MsBubbles: Daily Health Efforts

Thanks, Cate. That reminds me of a TinyBuddha quote I saw on Instagram earlier:

"Western cultures believe we must be alive for a purpose, to work, to make money. Some indigenous cultures believe we're alive just as nature is alive; to be here, to be beautiful and strange. We don't need to achieve anything to be valid in our humanness".

Obviously there are practicalities to modern life (and nature is brutal, BTW), but I do love this as a starting point, as in this being in the forefront of my mind when I wake up each day. Anything I achieve will be a plus, and in the meantime I'll start off at "Beautiful and strange". :LOL:
I love that quote. I do think there is too much pressure on everyone these days to be constantly achieving & doing things bigger & better & making more money & acquiring more things & appearances... I am happiest when I am with the ones I love. I did what I had to do to bring up our kids & now I enjoy & appreciate my life so much more.
Realising that you are OK ( or "beautiful and strange" ) is a good start to anyone's day.
What a beautiful quote! Gotta save that somewhere.
Also, what Cate said:
I think we all know what is good for us & what we should do but life isn't easy & I don't know any perfect people. We are not bad people if we are not perpetually "on". :grouphug:
Or, as someone once said (and I can't remember who): healthy choices are simple, but that doesn't always make them easy.
I did what I had to do to bring up our kids & now I enjoy & appreciate my life so much more.

Yes! I agree with that too. I'm happy to be in a less frantic stage of life right now. (Knocks on wood).
Or, as someone once said (and I can't remember who): healthy choices are simple, but that doesn't always make them easy.

Oh boy ain't that the truth. I have that thought many times each day, especially as they relate to my own self-discipline, motivation and energy management. It seems to be an art, really.

And talking of healthy choices...I'm overhauling everything, starting today :ROFLMAO:. I got on the scales this morning. In the past, doing this was immensely binge-triggering and made me miserable so I stopped doing it. Ignorance was bliss on this one. However, I have also been trigger-free by doing the opposite - weighing myself each day, which stopped me taking any tiny fluctuation personally. Therefore, like the happiness calendar, I'm going to bring that habit back too and maybe even plot another graph, since visuals tend to speak to me more than just numbers. I like how the weight graph really isn't very undulated at all. It mostly looks flat, with slight trends over time, no matter where I am in my fitness.

My weight was up by a lot since the previous weigh in.

I also took a hard look at my calorie intake and expenditure. I hate thinking about calories. But I did it for about an hour to do some calculations, and come up with the same thing that I know worked for me in the past, that should work for me now, IF I DO THEM.

Here are my goals.

3 meals of around 500 cals each, daily.
3 snacks, if necessary, of around 100 cals each (binge prevention), daily.
4 hours min of skating per week, weather permitting (burns 800 cals an hour at my weight & speed) - for happiness and a functional brain.
1 hour decent effort walking per day, weather permitting (but not on skate days).
3-5 x 40 min weights workouts per week.
Retraining my brain to 'not think about food'. Each time I start obsessing, be aware of it and tell it to go away unless it's a mealtime.

Well let's see if I can make all of these habits. Biggest problem will be fitting in a few long skates, since we seem to be in a pattern of afternoon/evening T-storm deluge here. It's usually enough to really mess up the one 94 mile paved trail I like to use, as that trail has a thick tree canopy, which means not only does a lot of debris fall onto the trail during storms, but the pavement takes much longer to dry out, and as long as it's damp, it'll be slick too and therefore unskateable for me. I can make do with the 1 mile stretch closer to home that has no tree canopy and dries out faster. It's just not as visually enjoyable as going out 15 miles or so then coming back another 15.

Edit: Well the cravings have now mysteriously already started. :rolleyes: I guess I'm going to give them some credence. I will entertain the thought and make notes for the next meal, and incorporate them into it if possible/wise. If not, I will tell them to go away too. I'm not hungry, physically. My stomach is full from breakfast! Good grief. This whole scarcity mindset really steals a lot of my energy.
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Sorry to hear the ole lizard brain is panicking. Your plan sounds good though, and very doable. Incorporating cravings into your meals is a great idea!
The minute I impose "rules" my lizard brain panics too. You can do this, MsB. Incorporating the things you crave into your plan might just take away some of that. Good thinking :)
Thanks Llama and Cate! Lizards are cute, so maybe I can embrace the lizard brain :D.

Logging food and activity for today, since I ran out of space in my planner to do it.

Walked with good effort, 1 hour. Did a kind of lame workout - upper body and abs. 2 different arm exercises, and three different ab moves.


2 eggs, toast, a little butter/oil.

1 slice pizza, strawberry yogurt.

Potato chips, beef stew w/carrots and turnip, strawberry yogurt.

Came in right under 1,500. Not all that hungry.

I also remembered that since I stood for about 8 hours on Saturday, my calves are swollen, which explains the weight gain. Especially since I took a belly button measurement a few days ago and it was down a whole inch from a month ago.
When you're just getting back into regular exercise all workouts are good workouts. You went to the gym or put your mat down or whatever your setup is and you got started!
An inch off your belly is real progress: keep up the good work.
Your food for the day looks pretty good MsBubbles. Your goals are great but maybe you could make the list a few lines shorter? Might be too demanding as a starting point.
:iagree: Any exercise is good exercise, MsB. With goals I try to set a minimum & aim to go higher if I can, otherwise I feel I'm setting myself up to feel like a failure.