Weight-Loss Run!

Went trailing with two running buddies, I was "the host" (I choose the route in my favorite trail running area).
Loads of mud and loose sand, but had lots of fun.

23,9 km
Avg BPM:119
Max BPM: 145
Not sure if the heartrates are accurate, but that's what my watch says and I didn't have the feeling I was pushing hard, despite some pretty "technical" terrain.
My calves are definitely feeling it though :p

Thoroughly enjoyed it, that's what counts!
Today I went for at least 2.5 miles while running my 30 minutes. I didn't get that distance in 30 but it wasn't far behind. My son ran with me, and he is much quicker than I am. He would run up a ways and stop and wait for me. Rest day tomorrow then 5K is Saturday. I know I can complete it, but can I beat 30 minutes? I will certainly have to put in the extra effort and we shall see.

Total distance: 2.74 mi
Duration 36:36
Pace per Mile 13:20
BPM: 145-153 (Watch wasn't working that well.)
That's insane Guideon! When I was sedentary and hurting all the time with my back my resting HR wasn't much lower than your running average. You've had really low HR averages already so I bet it's correct. Either way sweet run!

Caddius, that a really good run. Maybe do some stretching tomorrow on your rest day before the race. Have a good time and hopefully the time will be good too! I like how you've gone from "I hope I can run the whole 5K" to "can I beat 30 minutes?" in like a week. Awesome progress!
There was definitely a mental block about running more than a solid 10 minutes. But once I was past that and running 30 minutes, I know I can complete the 5K. I have been big for so long it is taking some getting use to knowing what my body can do. I am super excited about the continual weight loss and knowing that soon it will be even less of a struggle.
My first race was tough, but a lot of fun. Good luck!

30 mins
2.46 miles
151 BPM Avg. HR

I didn't run until 11 as it was raining and my stomach didn't feel well. It was super humid to the point that I was soaked before I started sweating and could barely see the road at my feet with a headlamp. I'm surprised I went as far as I did.
Where'd ya go Caddius? Hopefully you're just too busy celebrating.

30 mins
2.33 miles
143 bpm avg hr

A good solid run. The heat is getting here and the humidity is awful. I wrung out my quick dry shirt after the run.
Total distance in May: 186 km, most in month yet :)

Was planning to do a 15 km run, but what looked like a road on google maps turned out to be fenced in private property, so I had to backtrack a bit.

17 km
Avg HR: 134
Max HR: 146
Was a good one!
Just done my first c25k session! Turns out the field at the back of the park is 5 minutes walk away so perfect for the warm up/cool down. When I got there loads of rabbits shot off into the bushes and the horses in the next field were eyeing me suspiciously. Decided to run a square route around the football (soccer) posts of the two pitches and ended up doing a lap much quicker by the end than I was doing at the start. App says it was 1.83 miles, so nearly 3km, but no idea how accurate that is.
Heck of a run Guideon! Your resting HR must be around 7.

Well done Joeybear! I would think the 1.83 is pretty accurate since you ran out in open field.
It's a bit higher than that, I might a have a really nice hospital room with that heart rate :)

Did an interval today, 7 x 4 minutes with 2 min rest.
Although the stats are nothing to scoff at, I wasn't "feeling it" today, however vague that may sound.
Dunno why, weather was beautiful, no reason to be upset at anything or anyone, just couldn't enjoy myself.

Oh well, all will be better next time out.

10.79 km
52mins 57secs (warming up and cooling down included)
Avg: 143
Max: 160

And I decided to go and buy new running shoes this weekend, these are a year old now, and 12 km shy of 1000 km on the threads :)
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That's a butt ton of miles on a pair of shoes. You should make 1000 km with them and then have them bronzed. seriously you HAVE to hit 1000 km.

Hot and humid in the field and during the run.

30 min 44 secs
2.30 miles
156 bpm avg hr
Sorry, I tend to not get on here over the weekend, I took Monday off and Tuesday I was just busy. So here I am and the results.

Remember those hills that about killed me on a run I did a few weeks ago? Those were the same hills the 5K were on and they killed me again! This time, at about the 2.5 Mile mark, I had it and had to stop running. My BPM were over 170 and I was covered in sweat. I didn't want to over do it, so I walked up the hills. As a result I barley beat my last time of 38:37 with 37:52. I was quick on the first mile and was doing about 11 minute mile pace for a good portion of it. RunKeeper is nice to let me know that every 5 minutes.

Total distance: 3.13 mi
Duration 37:52
BPM: 139-170 (Watch was still acting crazy while running.)

So now my attention is on June 20th where I signed up for my next 5K. It is at night, 9pm, and hopefully will be a little flatter and much cooler.

Tuesday I ran. I tried to take it easy as I was still sore from Saturday. I am realizing, though, I need to start working on running faster and build that up if I want to ever be able to beat 30 minutes.

Total distance: 2.8 mi
Duration 38:20
Pace per Mile 13:41
BPM: 138-158
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Great job Caddius! Sorry it didn't go as well as you hoped, but that's a fine first race. A night time 5K is a great idea. I've gotten faster just by running. You don't have to run fast or focus on running faster to get faster.

Here is my change in speed since I started running. I'm still very slow, but the current trend line has me able to run a 30 min 5K late this year. Now that I am past the initial gains in adapting to running my greatest potential for increase in speed is decrease in weight. The summer heat is going to be a major hurdle, but think of how much quicker we will be come Fall.

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Did session 2 of c25k today! It was raining so no one was about again, the only people I actually saw in the park were after my run when I decided to go and have a walk around the duck pond and a man was walking his dog and the groundskeeper was still knocking about after mowing the grass on the field before I got there. The goal posts had been taken out for him to cut the grass so I just ran around the edge of the field instead, avoiding the really muddy bit at the front. I really liked today, was nice and peaceful and I even considered doing an extra lap of the field once I'd done but didn't want to push it. Next run is planned for Friday evening as soon as I get in from work.

Total distance:1.91 miles
Walking pace: 17.35 min per mile
Run pace: 12.12 min per mile
Good running Joeybear!

2.3 miles
141 bpm avg hr
Hot again. I went a bit slower and just ran until I hit 2.3 miles.

Happy national running day!
Rain this morning, so I didn't run, but I am thinking I will tonight after work. I went for a walk this afternoon and could feel my body's need to move! I can really tell I missed it this morning.
That's awesome that you miss the run when you miss the run Caddius.

30 mins
2.59 miles (+.08 30 min PR)
159 bpm avg hr

Previous 2.51 miles PR was track.
Nice job on the 5K caddius!
Onto the next :)

Another PR, well done Q.

I ran yesterday. Had to give it a few km's before I was really into it.
13.05 km
Avg: 135
Max: 150

With that run I have done 1001 km's on my shoes :smash:
Going out go for a long run tomorrowmorning (it's supposed to be tropical tomorrow, so get my run in early to beat the heat) and then get me some new shoes :)