MsBubbles: Daily Health Efforts

I was able to bring back out 4 items out of the 55 or so items that I hid until thinner, and can now put them back into my rotation. The deal is, I have to be able to feel comfy in these items for them to come back out of hiding, not just that I can get them on. So that was nice. I ended up with a "not yet, but soon" pile, and a "not for a long time" pile.
Awesome! I always find that to be one of the biggest rewards is getting clothes out that were too tight and they fit again!

Sounds like you are getting some great activity in. Throwing a disc sounds really good for all the variety it can offer--I was never good at hand-eye coordination so it's not quite so satisfying when you can never catch it haha
Ooo, being able to shop in a stash of beloved clothing is the best. With all that exercise you're getting in that "soon" pile won't have to wait long.
Fingers crossed you'll come upon a job that'll fill your wallet without hollowing you out.
About cool ancestors: pretty sure my fanciest ancestors were master weavers, back in the 18th century before factories took over. Nothing but unskilled laborers and subsistence farmers otherwise. Oh, and a postman. Who admittedly did apprehend an outlaw - who'd decided to come have a beer in pregrandpa's favored bar - and held him down until the policeman could be brought over from the next village despite having been shot in the knee. Could someone else have held him during that time? Probably, but when there's a bounty you take no chances...
Boosted by my kilo loss, I dragged out one of the tubs of 'too small for me' clothes that I stashed out of the way in a rage a few months ago. I was able to bring back out 4 items out of the 55 or so items that I hid until thinner, and can now put them back into my rotation. The deal is, I have to be able to feel comfy in these items for them to come back out of hiding, not just that I can get them on. So that was nice. I ended up with a "not yet, but soon" pile, and a "not for a long time" pile.

I am currently really enjoying eating healthy foods and am not craving the bad stuff. Yay.

Yesterday's activity was throwing a disc with a friend for about 1 hr 15. It's been a while since we did that and I could tell any semblance of fast twitch muscles I might've had, have gone dormant since I was ill. So it's good to get back into that again. Leaping and attempts at 'running' to reach the disc just weren't happening :LOL:.
That is all great, you really are doing well. You seem to have found something that works for you!
Well the Civil War sure was brutal. It's hard to watch any documentaries about that. My house stands on one of the battle sites (there are so many around here!), and when they put up the hospital across the road, they found a load of cannons and other artefacts.
Absolutely, it was! A brutal and senseless war (most all are). Slavery certainly needed to end, but other countries figured out how to do it without war, Brazil and the UK for example. One story I heard from my great aunts that I think was more or less true was about my great great grandfather William Daly Burtchaell. One note, if you read to the bottom of his page it says "A cursory look at the 1860 U.S. Federal Slave Schedules in Ancestry does not pull up any Burtchael, or other variants, in Florida owning slaves." He may not have, but his wife (my great great grandmother) did, inherited from her father. The more you learn about history, the dirtier it can get.
While we're dropping eagerly-investigated ancestor names, I am about 8 generations down from the Sotheby's, as in the auction house and now real
I'll stick with the Sotheby's claim to fame, as they at least seemed like they were entrepreneurial. My branch of that family went off to one of the "colonies" where the men got killed in some massacre or other, and the women fled back to cold, rainy England and got consumption :oops:. What a life!
I'm impressed! Being a Sotheby is cool, does it get you a special invite to the auctions?
About cool ancestors: pretty sure my fanciest ancestors were master weavers, back in the 18th century before factories took over. Nothing but unskilled laborers and subsistence farmers otherwise. Oh, and a postman. Who admittedly did apprehend an outlaw - who'd decided to come have a beer in pregrandpa's favored bar - and held him down until the policeman could be brought over from the next village despite having been shot in the knee. Could someone else have held him during that time? Probably, but when there's a bounty you take no chances...
That is interesting, I think ancestor usually is. You know that you, Bubbles, and I (along with everyone on earth) are cousins, and recent research shows closer than we thought:

all Europeans are descended from exactly the same people. Basically, everyone alive in the ninth century who left descendants is the ancestor of every living European today, including Charlemagne, Drogo, Pippin and Hugh.


The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe
Isn't it amazing how exercise can inspire us to do other stuff? It sounds like you are on a roll. I hope you find a job that will be fulfilling & interesting. Do you have your own business packing people up or do you work for someone else? You sound like a person more than capable of running your own show.
You guys. :grouphug: It's so great to come here and see all your lovely replies! I really appreciate you all.
I loved reading this :grouphug: This is how I feel about the forum.
Throwing a disc with a friend for over an hour sounds like a fab workout. I hope you find the perfect job for you and I really hope that it's not in the corporate world, if that's not what you want.
Will be back later to reply to all the replies (they're like gifts! :love:).

Note to self:

Easy does it! Be gentle. Gentle diet. Gentle food. Gentle on yourself and your body. Listen to your soul and your body and go with that. It actually knows what you need to do.
Awesome! I always find that to be one of the biggest rewards is getting clothes out that were too tight and they fit again!

Sounds like you are getting some great activity in. Throwing a disc sounds really good for all the variety it can offer--I was never good at hand-eye coordination so it's not quite so satisfying when you can never catch it haha

Yeah I had a good few many 'butterfingers' type attempts but that's fine - the person I was with was just glad to have someone throw it back to them! :LOL:

What I love about it is exactly that though - the hand/eye coordination, or perhaps just the eye part. It's so completely unrelated to anything else I am currently doing, from staring at my phone, or driving, or watching TV or working on the laptop. I get to watch this thing at various distances until boom - it's right there and I have to catch it. LOL. I need more things like this in my life.

Ooo, being able to shop in a stash of beloved clothing is the best. With all that exercise you're getting in that "soon" pile won't have to wait long.
Fingers crossed you'll come upon a job that'll fill your wallet without hollowing you out.
About cool ancestors: pretty sure my fanciest ancestors were master weavers, back in the 18th century before factories took over. Nothing but unskilled laborers and subsistence farmers otherwise. Oh, and a postman. Who admittedly did apprehend an outlaw - who'd decided to come have a beer in pregrandpa's favored bar - and held him down until the policeman could be brought over from the next village despite having been shot in the knee. Could someone else have held him during that time? Probably, but when there's a bounty you take no chances...

You had some feisty ancestors, Llama! Those are cool family histories.

I like the 'hollowing out' term, too. That's a good way of putting it. I just got rejected for one corporate job, and breathed a sigh of relief!

Unfortunately I made the mistake of wearing some of the clothes that I thought fit me again, and was extremely uncomfortable in them in what I was doing. This really doesn't help me at all. I am very angry with myself for having let myself get into this state, physically.

That is all great, you really are doing well. You seem to have found something that works for you!

Absolutely, it was! A brutal and senseless war (most all are). Slavery certainly needed to end, but other countries figured out how to do it without war, Brazil and the UK for example. One story I heard from my great aunts that I think was more or less true was about my great great grandfather William Daly Burtchaell. One note, if you read to the bottom of his page it says "A cursory look at the 1860 U.S. Federal Slave Schedules in Ancestry does not pull up any Burtchael, or other variants, in Florida owning slaves." He may not have, but his wife (my great great grandmother) did, inherited from her father. The more you learn about history, the dirtier it can get.

I'm impressed! Being a Sotheby is cool, does it get you a special invite to the auctions?

That is interesting, I think ancestor usually is. You know that you, Bubbles, and I (along with everyone on earth) are cousins, and recent research shows closer than we thought:

all Europeans are descended from exactly the same people. Basically, everyone alive in the ninth century who left descendants is the ancestor of every living European today, including Charlemagne, Drogo, Pippin and Hugh.


The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe
Hah, sadly no. No invitations to any auctions, and none of the profits left for my family. Since in the end I descended from one of the females, the name isn't even in my generation any more.

That's cool about the European ancestry. I haven't looked at the links yet. Extremely brain-foggy today. I'd attempt a joke but I think at this point it'd be gibberish!

Isn't it amazing how exercise can inspire us to do other stuff? It sounds like you are on a roll. I hope you find a job that will be fulfilling & interesting. Do you have your own business packing people up or do you work for someone else? You sound like a person more than capable of running your own show.

I loved reading this :grouphug: This is how I feel about the forum.
Cate that's a good prompt. I have been considering just doing this for myself instead. Nothing to stop me I guess! Well, other than general fear and self-loathing. :smilielol5:

Throwing a disc with a friend for over an hour sounds like a fab workout. I hope you find the perfect job for you and I really hope that it's not in the corporate world, if that's not what you want.

Thanks Emilyrose. Quite right, you are! I keep dancing dangerously close to applying to some and then have to ask myself how I'm going to feel about turning them down if they offer it to me. I know this is a nice problem to have but I already went through this earlier this year and it didn't end well when I forced myself to go through with the job. Because after all, isn't that what everybody says everybody is supposed to need and want?

Migraine-brain-fog-drivel to follow.
I haven't been able to do a single thing with my brain today. But I did at least go for a walk. It's been days and days since I got any muscle workouts. Or at least, conventional, deliberate ones.

I was going to have a brainstorm here about plans to get better at nutrition and movement but screw it. I'm sick of myself. I'm going to bed.

Edit: Figured out some macros but so help me if tracking these makes me binge, I am going to be devastated.
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Workouts (or jobs) don't have to be conventional OR deliberate to count. They just have to fit your needs.
I hate tracking my food intake with a passion. Done it for years and I know it helps me to avoid undereating (which is a big binge trigger) but it also makes me obsess. Guesstimating calories (or going by feel) while keeping an eye on my protein intake is what seems to work best, but it can be really hard to be honest to myself or even really know how hungry I feel. All this to say that I feel your pain.
Cate that's a good prompt. I have been considering just doing this for myself instead. Nothing to stop me I guess! Well, other than general fear and self-loathing. :smilielol5:
I think others can see us better than we can. You seem to me to be a very capable woman who would be very good at being self-employed. If you can work at doing something that you love doing, without too much outlay initially what do you have to lose? I say why not give it a try?
Please stop berating yourself because you gained some weight. It does not make you a bad or lesser person. I don't know any perfect people. Be kind to yourself MsBubbles xo
Good for you getting out on the walk!
I think for all of you going through lots of heat, it's good if you can give yourself a break. Everything is just that much more challenging in the heat!
Thanks for the replies! :love: And the reminders to go easy on myself.

Stupidly, I went from last Thursday to yesterday without much exercise at all. No at-home weights, no skating. I think all I did was an hour's walk on Sunday. I cannot possibly hope to achieve my goals like that. Anyway, back on it! Yesterday I gave my lower body a great workout and then went to skate this morning (12 miles) and really felt those muscles working hard. This made me happy (evidence of head in arse, again). Tomorrow I have a house-packing job, which should keep me out of trouble most of the day, I hope.

Been OD'ing on caffeine this week, flirtin' with the migraines.

Since last week I have been bouncing all kinds of ideas around about not letting myself down, not sabotaging myself. As I was skating this morning, I kept thinking to myself "Why would I do something that makes absolutely no sense to me, such as eat certain things or large quantities of the wrong things?" and I really don't have an answer on that. But I do know that I don't want to let myself down. Whenever I make slight gains (or losses, hah), it helps me to vote against sabotaging actions as they present themselves. I mean, I can admire cheesecake in the store but I don't have to give it my phone number and invite it home with me.

About two years ago I started a mental health happiness visual tool thing. I knew that if I skated 20+ miles one day, I would have a healthy outlook, personality and strong brain for 3 days. So I would color that day yellow, plus the next two yellow as well! For every day I worked out or walked an hour or more, I would have those things for that day at least, and color just that day yellow. My goal (both because of how I wanted to treat myself, and my loved ones) was to have as many 'yellow' (= happy) days on the calendar as possible, to avoid going down the vortex, which itself could last three weeks if I let it. And we're not talking being slightly narky, here, but a bit more 'Allie Brosch and Hyperbole and a Half' kind of depression. So I bought a big paper wall calendar of a whole year laid out, and stuck it on the wall. I colored the days yellow as applicable. It seriously improved my life regarding mental and physical health. It was partly an experiment and partly a quick visual aid for myself. So instead of wandering around with my head down going "What's WRONG with me?!", I could just look up at that calendar and go "Oh ok. THAT'S what's wrong with me!". I know there are apps now that provide similar visuals, but I wanted a real life, in your face one, because if I want to ignore something on my phone, I WILL ignore something on my phone. This way, it was out there on the wall for me and anybody visiting to see :LOL:. All of this to say, it's time I got another wall calendar, stuck it up on the wall and got the yellow highlighter pen ready.

I specifically didn't sully it with talk of food, diet, having "good" or "bad" days. No macros, numbers, other colors. Just either yellow, or blah paper color, and purely related to exercise, vis a vis mental health. That's where it all starts, with me. Everything flows out from that.

I ate very well today. Either good proteins and veg, or non-harmful carbs and fats. No overeating or binging. Yay. I felt that post-skate hunger surge 10 hours after I skated, which was telling me "carbs! Now!", so I did - I ate a nice bowl of crunchy, non-sugared cornflakes (quite basically - the ingredients are just corn and some salt, from Fresh Market).
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I mean, I can admire cheesecake in the store but I don't have to give it my phone number and invite it home with me.
Love it! 🤣

I remember going to some energy healer years ago and she was telling me how good exercise was to get the energy moving as a lot of mine was stuck in my mid-section if I remember correctly. That's always stuck with me.
Love it! 🤣

I remember going to some energy healer years ago and she was telling me how good exercise was to get the energy moving as a lot of mine was stuck in my mid-section if I remember correctly. That's always stuck with me.

That's a good visual! I feel like mine is currently stuck in my stomach, thighs and butt. Honestly, I totally relate to this! I have been battling bouts of self-anger now, increasingly so over the past month. Ok, the past year. It seems to be intensifying the past few weeks, though. When I work out and get my muscles strong, it's gone. It's gone as long as I'm physically strong. I was putting it down to an excess of energy, and of course this can be healed by consuming (of course), which we all know I can't do most of the time. So I have been focusing on eating things that won't stick around too much longer than necessary (whole foods basically), instead of restricting amounts and triggering myself into overeating, which starts the anger/excess energy cycle again.

But yes, when this energy is 'stuck', it completely sidelines me. Gotta unstick it.
It's so frustrating when you know what you have to do and you know you'll feel so much better and it's. Just. So. Hard. Even though you know it gets easier after only a week or two!
Exactly, Llama. And I no longer have the excuse of a full time job and/or young kids to be responsible for! I have no excuses. Other than needing a very long vacation (a year?!) to look around and go "What the hell happened!".
So I have been focusing on eating things that won't stick around too much longer than necessary (whole foods basically), instead of restricting amounts and triggering myself into overeating, which starts the anger/excess energy cycle again.
That sounds like a great focus. It's so good too you have the exercise things that bring you joy. I think for me that does it for getting all that energy unstuck!
I think we all know what is good for us & what we should do but life isn't easy & I don't know any perfect people. We are not bad people if we are not perpetually "on". :grouphug: