Weight-Loss November Challenge

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Well yesturday morning I weighted in at 1.5 lbs up...grand total lost 6.5 lbs...I feel I could have done better so I am dissappointed with myself rihgt now...but that is much better than nothign or gaing...congrats to everyone who participated
It's over for me! I lost 7 pounds this month! I was aiming for 10 but I had several walls in my way....most of them self-built. *wink*

Ready for the Christmas Challenge! I'm aiming to lose 8 in three weeks. Wheee. This was a great motivator though.
sorry im late!

Starting Weight on Nov.1: 279
Week 1 Nov. 10: 273 lbs
Week 2 Nov. 17: 269.5 lbs
Week 3 Nov. 24: 266.5 lbs
Week 4 Nov. 30 265.5 lbs
Final Weight on November 30:
Weight Goal for challenge (lbs lost)= 10 LBS!

MMM 13.5 lbs.
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