MsBubbles: Daily Health Efforts

Oh MsBubbles, I really feel for you. I think just keep up the exercise for now and give yourself a break with the unhealthy stuff for the moment. When the fridge returns, order will prevail. He's like an AWOL general that was keeping a close eye on proceedings, lol.

Oh, Bubbles. You have been thrown off track. You'll get back on there soon :grouphug:

Thanks Emilyrose and Cate! New fridge/freezer was delivered today! I feel normal again! I want to cook home meals now.

Grocery stores are so tempting when the binge demon is on the loose! For me it helps to go in very early in the morning when I still have hope and energy - of course that's not helpful when you have to source three meals a day. Maybe something like canned fish and crackers could make a reasonable shelf stable meal. Tomatoes, cucumber, and a bunch of other (botanical) fruits don't need refrigerating so they might be good to have at home to pimp up simple meals. Nuts if you're not inclined to overeat on them. I don't like salted nuts and while I do like unsalted they don't tempt me to binge. Hardboiled eggs are good to keep at room temp as well. When we went camping we sometimes brought processed cheese products as well and as long as they're far enough off real cheese they won't spoil at room temp. I'm sure you have better ideas that better fit your preferences though!

Living in Georgia (the state, not the country), there really isn't a whole lot of stuff that can be kept at room temp, unless I want to pay a fortune to keep the AC at 65 or so. And even then it'll struggle to keep it under 73 or so, I think. Food goes off and moldy here really fast. We also have a lot of humidity. So eggs, bread, tomatoes and most fruits don't last long. I also keep all my flours and sugars in the fridge to keep bugs out of them. But crackers and canned fish would work. I went through those last week :LOL:. I do have a load of nuts but I don't like them - they're not a binge food for me either, salted or not. I think I bought them in an attempt to eat more healthily.

I hope you get out for that skate. I know I feel similarly so much better when I can get a proper run in.

I hope you can get your new fridge and freezer soon to help make those choices easier on you. It is tough being faced with temptations--I am the same with when sugar is around me!

I did! I did get out for a skate yesterday morning! I felt like a whole new person afterwards. It really is magical. My brain works again and I am no longer wandering around aimlessly, trying to think of what to do. Sounds crazy. I don't know what this condition is. "Stupid-without-exercise-syndrome".

I have found "health" foods just as easy to binge on as any. In fact some of the so called health foods are pretty calorie rich...

You are no idiot, and you are trying your best. I am impressed with your insights and the progress you are making. More than a lot of folks. Go easy on yourself girl!

Hah! I WISH I could binge on healthy foods! If I did, I'm pretty sure that would just mean I was finally starving. Thanks for the encouragement, Alligatorob.

My updates:
- New fridge-freezer today! Yay! Clean. Ready for healthy foods.
- Skated 14 miles yesterday. After an hour I felt my brain shift back to normal function again, but kept going until I could feel my leg muscles really working and/or I ran out of water, or it got too hot. So I ended up quitting about 20 mins after that. All day yesterday I felt happy and unstoppable. Couldn't go this morning due to fridge being delivered but hope to go again tomorrow morning where the temps and humidity will be lower than normal again, as long as I'm done by 10am, when it'll be a cool 83 F.
- Feel even more committed to throwing myself into an 'as whole foods as possible' way of eating for various reasons. But the main reason is I'm fed up with my junky diet showing up as junk on my body. I plan on whipping up some batches of treats and bread alternatives for myself.
Oh and additionally, I guess I want to try to log my food here. It's a risk. If I stop doing it, you'll know I gave up. :ROFLMAO:

- Just had a great lunch of salmon and vegetables, followed by an everything-free snack bar. So made with dates and other dried fruit, maybe some nuts. Tasted like cardboard, probably won't buy those again. I got it for a work snack emergency. When I'm about to pass out from hunger, they're edible.
Haha, some of those snack bars really are poor. But anything is edible when hungry enough.

Delighted you got your fridge/freezer delivered and your 14-mile skate sounded great! Go you!
Yay for having a fridge/freezer again! "Healthy" snack bars usually aren't very & often resemble cardboard. I have been so tempted to make a slice with oats & dried fruit, but then I would be more tempted to eat too much of it & I'm soon to be semi-sedentary for a few months. I bought some "California Gold Nutrition, Foods, Peanut & Dark Chocolate Chunk Bars, 12 Bars, 1.4 oz (40 g) Each" from iHerb & they are delicious & very filling. I just had a quick look & they're currently on special. I tried the caramel & almond ones last time & thought they were sickly sweet. You would probably have to keep them in the fridge though. They're 8g of protein & 190 calories & I often have one as a meal replacement when I play golf.
Yay also for skating 14 miles. That is awesome 👏 I could feel your joy from here :)
I did! I did get out for a skate yesterday morning! I felt like a whole new person afterwards. It really is magical. My brain works again and I am no longer wandering around aimlessly, trying to think of what to do. Sounds crazy. I don't know what this condition is. "Stupid-without-exercise-syndrome".
I think I could say the same (except not skating), I like the "Stupid-without-exercise-syndrome" thing, a new diagnosis!
New fridge-freezer today! Yay! Clean. Ready for healthy foods.
Good for you! Living without refrigeration is no fun, had to believe that for 99% of human existence no such thing existed.
- Skated 14 miles yesterday.
Wow! I am sure that's more than I have skated total in my whole life.
Feel even more committed to throwing myself into an 'as whole foods as possible' way of eating for various reasons. But the main reason is I'm fed up with my junky diet showing up as junk on my body. I plan on whipping up some batches of treats and bread alternatives for myself.
Good for you, it will be an inspiration to us all.
Oh and additionally, I guess I want to try to log my food here. It's a risk. If I stop doing it, you'll know I gave up. :ROFLMAO:
Logging my food really helps me, hope it helps you too. The hardest days to log are the bad ones, but I think they are the more important ones to log... Not that I expect you to have any more of those ;)
Living in Georgia
Can you say what part? For a long time I lived just south of Tallahassee, only about an hour's drive to Georgia. My mother's family came from north Georgia, I used to have a lot of great aunts there. Gone now and I don't keep in touch with the second and third cousins...
I was 16 when we got out first fridge but we did always have a freezer. We kept most food in the cellar (and my parents still do, because fridge temp really doesn't help the flavors in most food) but of course my apartment doesn't have one.
Great to hear you have your cooling and food options back though, and yay for exercise-induced mental clarity!
Yay for having a fridge/freezer again! "Healthy" snack bars usually aren't very & often resemble cardboard. I have been so tempted to make a slice with oats & dried fruit, but then I would be more tempted to eat too much of it & I'm soon to be semi-sedentary for a few months. I bought some "California Gold Nutrition, Foods, Peanut & Dark Chocolate Chunk Bars, 12 Bars, 1.4 oz (40 g) Each" from iHerb & they are delicious & very filling. I just had a quick look & they're currently on special. I tried the caramel & almond ones last time & thought they were sickly sweet. You would probably have to keep them in the fridge though. They're 8g of protein & 190 calories & I often have one as a meal replacement when I play golf.
Yay also for skating 14 miles. That is awesome 👏 I could feel your joy from here :)

Those look good, Cate, thanks for the recommendation! Unfortunately, I am allergic to rice, of all things. Almost all these kinds of alternatives have rice in them. I also avoid soy, for thyroid reasons. So I'm very limited. I just need to make some sunflower butter energy balls. Those are also ok as long as they're refrigerated! They'll melt here otherwise.
Thanks, Rob, Llama and Liza!

Rob - I'm in Atlanta, basically. Actually, Buckhead. I lived in the 'burbs for a gruelling 26 years and have been much happier in the city where I can walk places and there's more to do. LOL about the new stupid-without-exercise diagnosis! :LOL: Mystery solved!

Llama, I can't imagine life without a fridge but of course if it's not 95 degrees for four months out of the year, that makes more sense.

I am making my way through some remaining white rolls and cheese products but hope to stock up on plenty of safe, non-binge items from now on. I did half my lower body workout late last night, and meant to do the other half this morning (who cares! There's nothing to say I have to do them all in one go!), but instead I went out for another skate at the nearby 1 mile section of trail. I went for an hour and did 11 miles. My legs were tired but I liked it. But boy, am I aware of every single extra pound of fat going up any hills.

I ate pretty well yesterday. Even though I had a big white (softish) sourdough roll with cheese AND cream cheese, and spring mix greens. Was hungry right before bed so ate some plain corn chips and some OJ. Majorly carby but I don't care.
Corn chips and juice are way better than going to bed hungry and then binging. 11 miles of skating is impressive, especislly when you already skated yesterday!
I'm in Atlanta, basically. Actually, Buckhead. I lived in the 'burbs for a gruelling 26 years and have been much happier in the city where I can walk places and there's more to do.
I like Atlanta, nice Southern city. And Buckhead is a nice part of it. Do you know Jones Bridge Park? Its on the Chattahoochee River north and east of Atlanta. It is named for my great great grandfather George Hoyle Jones and occupies a part of what was his farm. He actually ran a ferry across the river, the bridge put him out of business... in 1904. Not sure why they named it for him (the bridge or the park). One advantage to having a number of unmarried great aunts, I learned lots of family history...
I am making my way through some remaining white rolls and cheese products but hope to stock up on plenty of safe, non-binge items from now on. I did half my lower body workout late last night, and meant to do the other half this morning (who cares! There's nothing to say I have to do them all in one go!), but instead I went out for another skate at the nearby 1 mile section of trail. I went for an hour and did 11 miles. My legs were tired but I liked it. But boy, am I aware of every single extra pound of fat going up any hills.

I ate pretty well yesterday. Even though I had a big white (softish) sourdough roll with cheese AND cream cheese, and spring mix greens. Was hungry right before bed so ate some plain corn chips and some OJ. Majorly carby but I don't care.
Sounds like you are doing well, more of that skating, kind of intimidates me. I used to do upper and lower body exercises on different days, but found I like doing some of both and just alternate which exercises I do from day to day. It's all personal preference, what really matters is that you are exercising, and you are girl!
Yay for more skating! Homemade is almost always better. Sunflower butter energy balls sound good. When we work our way through these bars I am going to make something healthy for us.
I have the name Nellie in the back of my mind when I read your diary. That's not you is it?
Corn chips and juice are way better than going to bed hungry and then binging. 11 miles of skating is impressive, especislly when you already skated yesterday!

Yes, Llama. Thank you! It's certainly a victory (no binge). I am re-realizing or re-remembering that this is THE biggest thing for me in my fitness journey. It's helping to be able to talk about it here. Gets that big monster out of my head, anyway.

I like Atlanta, nice Southern city. And Buckhead is a nice part of it. Do you know Jones Bridge Park? Its on the Chattahoochee River north and east of Atlanta. It is named for my great great grandfather George Hoyle Jones and occupies a part of what was his farm. He actually ran a ferry across the river, the bridge put him out of business... in 1904. Not sure why they named it for him (the bridge or the park). One advantage to having a number of unmarried great aunts, I learned lots of family history...

Sounds like you are doing well, more of that skating, kind of intimidates me. I used to do upper and lower body exercises on different days, but found I like doing some of both and just alternate which exercises I do from day to day. It's all personal preference, what really matters is that you are exercising, and you are girl!

OMG, Rob! That's such a great story! Yes, I am familiar with the Jones Bridge area. How about that! It gives me goosebumps. I feel for your Great Great Grandfather, being put out of business like that. I used to live in Duluth when I first moved here, which is just a little to the East of there. I used to drive past there all the time between Duluth and Roswell in the early 90s. The first time I moved here I wondered why there were so many so-and-so's Ferry roads. Powers Ferry, Johnsons Ferry, etc., when we were so landlocked. But I hadn't realized how wide American rivers were.

And - go Rob's unmarried Aunts! I had a few unmarried Great Aunts back in the 80s before they passed away, and they were the coolest people, with very interesting lives.

Yay for more skating! Homemade is almost always better. Sunflower butter energy balls sound good. When we work our way through these bars I am going to make something healthy for us.
I have the name Nellie in the back of my mind when I read your diary. That's not you is it?

Nellie? I'm not a Nellie, no. :). Do you mean someone who used to be here, with that name?

Yay for all that skating!
Thanks, Liza3! I'm praying for dry and cooler weather, but I think we are due for a week's worth of rain starting Friday.

I have been away for a few days as I slipped into a depressive/anxious episode and started to feel a little crazy/hopeless. I think it is a mix of not being able to get outside due to the heat (having to stay indoors in the AC), not really having a clear picture of where my life is headed right now, generalized anxiety and fear for the future, not being able to get myself moving on any projects - money makers or otherwise. I think I am through that for now. Sometimes (to me, at least), everything seems like a struggle and I get tired of it being so. Struggling to lose this extra weight. Struggling to keep my muscles in good working order. Struggling to keep my brain chemistry on the straight and narrow without drugs of any kind. Struggling to like myself and feel worthy of anything at all (insert Mr. Krabbs playing a song on the world's tiniest violin). I get so sick of the self-loathing. Good grief. It's MY brain, why won't it do what I tell it to?! I realize there are much bigger things I could be dealing with, so then I beat myself up for not being grateful I don't have those. I'm wondering if being sick for so long fried my brain somehow. It's so hard to extend patience to myself.

Pity party for one, your table is ready!

Ok that's over with. It's a new week. I just weighed myself for the first time in 5 weeks and have lost about a kilo. Yay. I prefer kilos to pounds and actually would really love it if there were a 5 lb weigh increment. I think pounds are too small and tend to freak people (me in particular) out. Pounds did a lot of damage to me when I was younger and didn't understand water weight fluctuations. And then a couple of decades ago I took my weight daily and plotted graphs, which really helped me see that those tiny pound fluctuations were insignificant and didn't make much difference, and for sure NOBODY else could see that I had gained whatever predetermined increment of weight overnight. Nobody can really tell - or care - with me (being on the taller side), that I even gained 10 lb, much less 1. But kilos are great. I can gain about 2 lb and it might still read the same overall number (160 lb to 162 lb is still 73 point something), and if it doesn't, it's only going to be 1 number off, which is no big deal :LOL:.

But I am somewhat pleased with the scale number going in the right direction, at least, especially since this is happening in as natural and as incidental way as I can manage. I like knowing what my body looks like at various weights. It helps with avoiding the self-insults or black and white thinking (good vs bad, worthy vs unworthy).

I skipped a few days of exercise due to going off a cliff mentally, but managed to get back on it yesterday and do the lower body ones.
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I am not the right person to tell you this but please don't beat yourself up over suffering when your lot isn't the worst in the county. It's not a competition. What's easy for one person can be impossible for the next. And what was easy for me yesterday may be a heroic achievement today.
Sometimes (to me, at least), everything seems like a struggle and I get tired of it being so. Struggling to lose this extra weight. Struggling to keep my muscles in good working order. Struggling to keep my brain chemistry on the straight and narrow without drugs of any kind. Struggling to like myself and feel worthy of anything at all (insert Mr. Krabbs playing a song on the world's tiniest violin). I get so sick of the self-loathing. Good grief. It's MY brain, why won't it do what I tell it to?! I realize there are much bigger things I could be dealing with, so then I beat myself up for not being grateful I don't have those.
I think we can all relate to that. Everyone has those moments/days. I think we just have to accept it as part of the human condition unfortunately. I guess the trick is to try to get your baseline mood up as much as possible. I don't really have the answers.

Well done on being down a kilo! That should give you a lift.
Nellie? I'm not a Nellie, no. :). Do you mean someone who used to be here, with that name?
That must have seemed like such a strange question. Someone in the forum in the last year or so called themselves Nellie & it was in the back of my mind.
But I am somewhat pleased with the scale number going in the right direction, at least, especially since this is happening in as natural and as incidental way as I can manage. I like knowing what my body looks like at various weights. It helps with avoiding the self-insults or black and white thinking (good vs bad, worthy vs unworthy).
Well done, Bubbles. I know I teeter on that cliff fairly often & give myself such a hard time. I'm struggling with anxiety & self-doubt at the moment too. You sound very healthy & active to me.
I love sorting things out & organised my sister's house in the US. When she & her husband had to downsize because they both had cancer I asked how on earth they managed & was told I had made it very easy for them. Is this what you do now? Pack people's belongings? I love decluttering too.
I have been away for a few days as I slipped into a depressive/anxious episode and started to feel a little crazy/hopeless. I think it is a mix of not being able to get outside due to the heat (having to stay indoors in the AC), not really having a clear picture of where my life is headed right now, generalized anxiety and fear for the future, not being able to get myself moving on any projects - money makers or otherwise. I think I am through that for now. Sometimes (to me, at least), everything seems like a struggle and I get tired of it being so
I sure can relate to that feeling where sometimes everything just feels like a struggle. Having it be so hot where you can't get much outdoor time in is tough. I find the heat gets to me even when it isn't terrible.

Yay for the scale going in the right direction!
It's certainly a victory (no binge). I am re-realizing or re-remembering that this is THE biggest thing for me in my fitness journey. It's helping to be able to talk about it here. Gets that big monster out of my head, anyway.
Not bingeing is always good, and it is for me also the biggest thing.
I have been away for a few days as I slipped into a depressive/anxious episode and started to feel a little crazy/hopeless. I think it is a mix of not being able to get outside due to the heat (having to stay indoors in the AC), not really having a clear picture of where my life is headed right now, generalized anxiety and fear for the future, not being able to get myself moving on any projects - money makers or otherwise. I think I am through that for now. Sometimes (to me, at least), everything seems like a struggle and I get tired of it being so. Struggling to lose this extra weight. Struggling to keep my muscles in good working order. Struggling to keep my brain chemistry on the straight and narrow without drugs of any kind. Struggling to like myself and feel worthy of anything at all (insert Mr. Krabbs playing a song on the world's tiniest violin). I get so sick of the self-loathing. Good grief. It's MY brain, why won't it do what I tell it to?! I realize there are much bigger things I could be dealing with, so then I beat myself up for not being grateful I don't have those. I'm wondering if being sick for so long fried my brain somehow. It's so hard to extend patience to myself.
Sorry to hear your days have been a struggle. Can't help much with the heat but you know that eating right will make other things better, may not fix them, but it will be better. Liking yourself and feeling worthy are related, but girl you are likeable and worthy no matter what!

I find logging in everyday helps me, even on days that are not so good.
I just weighed myself for the first time in 5 weeks and have lost about a kilo.
Good for you! That should help you feel a little better. Pounds or kilos don't matter here, we talk both.
OMG, Rob! That's such a great story! Yes, I am familiar with the Jones Bridge area. How about that! It gives me goosebumps. I feel for your Great Great Grandfather, being put out of business like that. I used to live in Duluth when I first moved here, which is just a little to the East of there. I used to drive past there all the time between Duluth and Roswell in the early 90s. The first time I moved here I wondered why there were so many so-and-so's Ferry roads. Powers Ferry, Johnsons Ferry, etc., when we were so landlocked. But I hadn't realized how wide American rivers were.
We have come close to crossing paths more than once. Much of my mother's family were from Norcross, right next to Duluth. In fact some of the downtown streets have there names. Wingo street was named for my great Uncle Ivy Wingo, a baseball player of fame back before my time. He died before I was born, but my Aunt Mattie was his widow and one of those unmarried aunts I mentioned. Not sure who Jones street was named for, but it had to have been one of ours.
go Rob's unmarried Aunts! I had a few unmarried Great Aunts back in the 80s before they passed away, and they were the coolest people, with very interesting lives.
They were fun to visit, learned lots of family history that way, though I suspect much of it was overstated. I remember once listening to stories of the glorious exploits of Colonel or Captain someone and my Uncle leaned over and whispered to me "there were no enlisted men in the Confederate Army". I am sure he was right, we never heard of any in our family anyway, no slackers or mediocre soldiers either, LOL.

Good to see you posting again!
I am not the right person to tell you this but please don't beat yourself up over suffering when your lot isn't the worst in the county. It's not a competition. What's easy for one person can be impossible for the next. And what was easy for me yesterday may be a heroic achievement today.
:smilielol5:Hahaha I love that. "I'll have you know, my suffering is the worst in this here county!" :rotflmao:Excellent points, Llama. :giggle:
I think we can all relate to that. Everyone has those moments/days. I think we just have to accept it as part of the human condition unfortunately. I guess the trick is to try to get your baseline mood up as much as possible. I don't really have the answers.

Well done on being down a kilo! That should give you a lift.
Yeah Emilyrose, stupid human condition! :banghead: Not sure where along the way I expected myself to be superhuman. Perhaps it was the impossible corporate job expectations or all those magazines and ads from the 1970s onwards that made me feel less-than if I wasn't perfect. That's it! Yes, thrilled at the -1kg.
That must have seemed like such a strange question. Someone in the forum in the last year or so called themselves Nellie & it was in the back of my mind.

Well done, Bubbles. I know I teeter on that cliff fairly often & give myself such a hard time. I'm struggling with anxiety & self-doubt at the moment too. You sound very healthy & active to me.
I love sorting things out & organised my sister's house in the US. When she & her husband had to downsize because they both had cancer I asked how on earth they managed & was told I had made it very easy for them. Is this what you do now? Pack people's belongings? I love decluttering too.
It's ok Cate - that's what I thought you meant! And yes, that's exactly the kind of contract/sporadic work I do. I really love helping people in this way who either are too old, or sick, or busy with multiple toddlers ( :oops: ) to have the time or energy to deal with rooms full of objects and stuff. I just can't even imagine having to deal with cancer and moving or throwing things away. Bless them, and bless you for doing that for them. Most grateful customers I've ever had, which sure helps in the job satisfaction department.
I sure can relate to that feeling where sometimes everything just feels like a struggle. Having it be so hot where you can't get much outdoor time in is tough. I find the heat gets to me even when it isn't terrible.

Yay for the scale going in the right direction!
Thanks Liza3. I agree. I can't handle heat like I used to either. I am hoping that if/when I shed this excess weight I put on over the past year, that I might be able to tolerate it a little better.
Not bingeing is always good, and it is for me also the biggest thing.

Sorry to hear your days have been a struggle. Can't help much with the heat but you know that eating right will make other things better, may not fix them, but it will be better. Liking yourself and feeling worthy are related, but girl you are likeable and worthy no matter what!

I find logging in everyday helps me, even on days that are not so good.

Good for you! That should help you feel a little better. Pounds or kilos don't matter here, we talk both.

We have come close to crossing paths more than once. Much of my mother's family were from Norcross, right next to Duluth. In fact some of the downtown streets have there names. Wingo street was named for my great Uncle Ivy Wingo, a baseball player of fame back before my time. He died before I was born, but my Aunt Mattie was his widow and one of those unmarried aunts I mentioned. Not sure who Jones street was named for, but it had to have been one of ours.

They were fun to visit, learned lots of family history that way, though I suspect much of it was overstated. I remember once listening to stories of the glorious exploits of Colonel or Captain someone and my Uncle leaned over and whispered to me "there were no enlisted men in the Confederate Army". I am sure he was right, we never heard of any in our family anyway, no slackers or mediocre soldiers either, LOL.

Good to see you posting again!
Get out of here, Rob! that's wild!! I have certainly been on Wingo St in Norcross many times! I just watched the Yogi Berra documentary "It Ain't Over" on Netflix a few weeks ago, which was absolutely lovely. I looked up Mr. Ivey Wingo and see he was a catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, which Berra almost played for some years later but of course went to the Yankees instead.

Well the Civil War sure was brutal. It's hard to watch any documentaries about that. My house stands on one of the battle sites (there are so many around here!), and when they put up the hospital across the road, they found a load of cannons and other artefacts.

While we're dropping eagerly-investigated ancestor names, I am about 8 generations down from the Sotheby's, as in the auction house and now real estate company. But yeah...downward mobility all the way, here! :beerchug: I think someone in my family also traced a link to Princess Di's family, but it was a bit of a stretch. I'll stick with the Sotheby's claim to fame, as they at least seemed like they were entrepreneurial. My branch of that family went off to one of the "colonies" where the men got killed in some massacre or other, and the women fled back to cold, rainy England and got consumption :oops:. What a life!

You guys. :grouphug: It's so great to come here and see all your lovely replies! I really appreciate you all.

Two days ago I ended up doing three workouts, and yesterday as a result I felt unstoppable! Most of yesterday I sat on my bum and worked on my resume/CV and applied to jobs, a few corporate, even. I really don't want to go back to that world but might have to for a period of time. Maybe if I tell myself it's only for a year or two, I might be able to stomach it. I have a phone interview tomorrow for one, and a former co-worker who works at an absolutely massive company is helping me with a position I saw advertised. I can't imagine they will want to hire me but he is going to put my info through as a referral from him, and he will get a bonus if they hire me.

Boosted by my kilo loss, I dragged out one of the tubs of 'too small for me' clothes that I stashed out of the way in a rage a few months ago. I was able to bring back out 4 items out of the 55 or so items that I hid until thinner, and can now put them back into my rotation. The deal is, I have to be able to feel comfy in these items for them to come back out of hiding, not just that I can get them on. So that was nice. I ended up with a "not yet, but soon" pile, and a "not for a long time" pile.

I am currently really enjoying eating healthy foods and am not craving the bad stuff. Yay.

Yesterday's activity was throwing a disc with a friend for about 1 hr 15. It's been a while since we did that and I could tell any semblance of fast twitch muscles I might've had, have gone dormant since I was ill. So it's good to get back into that again. Leaping and attempts at 'running' to reach the disc just weren't happening :LOL:.