Hey Nae!
I can relate, because I've totally been there! I got married 2 years into college "intending" to finish but between lots of moving and kids popping out I could only manage a semester here and there whenever I could get to it and the budget allowed. When I went back to school I was one of the oldest there too..AND pregant with a toddler. Some of my profs even let me bring my 2 yr old! It didn't feel so great and I hated school because I felt like I was dealing so much with "the real world" and all these fresh faced kids still living off their parents, didn't have a clue. I'd love to go back and finish my LAST semester but I cringe for the very reasons you're posting.
I've been in that "rut" you speak of too. Until I was about 27 (only 3ish years ago) we lived in apartments with one car (that didn't run great), credit issues, big time school debt, THREE kids, a husband who was in ministry (can be a fickle job and very low paying) and a wife who could only work around the kids and husband. Money was tight, time was tight. Its been a long long road.
Things do change, and often the tides turn producing situations beyond our wildest dreams. Sometimes it doesn't even take that long, it all comes at once, as in our situation. However, sometimes we first have to trudge through the muck and "do our time" before seeing a potential promising change. I guess thats how we appreciate things better

Everything I just mentioned completely changed over a period of 2 years and we are in a place now that far exceeds any goal or dream I could pray for (well I DID pray for it, but God blessed us over and above) and boy do I appreciate my life now. I hope this new thing your friend is helping you with comes through. Until then, keep your chin up, keep on keeping on and believe me, things WILL change.