Weight-Loss November Challenge

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Good morning!:p Today is a new day! Look ahead and never back :p
You guys are doing great! Drink water ;)
Heyas,"Ready" sounds like your day wasn't bad after all
you burned alot working out! Congrats.Goodluck weigh in
day Ya'll!Tammy:)
Okay, now I know that we are supposed to weigh ourselves on the 10th, but I wanted to sneak a peek. I know I set a goal of 8 pounds, but my biggest goal was that I wanted to see myself as 220-anything! This morning I hit 228.8 (which I always round up = 229!!!!) Yeah I hit 220-anything!So, I'm down 3 pounds for this challenge!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even jog yesterday! Today is another lazy day. I haven't really slept in about a week. Last night I actually slept 6 hours straight am I'm still tired. I'm going to walk up to the stoer here in a little bit with the girls, so I know I'll get in at least a 1 mile walk today, but I guess my body is just telling me it needs a break. So, with yesterday's 1 mile walk and my 1 mile walk today, my body should have the break it needs. I just can't afford to get sick, so I'll just take it easy. MAybe tomorrow will be the perfect day for that jog (in the freeze!)
Yay Hlangel! That's awesome! I'm weighing in today, because it's been a week since the first. :D I'm compulsive that way...
:) Currently the scale has me down 4.5 lbs...Im speechless...maybe all the exercising is finally catching up...I on average usually exercise abt 405 to 495 minutes a week, one would think that would help loose weight, LOL...
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I weighed in this morning thinking it was weigh in day for the challenge... I didn't realize one week turned into 10 days... I didn't get the memo :)

at any rate, I'm 176, 2 lbs lost so far...
ran 36.4 kms this month too.
so i haven't been posting much on this thread . . . .basically because this past weekend and the last two days have been . . . . well wow. no good. the only good thing i have done for myself is i kept up the exercise. the food went RIGHT out the window.


so i was feeling very sad for myself and almost ashamed to log on here, but i decided i would HAVE to log on today (because i thought it was weigh in day!) and post my weight, regardless of what was happening with the scale.

the motivation and positive attitude just cheered me right up again :) you are all so AWESOME! and i won't say what the scale told me (which wasn't terrible, but wasn't fantastic either) but rather i'll save it for weigh-in day!!!!

thanks for the motivation and the awesome support, everyone!!
Well done hlangel and everyone else............ and good luck to everyone else still weighing in!

As you know I weighed in on Monday.
Had another good day and workout session. See my sig for status.
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Today is going good so far. Yeterday I did my 30 min. of Pilates, and walked 30min. So 2 MIles. On monday I did go to the gym and did 2.80 miles:D on the treadmill. I also ran for 3 mintues straight, well Jogged. It felt GREAT. Today I did my walk already and going for another later. I am going to try to go to the gym later but just in case I will do some Billy Blanks.

Well, ya'll have a SUPER DAy and Drink your WATER!!!!
heathercb04 -I'm with you on the food. I haven't been doing that great either. It's a bad excuse but I've had so many other things on my mind lately. It's so hard to get back on track.

TravAndEm11804 - it is probably water weight. My scale is showing bad numbers too. I need to really get it together again.

I'm not eating as well as I was but I'm not pigging out either. I'm just not working as hard as I used to & not as much exercise. I'm a little mad at myself.
Good afternoon all!
Congrats Hlangel,2LAS,MIKE for weighloss so far!
I thoght today was weigh in day but it's not until the 10 which
Friday's are my weigh in days anyway! I did sneak on the scale
and it was gr8 I know I am going to make my NOV goal easy!
"(Remind me to hide the scale lol I am obsessed!)
Have a wonderful Wedsday!,Tammy::D
I weighed myself today and I am happy we have a couple more days before actual weigh in.:rolleyes:

I have been jogging/walking 3miles 3-5 days a week. I feel great about my exercise, so far, but my diet is the pits! I am going to really try to turn it around today! I know the weight will not just fall off without cutting back calories/fat.
Ok i did teabo (one of the 20 min work outs) and went back to bed. I have been so draned latley. I think that fall did more then I though. My butt and lower back hurts, My hips hurt, and my ribs (the part that curvs) hurt.
I will never run at a zoo agin
I went to the gym :D YAY!!!! I did an hour walk today
(2 miles) and at the gym I did 33min. on the ellipitical(2.80miles) and 17min.on the treadmill(1.06miles) so total for today was 5.86 miles YAY!!!!! I am so drained. I just got done with my homework and now off to bed.
Good night:D
Have a great day everyone! Thinking of you guys.
We will do fine tomorrow.Stay strong, Drink lots of water:)
Hi, guys!:) I am glad to see everybody doing well. I have a little suggestion: why don't we start posting results/progress/miles in our original posts on the first few pages of this challenge. For example, I have updated my original post with my new weight for this week + exercise minutes done + miles walked + oz. water I drank. I will do the same next week too. I would like to have an opportunity to see how other challengers progress as well. As of now - it is extremely confusing to keep track of everyone just by reading bits of updates here and there. I hope I didn't offend anyone by my suggestion. I have been told many times that I am overly organized person, but wouldn't you agree with the fact that having a sistem for this challenge is extremely important?

P.S. I miss Mal:( .
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