Ryan's Journal

Shoulder's more or less alright. I could feel it starting to get grumpy (ever so slightly) during paused squats, which is reinforcing my theory that the issues I've been having on Tuesdays are related to what I get up to on Mondays. I did some rotator cuff stuff, stretches, and sandwiched a hard ball between my shoulders and a wall for 5min before moving onto SLDLs.
The ball and wall reminded me allowing my son access to the power-washer this summer. He decided to attack me by spraying my back, actually felt really nice as a pressure massage, and entertained him too, both winners.
Currently staying just a few degrees above freezing, might not be as pleasantly refreshing but would still be a good way to loosen up.
Despite my body still being a jerk, here was a highlight from today. I was wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt. A girl was wearing a Fitness First shirt.

Her: "I like your shirt."
Me: "Thanks. I don't like yours."

Thus concludes another episode of Picking Up Chicks with Ryan.
Despite my body still being a jerk, here was a highlight from today. I was wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt. A girl was wearing a Fitness First shirt.

Her: "I like your shirt."
Me: "Thanks. I don't like yours."

Thus concludes another episode of Picking Up Chicks with Ryan.

Better response would have been 'I like what's in yours.'
You get a few funny looks for being this blunt but in truth it is generally taken as a 'typical man' compliment.

I have gotten away with some interesting pick ups and compliments and recieved a few in return. Part of why I consider myself lucky to have my wife now I guess.
Your second paragraph is a relevant factor as to why I'm happy to dismiss your first paragraph's recommendations. Besides that, if I were actually wanting to attract someone, I'd like to think I could do so with a different method than pointing out that she has bits that are of interest to my bits. Funny enough, if I was actually trying to pick her up, my reply proved none too shabby. First she was taken aback, then she looked to check what she was wearing, then she laughed, appeared to approve of my disapproval, and finally she started talking nerdy to me.

I have always been a little on the base side when it came to pick ups, and have found myself being picked up on recommendation a few times. Not automatically the compliment it may appear when you are being told they knew what they wanted already and were just making you work for entertainment.
One of the classic conversations I remember from years ago where I was being referred to as if not present. A woman I was with was informing her friends in simple terms what her interest in me was, when they were shocked at the admission her response was 'What else am I going to be interested in, he doesn't have a personality.' Interesting times, as I say I got very lucky.
The extra day between squats and benching between Mon and Wed didn't help a lot, but trying to work around muddled up shoulders yesterday sure decreased the comfort of my deadlifts today. I don't think I'll be doing any low bar squats for a while after this comp. I'm already thinking of taking whatever I achieve on my squat in comp, and then setting that as a high bar goal for early 2014.
So very glad to be on the happy side of a 28 year relationship...

I am approaching 15 years now, so some catching up to do but I have no doubt we will get there.
Part of the criteria I needed was someone who had the appropriate boot to give me a kick where it was needed. So yes I get nagged, and by hell I have and still occasionally do deserve it on occasions.
One of the things that is strange to consider as I get older is the portion of adult life I have been with my wife. I would now say it's basically 2/3 and can be very hard to imagine the person I was before. It can be amusing at times but I certainly couldn't ever go back there, let alone want to.
Mmm, definitely not a fan of partials when you're aiming for fulls. I got a partial bench press and overhead press today, too.
I'm not likely to be getting partials. Sorry that was really clear in my mind, speaks volumes about the condition of my mind I guess.
I know it is certainly hitting my weakness, ached like hell for a few days following deadlift session.

Congratulations on the PB. Reps coming down weight going up, just the trend you need.
Ah, yes, I get it now. I was under the impression endurance was your strength?

Two weeks out from comp. Hitting heavy doubles on the big 3 this week, then get a lot of rest next week.
Normally I seem to be good at either extreme, one off dramatic power or stamina. Recognising this left endurance as a weakness I have been working ot overcome this, especially because it is such a major factor in recovery. It now appears to be becoming a strength, which shouldn't surprise me with the effort I have put into it but still manages to.
True irony, the endurance focus has meant doing less pure power work and resulted in my hitting hypertrophy range more often and getting heavier. Not really what I expected and meaning running is getting ever harder but I don't do this for ease.
Good luck with comp. Any expectations on weights?
I don't know about endurance in terms of the 40min runs, but muscular endurance, at least the way most people train for it, is something I would definitely expect to result in more muscle mass, assuming progressive overload and sufficient nutrition are present. So long as the force exerted is great enough to fire up a lot of pink muscle fibres (doesn't need to be white for hypertrophy), the force applied is great enough to stimulate hypertrophy. Combine that with the great big doses of volume you can achieve with muscular endurance training, and you've got a real recipe for growth. I find this most ironic when in the presence of the "low reps for bulk, high reps for tone" crew.

I'm expecting to be able to squat 155kg, bench 95kg and deadlift 190kg in comp, however my target is 160/100/200. This makes it pretty easy to figure out how I'll go about bench and deadlift: 1st attempt go for 85-90/175-180; 2nd attempt go for 95/190; 3rd attempt go for 100/200. Squat will require a little more thinking, because I could go for 155 on my 2nd attempt and I'm pretty confident I'd get it, but I'm not sure if that will be too much to go for 160 on 3rd attempt.
On reflection it's easy to see why I have been growing. Just not something I had expected when weight had been the consistant for so long. Not genetically inclined to gain either. There is a definate glass ceiling for me, but will be fun to find out what I can make myself capable at that weight.

The day will govern a certain amount of what you do. There is no rule saying the increases have to be in 5kg increments and I remember seeing some enormous guys with the daintiest little biscuit weights on the ends of the bar, looking very out of place with the mass of iron beside them. Seeing them lift you could tell it was max or PB territory though so it worked for them. My PB on bench had bar (obviously), 20, 15, 1.25 and 2.5kg collars on each end, not quite 100kg but as close as I ever got. Don't dis the biscuits, they tend to get their revenge.
With how you are fealling would definately set 155 as squat 2, that leaves 3 to get it if you get too many reds or increase by 2.5 or more dependant on how you feel. Don't know how they do it there but I only had to give the weight I was to attempt at the end of everyone's attempt. Something I used to good effect. 3 is always go for broke if you have a good 2 anyway, that's why there are so many fails there. I only failed my deadlift on 3 when I competed which was annoying. I got the weight up but there was a pause on the way up, strongman allows this power-lifting is more fussy. I knew it was there but hoped to get away with it, 3 reds told me I didn't. That was a biscuit job as 2 was my known PB at the time, so was disappointing in one way but no surprise.