My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Hey there, I just finished reading your diary and it looks like you are doing a great job!
Are you feeling any better at all, like having more energy?
Moonbeam3 said:
I'm not sure I understand your question? Do you mean can I tell the difference between weight and no weight? or weight on the shoulders versus the hands?

There is no question about feeling the difference between weight and no weight, I could do 1000 squats without weights (not really but you know what I mean) as opposed to having 30 pounds on my shoulders, it's more comfortable for me on my shoulders, I lay a small hand towel across the shoulders.

But I've seen people doing them holding the weights too.

I usually hold them in my hands, but perhaps it will feel different when they are on my shoulders.

Cloud - thanks fro commenting! I'm not sure if it's my depression or my frustration, but I feel more tired than anything. Although, there is a difference b/w when I do workout and when I don't. There always has been. I'll pay more attention, though, and see if I can tell more....

Today would have been my biological mother's 62nd bday! (HAPPY BDAY MOM!)

Ugh...this morning's workout was TORTURE!!! I began it just fine....Did one lap down the road, did most of the 2nd lap and suddenly felt like I needed to hit the bathroom REAL soon. I had to stop running, bc I thought I wasn't going to make it - barely did! I got in there and (tmi coming) as I sat there I suddenly felt as though I was either going to pass out or hurl. I was in there a good 20 mins. After wards, I took a shower and felt better, so I ahd two pieces of toast with pb on them. I've felt fine ever since. :confused:

Here's what I have eaten today:

B: toast with pb & milk
S: handful of fritos - was on the road and that was all I had in the car (had to take them out of hubby;s lunch! LOL)
L: another handful of fritos, 2 graham cracker squares, tuna sand., milk
minisnack: handful peanuts
D: not sure yet

But I have to say, I am sitting here in workout pants (hey, they are comfy!) and a sports bra and am feeling really thin today! :) Which is more than I can say for the last two days! LOL
Ugh....ok, so this afternoon, I had....well, I wrote down what I had. LOL For dinner, it was Special K with bueberries and milk. And you know what? I feel like I did last night. Pain right where I did when I had gall bladder issues. BUTT they took it out. Last night it was intense. Woke up just fine this am. But, then I had that *other* issue.

Q: Should you eat something small before you workout if you do it first thing? Or is it ok to workout first, shower, then eat? Hubby was concerned this morning. Thought I would ask.
Hi all. Have had some stressful few days. I'm in this funk and can't get out of it.

Today's meals:

B: 3 eggs (??120??)
S: oatmeal sandwhich cookie thing lol (370)

that's it so far.....Not sure what else I will have since it's already 2:39pm. I'll have dinner and at least one more meal. Won't eat after 6 or 6.30pm per usual. Right now I feel like locking myself in my bedroom and just sleeping away the day. :(
Yeah, I've been in a weird mood too, perhaps the swelling of patritiotism on the 4th will lift our spirits. Regarding your meals, I'm curious. Do you do egg whites or whole regular eggs? Furthermore, what kind of a sandwich did you have? Was it like an oatmeal creme pie little debbie deal or like pepperidge farm oatmeal bread?? (can you tell I work in a grocery store? :) )

Hope your mood gets a little better!:D
CollegeGirl said:
Yeah, I've been in a weird mood too, perhaps the swelling of patritiotism on the 4th will lift our spirits. Regarding your meals, I'm curious. Do you do egg whites or whole regular eggs? Furthermore, what kind of a sandwich did you have? Was it like an oatmeal creme pie little debbie deal or like pepperidge farm oatmeal bread?? (can you tell I work in a grocery store? :) )

Hope your mood gets a little better!:D

Thanks. I made a very important phone call this evening, so I hope things will improve :).

I do whole eggs - yolks and all! (I'm so bad! :D ) And yeah, I had the creme pie things. Naughty naughty....Oh, and to finish off my day, I had:

S: 3/4 bag of popcorn
D: salad with chicken (and french fries - oops!)

And here I sit and I'm STARVING!!! lol gee I wonder what did it, the fries or the creme pie. LOL
7/4/06 - Happy 4th of July!

Well, I switched my workouts this week to evenings. Last night did weights then did HIIT on elliptical....and remembered one of the reasons I workout in the morning.....NO DISRUPTIONS! :mad: I can't even tell you how frustrating it is!!! LOL

Anyway, tonight is running and I hope it doesnt' rain when I need to go...otherwise.....I think another HIIT session it will have to be...

Today's meals so far:

B: 2 eggs and a slice of toast with pb
L: salad with chicken
Lots of water

I'm already hungry and it's hasn't been an hour yet! Ugh! :mad: TAKE THIS HUNGER AWAY!!! lol
Ok, to round out my day, I have had the following:

S: oatmeal creme sandwich :eek:
S2: blueberries n creme
S3: graham crackers - couple; postrun
D: BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, peas, milk

OMG I swear I have eaten like 3000 cals today. I should go to fitday and log in all my food to see the cals.....

Ugh feeling so fat today. I have only had about 600 cals so far today:

B: 2 eggs, 1 slice toast with pb, milk (300)
S: 100 cal pack of chips ahoy (100)
L: Garden salad with chicken, sm amt of dressing (est about 200)

In 2 days I weigh in and damned if I dont' feel like a friggin pig. I feel like I am hanging out all over. OMG it's so gross. :mad:
It'll be ok..Tomorrow is another day. You just ate all the good stuff for the holiday. Your body don't know what to think.
She47441 said:
It'll be ok..Tomorrow is another day. You just ate all the good stuff for the holiday. Your body don't know what to think.

LOL thanks She!
You'd be surprised... if you only let loose once in a while, the body seems to be able to handle it better. And at any rate, you'll never be like the guy who won the Nathan's hot dog eating contest - consumed around 40-some hot dogs for a calorie count of 16,600 or thereabouts.
And at any rate, you'll never be like the guy who won the Nathan's hot dog eating contest - consumed around 40-some hot dogs for a calorie count of 16,600 or thereabouts.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: