hey Hey...I found someone near my weight! I'm 167 right now...but I'm ready to work!!! Nice to meet you Ava!!! ! I'm ALTA! !
Every morning I'm dehydrated. Why is that?
Don't read any further if you have an inkling you might be easily disgusted.
I primarily drink water, as I was raised without soda in the home. Some days I'll sprinkle in herbal tee and a light beer. I'll have juice as a "treat" maybe once every 3 months.
I generally expect my urine to be clear throughout the day. I double check that what goes in comes out and am not disappointed. However, after 5-8 hours of sleep, I wake up in the AM, take my rightful place on the throne and notice the output is always a deep yellow. Every morning I'm dehydrated. Why is that?
Thought I'd pick your brains during water week.
99% likely b/c of "dehydration" since you haven't consumed any water overnight versus in the day when you are constantly drinking water. The only other thing that comes into my mind is a condition called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, a VERY rare chronic conidition that causes breakdown of red blood cells only at night, causing dark urine in the morning. But this would have to be almost as dark as a coke . So, I'm thinking....dehydration