Alrighty, if you look in my signature, at the bottom it says Hershey 95.4/500.
Well, a group of friends and I started this challenge, and I want you all to try it as well

It's a walking challenge. For instance, we are trying to walk from Hershey Pennsylavania to Christmas Town, USA by Christmas. So, since this mini challenge is only going to be one week, I think we should shoot to make it to 250 miles. For example, It has been my experience that alot of people walk for weight loss. So, since 95.4 is our total now, if you walk one mile and report in, you would post "One mile done, new total is 96.4".
Now, I also realize that not everyone, if you are not the type of person to walk, every 30 minutes of exercise will count as one mile towards the total. So, if you execise 15 minutes you would report in "15 minutes of exercise, so thats .5 miles for me, and the new total is ......."