Weight-Loss N.Years-VDay Challenge

Pink clouds~ I'm soo sorry you have to deal with that BullSh*T. You are being a woman, an adult about it and you stay strong!!! Don't let No One get in the way, cause in the end you'll have the last laugh...
I'm sorry Ginger that you had to go through that. What I have learned about people that tease you and harass you about your weight and other things is that they are unhappy with themseleves and they don't like to see you being happy and getting along with everyone and being well liked when she is misserable and unliked. Just hang in there. Ignore her rude comments and just smile and walk away. Eventually she will see that it doesn't bother you and she will move on.

Like I said she hates to see others happy when she is so misserable. She wants to bring you down to make herself feel good. Don't let her have that. Stay strong! We are here to support you 100%. And who cares if she thinks you are losing the weight because of her. As long as you know and understand why you are doing this is all that matters. It's your business and you can only share your business with whom you like.

Hope things go better for you.

Night alls!
Ginger, So soorry about that woman. Honestly she just makes herself look like an ass.

I used to have a boss who acted like that. She never insulted me about my weight but she would do thinngs like call me a "F'n idiot" in front of other employees. My approach was to kill her with kindness (though not overdo it ) and make sure I always did 110% at work so she didn't have any leeway to make me look bad to the higher ups. I could see this drive her NUTS. Eventually she was let go and I was promoted. I now have her office actually!! When you 'kill 'em with kindness" it makes them look sooo much worse.

Nice job not letting that woman affect your self esteem or weight loss progress!! That is a really hard thing. You should feel great about that!
Pink clouds, don't even listen to her. She's probably scared of what you may become if you lose weight. We all know it's difficult to ignore this kind of people but you really shouldn't pay her attention.

I had a "friend" once that never said anything about my being fat but never failed to make me feel so because she was always pointing out how thin she was. Everyone of us has to cope with stupid people who try to make us think that we suck just because we're overweight. Remember that it's not so and that it's your heart and your brain that make you a person worth loving, not your body.
Hey guys, im doing really well...cant wait to weigh myself on the 10th - my update will be on page 13 of this thread (edited) on the 10th =].

Pinkcloud, I just read about that stupid woman giving your hastle at work. If you wernt a threat to her she wouldnt bother. Keep up the good work and youll succeed :)
Take care all and thanks for reading my little rant there.:nopity: It made me feel better just to get it out of my system LOL. Hope everyone has a great week!!

Im glad it helped you feel better to talk about it here and that you did instead of eating something you would regret:):):)She is just a stupid person who obviously has self esteem issues!!!You need to sit beside her with this sign:iamwithstupid::)heeheehee...Im glad you are a secure person with lots of self esteem:hug2:Good for you for handling it so well:hug2:
My weight has gone up. I am not walking, or haven't been, but tomorrow is supposed to be in the fifties, hopefully I can go back down to 292. whatever it was ... oy vey ..talk about feeling horrid ...

the kids on the street stink ... one time ...they made squeeling noises in one of those blow horns ..these kids live RIGHT NEXT DOOR!! it just echoed through out the street ..
but I am going to go walking tomorrow and walk everyday and hopefully I will see a loss on the tenth ...

ttylater peeps
love yas
natalie jo

What a bunch of jerks - just remeber that those who treat us that way need to in order to build their self esteem and you will always be better than them kids or not...

I cant believe what a bunch of idiots some of you have to deal with...
Im proud of myself:)I worked a dbl well still working it actually it is 425am...I am here till 8am...I came in for the day shift 7 - 5 and back for the night shift - midnight - 8...which is an awake overnight of cleaning and cooking breakfast...but I have resisted the cake and the junk in the house:)!!!
Im proud of myself:)I worked a dbl well still working it actually it is 425am...I am here till 8am...I came in for the day shift 7 - 5 and back for the night shift - midnight - 8...which is an awake overnight of cleaning and cooking breakfast...but I have resisted the cake and the junk in the house:)!!!

Congrats on resisting the sweets!! I can't say the same for yesterday.. i did not stay within my calorie limit although i was about 2000 cal and went to the gym for 1hr20min, so I don't think I gained from it but it sure wasn't a "losing day"..
Back on track today, already done morning exercise and going to the gym after work! 3 more days and I am ready for a good weigh in!!
Happy Monday all!!
Ginger, you're very strong to not let that moron get to you! Keep it up, you're clearly the more mature person!!

How's everyone getting on? I did a 5 mile run this morning, that makes 13miles in the past week, yay! And a *delicious* healthy lunch, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Can't wait to see how we all fare on Thursday!
I’m pretty sure I’m going to gain this week. :(

I hurt my knee yesterday while running, not very badly but I think I do need to rest it for a few days –I’ve run through injuries before and learnt my lesson…

Also, my parents keep trying to feed me! They seem to think I have some kind of problem. They keep commenting on how I’ve lost weight like it’s a bad thing and having little chats with me about how they get the impression that I skip meals and saying I need to look after myself. But just because I wasn’t overweight in terms of BMI to start with doesn’t mean that it’s unhealthy to lose weight or that I need to skip meals to do it! I’m a healthier weight now than I was before. But yeah, its like they think I’m gonna just stop eating or something when I go back to uni later this week so they’re trying to fatten me up! My Dad keeps offering me food every hour or so and I swear they’re giving me bigger portions… I’ve just had dinner and I’m so full that my stomach actually hurts (and it was a really unhealthy meal). I know the obvious thing to do would seem to be to just not finish my plate but I’ve only got a few days left at home and I don’t think its worth the grief I’d get for it. Not only would they question my wanting to lose weight, my whole family get offended and say that I must think they’re fat and that I must think they should lose weight cos I’m already smaller than them and I’m still trying to lose weight. Which is really unfair because I don’t think that at all (well except perhaps about my mum because she is obese and I fear for her health) but the others are all fine as they are, my wanting to lose weight is a personal thing, its something I want to do for myself, it doesn’t mean I think they should do it.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be that whingy… I’m not actually feeling too down about it. Ok so I might gain a little this week but I’ll be back at uni next week and back in control. I do wish they trusted me but I guess fussing is what parents do best. :rolleyes:
Hello Pink Clouds, I've just read your earlier post and I'm really shocked by the rudeness of that woman. I wish I could find some words of comfort, but all I can say is that you are clearly able to rise above her pettiness and meanness and you should be proud of yourself. Your colleagues will have been outraged, I'm sure, that someone could speak to you like that, so your calm handling of the situation will have certainly impressed them. Take strength from knowing that you are far superior to her... and it shows.

Take care. Keep strong.
SO last night was GREAT.. All day I was putting my exercise to the side. Finally at 9:30pm I told myself I had to. SO I did my Billy Blanks BootCamp. I have not sweated like that in sooo long. I felt soo good after. Tonight I think I will do my pilates and something else
Okay so I had dinner, which was a turkey burger and low cal wheat bread. Then I felt like I was still hungry. So I had a huge class of Ice cold water. I was still hungry. SO I decided to cut up a apple and eat it with peanut butter but not too much pb. Now I am on here to keep me busy.
Worked all day and then went to the gym to do the circuit. Dinner tonight was salmon, broccoli, sliced apple and sliced whole grain toast.

This has been a good day! :hurray:
jelly belly88, jennbabe06, Jessafurr, India, xdanx, cinderelly, MyOwnNBF., and Auburn thank you all very much for your support and kind words!! It has really impacted me to see such kindness from everyone :) I even held up the thread for a couple of days :blush5: sorry about that!! But I am really amazed that you took time to share your thoughts, insight and kind words with me. It means so much :) Thanks for the support and advice :)

jennbabe06 you brought about a very interesting perspective on this. I never thought about it that way. Thank you so much for your comments. You are right it is my business and I have the right to exclusivity regarding it. Thank you so much!!:)

You know something Jessafurr, your story about the co-worker that used to give you a hard time bears alot of similarites to my situatuion with her. Thank you for sharing and for all of your encouragement!

"Remember that it's not so and that it's your heart and your brain that make you a person worth loving, not your body." So true India, thank you so very much!!

xdanx thank you so much for your well wishes. I am trying so hard to be successful this time...I wish you success also :)

Good Job Cinderelly on working so hard and still being able to resist junk food!! That is so difficult for me...I am a chocolate addict!!

Hoping for a good weigh in for you also hajni!!;)

5 mile run MyOwnBF.!! That is incredible!!!! Keep it up, you are sure to meet your goals :) WOW!

Sorry to hear about your knee caterpillar :( I hope that you do not gain this week, but as you said it is good that you rest your knee for a few days. I hope your knee heals soon. I completely understand about your parents trying to feed you. My fiance wants me to be happy with my weight, but is concerned that i will get too skinny because i look like i weigh about 175 now (I have a very small frame) and he cannot imagine me losing 100 lbs let alone 144. But I think he will be ok once he starts seeing the results. Parents do like to fuss about their children, especially since you are not with them all the time and are going to uni.

Great job jellybelly on sticking it through with that workout!! How do you like pilates? I hear it is quite intense even though it appears easy.

Dinner sounds great truthseeker!!Glad to hear you had a good day!!

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow as well!!:hurray:
Hi everyone i signed up before the cutoff date last week but have been swamped with work and busy in the evenings, therefore unable to log in to add my weigh in! Here it is! Also i'm on vacation from 17-20 Jan...so I'll weigh in for the 16th.

January 3 - 146
January 10
January 16
January 24
January 31
February 7
February 14
JellyBelly -- thats great you came here as a distraction from snacking!!! I have a hard time not eatng at night sometimes too. I'll have hit my limit for calories and I start browsing around the kitchen..

One solution I have tried is keeping veggie soup on hand. ( I learned this from Weight Watchers) I make it homemade with veggie broth. I try to mix it up sometimes adding mexican spices, sometimes rosemary, I play with veggie combinations. That way I don't get sick of it. Honestly, adding a cup of healhy, almost no-fat soup to your days total can't be too bad.

Or I'll brush my teeth to make eating unappealing.
Or I'll brush my teeth to make eating unappealing.
Nice one! :smilielol5: