ways to go..
I was trying, really trying! to think about the instructions while watching that vid (nice socks btw), but I found myself cringing with worry for your back. I just can't seem to get past that. Still, I see the driving/lifting action, that's good.
It will be interesting to see how global climate change plays out here in the southwestern US in terms of water collection. This summer we had far more water than we could store (just hated to let it run off but everything was full), yet winters have not been that good for the past few years. Power is easy, but water is a challenge.
Awesome stuff man. How do you like the belt? I've been debating on getting one.

If I could double my weight in deads, I'd be lifting almost 500. I have a ways to go..
Belt = good. The belt I'm using here isn't my own one, it's the "communal" belt in the gym, which is why it's so easily adjustable. My own belt is a lever belt, which means that if you want to adjust its tightness you need to take it off, unscrew the lever and screw it back in at a different position. The easiest belts to get used to, in my experience, are the tapered belts which are thin and narrow at the front, padded and wide at the back. They're not allowed in IPF competitions, though, and are arguably more likely to cause a hernia. These thicker, tougher belts chaffe a lot at first, but your skin toughens up to it pretty quickly.
I was trying, really trying! to think about the instructions while watching that vid (nice socks btw), but I found myself cringing with worry for your back. I just can't seem to get past that. Still, I see the driving/lifting action, that's good.
It will be interesting to see how global climate change plays out here in the southwestern US in terms of water collection. This summer we had far more water than we could store (just hated to let it run off but everything was full), yet winters have not been that good for the past few years. Power is easy, but water is a challenge.
There's a thing about deadlifts: the weight that's safe for you to do is generally about 10-15% less than what you can actually do. Compared to a lot of dumb stuff I've seen people do while deadlifting, this video is very neat and pretty, but it most certainly is not technical perfection -- at max effort it never is.
Don't overdo - we want you to be spot on for the comp!