Thanks, Claire and Tony.
I had a fairly light workout yesterday. Well, mostly. I won't bother blogging it, but I will post about it here. I didn't have any reason on my behalf to go to the gym yesterday, but it did mean making sure that one of my friends who doesn't bother going without me got there.
I spent the first 20min or so rolling out on a PVC pipe, cracking my back over a back roller, and stretching my legs, hips and lats.
After that, I did 1-arm DB presses with 10kg, 1-arm cable rows at 20kg, and suitcase walks, first with 25kg then with 20kg. I did a teensy bit of skipping, but when I realised that my muscular endurance and coordination were limiting me far more than my cardiovascular fitness (which, given my history with skipping, is an odd feeling, getting my calves to burn but not having a fast heart rate), I decided to do some sprints until my speed dropped off. Haven't sprinted in ages, and either I've forgotten how fast I can be, or I've gotten faster than I used to be through strength training. Both are reasonable possibilities.
One issue I've always had with running is heel-strike, which one of the other guys noticed. I spent a lot of time a few years back working on trying to fix that and get a smoother gait, but lack of practice has allowed me to revert back to old habits. I want to be doing more cardio, and doing something like 5-10 short sprints close together got my heart rate up more than anything has in a long time, so this might be something I'll be working on in the foreseeable future.