My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Lol..:) That's funny.
She47441 said:
That's funny.

Again, I second that. :p

Ok, so to round out the day, I had:

S: peanuts and stick cheese
D: palm-size piece of ham, mashed pot., brocolli, milk

How did I do??
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She47441 said:
I second that.


Yes, I worked out last night, but my VCR is all messed up, so I couldn't do Tae Bo like I wanted/planned to. I did a dance video instead. Oh and weights.

Today so far:

B: 1 egg, 2 slices of toast with pb, water
L: tuna sand with lettuce, water

getting pretty bare on the "snack" food around here. Although peanuts are still in abundance. Later today I do HIIT on elliptical. Ugh...I hate doing it when the kids are up...they always bother me....piss me off. LOL I hate being disturbed when working out. Esp doing something like HIIT when it's tiring and needs my focus as much as it does. I hate trying to talk when I'm doing it and I end up getting pissed. It's like, "Honey can you PUH-LEASE keep the kids from bothering me!!! I'm only down here for a hlaf an hour!!!" :mad:

Anyway, off my soapbox now. LOL
Yes the joys of kids..gotta love them and the hubby that's to involved in what he's doing to watch the kids for a second and then they go screaming to you about this and that.
Ya know, I've made some pretty big strides myself healthwise in the past year, but I know I had it easy compared to being a parent and having to maintain your own health (physical and mental). Good on ya for sticking to it.
Second that one. Wish it was easy, but it's not. Greene and I always do things that involve my daughter, be it tennis or skating. She loves both of them. We would go for bike rides, but she can't ride her bike yet. Need to get back out there and try it some more.
She47441 said:
Second that one. Wish it was easy, but it's not. Greene and I always do things that involve my daughter, be it tennis or skating. She loves both of them. We would go for bike rides, but she can't ride her bike yet. Need to get back out there and try it some more.

I can't wait to be able to do things like that with my kids. *sigh* just a few more years....

S: peanuts, mini choc chip muffin :eek:
D: hot dog in roll, frozen french fries, water

Ugh. Ok, so I didn't do very well today. BUTT I worked my @$$ off when I did HIIT just a little while ago. One question though....I have felt pretty lightheaded since I got done. Why? Did I over do it? I felt great while working out, I was really pushing myself, since half way through I tend to wear down...coudl I have over done it?:confused:
stingo said:
Low blood sugar/not enough calories to fuel the workout would be my first guess....

After all I ate today?? LOL Esp this afternoon? hmm....God, I hate eating. It sucks. Speaking of which I'M STARVING!!! LOL
wendy said:

Yes, we have a winnah! lol - But seriously, have you found out what your recommended calorie intake is? It might help to know that, so you can get some more efficient meal planning done.
Wendy if I told you how much food and dessert I ate at Captain Georges the other night, you wouldnt feel so bad. I ate more than the guy I was with, course he ate like a damn bird. I had like 5 types of desserts, along with a million crab legs and fried (eek!) scallops, and God knows what else LOL.
You can use to estimate your basic metabolic rate - the amount of calories you 'd need if you just laid in bed all day and did absolutely nothing. Then you can use to calculate your caloric needs based on your activity level. Subtract 500 or 1000 from that and that's the amount of calories you want to have in your food plan to produce weight loss. Hope this helps.
Well it gives you an idea of the ballpark you should be playing in - should be tweaked for optimum results.