Weight-Loss Run!

I will try the field then! Just need to remember the little brook that runs through one corner and is pretty well hidden, don't want any falls!
Concrete is the worst surface. I run on blacktop without problems. Fields are nice if they aren't to thick or muddy. I'm happy your first test went well. Not running in place will be much better.
My second 25 minute run was a success! This one was much tougher cause I took a different route. I know if I want to make my run tougher which way to go now. It had 2 large hills that about killed me, but I still ran through them. Actually three cause I turned around and hit another one again. My up and down heart rate shows this too, you can literally see the hills in the way my heart rate went up and down. On top of this the cloudy sky screwed up my GPS so it thought I was all over the place and had me running 5 minute miles and finishing almost 7 miles in 30 minutes. Yeah I don't think so. So I had to guess on my distance today. The hills were the only time I contemplated walking because of how much harder it was, but I kept looking at the top and said, "I can make that, and it's downhill after that." Never once thought I would quit while running down hill.

Total distance: 2 mi
Duration 30:00
Pace per Mile ?
BPM: 144-166 (killer hills)

Joeybear - The couch to 5K I am doing is great. Each week I am pushed a little harder but I have yet to not be able to overcome it. I did have some previous free training so I started later than just right at the beginning, but where I felt I was at in the process. Don't worry about the future one as much as just sticking with what you have to do this week. Then don't over do it, even if you feel like you can do more. Your body needs to heal between workouts and this will benefit you more than going all out.
Awesome Caddius! Hills are brutal. I'd probably skip that route until you've had more time to adapt to the new demands of running the whole time or at least make it infrequent. I ran a relatively flat lap again and again at first and I have since lengthened the lap to include one hill. I wanted to start running the road between my house and highway more as it is very hilly, but as my wife has started walking/running with me I have stuck with the longer lap so I can be around her while we exercise. I should do that on her days off as she usually takes a day off that I don't each week.

She's coming along very well and has started running a little. I'm super happy with this because she has always championed improvements in our diet, but hasn't been getting enough exercise. Now she wants to hike on our weekend getaway and we are packing the running gear. She is wearing the same HR monitor that finally got me into running and it is working well for her too.
DO you guys have any advice on how often to run and how often to rest. With the c25k it's 3 sessions a week and for me it would be easier to do the 3 days as mon/tue/wed as I either don't work those days or only work half a day. But I'm guessing that by the wednesday I'll be really tired and won't want to do the third lesson and by the next monday my body will have forgotten all about the running and be unprepared to go up a level. Do you think I'd be better mon/wed/fri?
Awesome caddius! I like hills as well, too bad we don't have much off them lying around so I have to make do with an overpass or railroad bridge.
Once in a while I get to go the "Dutch Mountains" which, in fact, are hills. but they can be killing too!

Q, great to hear the Ms is involved as well, nothing better than sharing your runs with a loved one. And great that she's getting into exercising as well. Before long you'll be planning your holidays around races :D

joeybear, it's advisable to rest up between runs. One or two days rest between runs is usually enough.
Ran today:
10.72 km
52min 17secs
Avg bpm: 143
Max bpm: 160.

Just a fairly strenuous run to see what I can do on race day saturday.
Felt pretty good, heart rate kept creeping up towards the end, but could maintain my speed.
Joeybear, I try to run as many days as possible. I usually end up running 5 days a week. I have run 22 days straight. I wouldn't say that I recommend that to anyone, but as big as I am the frequency of my runs seems to be fine. In other words you might not have a problem running 3 days in a row as I've done at least that every week since January without a problem. It isn't recommended and may increase your likelihood of injury, but if you want to try it you can listen to your body and see if it works for you. It is more sensible to have rest days between your runs. I might make quicker progress with more rest, but I'd burn fewer calories.

Nice hard run Guideon!
Joeybear, personally, I choose Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday on purpose because I know most 5Ks are on Saturdays and they will take the place of my normal run. However, If that is how you have to do it, then do it. I think you would be best spacing them out, but running them three days in a row is better than not at all. I think when the next week comes you will find that the four days off might be too much, especially starting out. I think you will be hurting after the first few workouts at least and doing another run the next day will be tough.
That's a good idea Caddius.

So I decided my body needed a break yesterday and didn't run. i took a bit of my own advice on the sensibility of running which isn't like me. I felt sore and slept hard so it was the right decision.

30 mins
2.41 miles
146 BPM avg hr

This was a very good run for me. I felt strong and fresh. I could have went much further. I also had a long field day walking right at 2 miles in mostly mud with some wading and crossing water on logs. I sweat through all my clothes and this day would have worn me out before the regular running. The guy 13 years younger than me and much smaller was beat. He mentioned being in bad shape and I proselytized on running for a bit. I think he's considering it. I think I need to get some pamphlets printed up.
Nice "race" (wasn't really a race, more a charity run, the charity being schools in Ugunda).
It was supposed to be a 5 km lap, I did two, but my watch told me that was 9,5 total.
Oh well...

9,5 km
46 min 14 sec
Avg HR: 156
Max HR: 172

Had a blast! Really nice weather to go for a run, somewhere that's off limits the rest of the year
Pfft crap training, literally..
Was about 20 mins in and my stomach started protesting. Kept on going, but it wasn't enjoyable.
Pretty good stats, specially in keeping my heart rate in the range I wanted, but they way I had to do it was bad.
Forget about this one, and move on to the next.

12,85 km
Avg BPM: 139
Max BPM: 156
Nice double "race" Guideon!

Awesome half marathon Wanna! A "little sore" is awesome after running 13.1 miles. A proud accomplishment!

Sorry you had a poopy run Guideon, but think how much easier it will seem the next time.

30 minutes
2.23 miles

Not a bad run after a 6 hour drive and eating junk. Back on the straight and narrow for calories and running because I will be under 300 on Saturday.
ijustwannabefit Congrats! That is awesome! I have dreams of being able to run a half marathon. Just finishing is remarkable, good time!

Ran Saturday morning another 25 minutes, only small hills this time and ran it with no problem. Found out my GPS is fine, I just need to give Runkeeper a few moments to get setup before I hit start.

Total distance: 2.33 mi
Duration 30:23
Pace per Mile 13:04
BPM: 143-165

Ran Again this morning and up'ed my time to 30 minute run starting with a 5 minute walk. Had NO problem increasing the time and I think I am ready for the 5K this Saturday. One thing I am not doing is eating before I run. I am going to grab some Bananas to eat before each workout and before my 5K. I think this will make a big difference since I have been running on an empty stomach.

Total distance: 2.6 mi
Duration 35:17
Pace per Mile 13:33
BPM: 144-165
Haven't started my running yet. All ready to go minus a water bottle I keep forgetting to buy from work. Waiting for a dry day to start running, I don't think I'll mind running in the rain but I don't want my first experience to be any harder than it has to be in case it puts me off the whole thing.
I look forward to hearing about your first outing Joey. Rain or shine, not overdoing it is the rel key to coming back for more. I started in January so it was cold and/or rainy lots of the time as well as dark on all my weekday runs. It certainly made things harder. I don't miss running with a headlamp. No streetlights where I live.I also had a coyote run across the road I had to stop to not hit him. That will get the HR up! :nopity:

3.1 miles
137 bpm avg hr

Just a slow 5K. I'm not feeling very well today. My stomach is bothering me.