MsBubbles: Daily Health Efforts

The temperature graph this morning said 72 degrees F, so after 25 long days, I went for a skate and was done by 9am! But boy the humidity was off the charts. Anyway, it felt SO good to get the all-over blood flow again, especially through all those big muscles (glutes, quads, hams, etc.). I feel like I'm back in my body again, after three weeks of feeling completely removed from life. Skating makes me so happy, and makes me naturally want to eat the best quality foods.

Thanks EmilyRose! I've forgotten how to quote multiple people in one message. I liked what you wrote about being 'back' in shorts and bikini, and it started me thinking (uh-oh!). I guess it has been about 5 years since I felt like I could wear shorts (I know I should just wear them and the heck with what anybody thinks), and I have absolutely no idea when the last time was I attempted to wear a bikini! It has to be probably over 25 years ago. And even then it was a full-bottomed/shorts type. I'd be fine with that now too actually. I might still have it around here somewhere... But it's fun to think about because it would be a dream come true to be able to wear one in a way that wouldn't totally horrify me. I know it's achievable and the excitement for that gives me a lot of motivation. I grew up near the beach and was on it a lot and I miss it so much, but haven't wanted to go since feeling so horrified about my stomach. I know this is ridiculous. But that's the way it is inside my head. I've given up wasting that energy trying to talk myself out of it. I'll give it my best shot and then after that if I still feel bad about my stomach and thighs, then I will work on just getting over it already. But I know I can make a huge difference just by sticking to healthy eating and my favorite exercise patterns for a few months.

Cate: sorry for that US-centricity :D . I'm used to 'Georgia' meaning the country Georgia, and the state being GA. The mountains in N GA really are beautiful but I am not a hiker. I'd have to drive a few hours to get there, then hike, which doesn't do a whole lot for me. I'd rather spend the time and effort skating 30 miles. I'd love an excuse to go to the mountains though (actually by my formerly British standards, most of them are just hills, but as you start to get into the bottom of the 400 mile stretch of Blue Ridge, they become mountains). Yes, the coast does get the odd hurricane I guess, but not often. We get the remnants at times here 250 miles inland, which although downgraded to tropical storms by then, can be very damaging. I experienced a tornado in 1998, which was an absolute buzz. Luckily lives and property were preserved. But it was wild.

Yes, AlligatoRob! I do remember you from back then! I guess it wasn't as long ago as I thought it was that I had a journal here, if you joined in 2019! As for the steroids, they were treating me for pneumonia. I felt SO bad before taking the meds, that if both lots of antibiotics and the steroids hurt me, I didn't notice! Comparatively speaking, I felt like a million bucks! It's been three days now since I finished all courses and I haven't had any relapses. And yeah...binges. Much like even one bout of heat exhaustion these days, just one binge is immensely damaging to me, so I live in a way as to avoid them. Meaning, I no longer go by numbers or counting things, but how I feel. I guess if I had to pidgeon-hole it, it'd be 'intuitive eating'. But really, it's just eating in a way I did when I was a kid. I was not overweight by any stretch then. It's a delicate balance and I prefer to live life creatively, moment to moment. However! This means I really cannot have any kinds of multiple packs of binge foods in the house, as I will eat the entire pack in one sitting. If I want something, I'll have to drive to the store and get it. Most of the time I can't be bothered!

Thanks Llama! I ended up not working out at all yesterday due to meal timing and evening activities, and that's fine.

I appreciate the comment, Liza3! Back at the workouts again today, hopefully.
What kind of skating do you do? I imagine you do inline skating? (as opposed to indoor ice skating somewhere)
I've never tried that and would imagine myself falling flat on my face in any attempts to do it, it always looks so wonderful when others do it. I can well imagine the strength and joy of it.
Short-term steroid use is generally fine, and better than being horribly sick.
I recognize so many of the things you mention about food and exercise... And I have so many reasons to do better than I do but it's a real struggle atm.
I really hope you get back on a beach soon, no matter what your stomach looks like! But I completely understand that feeling. I've missed out on too much because of it.
What kind of skating do you do? I imagine you do inline skating? (as opposed to indoor ice skating somewhere)
I've never tried that and would imagine myself falling flat on my face in any attempts to do it, it always looks so wonderful when others do it. I can well imagine the strength and joy of it.
Hi Liza3. It's outdoor inline 'speed' skating. I say 'speed', because I'm not all that fast right now. LOL. But it's those kind of boots and that kind of body mechanics. I learned to do it when I was in my mid 30s. Had plenty of falls, yes. I wear all the protection, including a teeth-guard! It's not glamorous but the main thing is safety, because I want to keep doing this as long as I can. I don't skate on roads so much any more and won't even skate on the trail if there's too much tree debris on it from storms. I have trained for ultra long distance but don't do that so much any more either. I used to take part in races, but really only to beat my own times. I did get to the podium a few times when there were less than 3 in our age group! :ROFLMAO: I love it. I can't dance or fly, but I feel like I'm doing both of those when I skate. I don't like rinks so much as they're too small and I'm not a fan of going round and round in circles.

A dear friend left me his top quality roller skates (two wheels in front, two in back, as opposed to 4 in a line) when he moved away last year. I have been too nervous to try them! There are huge differences between the two styles and I don't want to have a bunch of falls. But this is something I want to do soon as it'll be a lot more effort expenditure for shorter distances. Lots more wheel-contact with the pavement.
Hey, I'm impressed by anyone who skates! I have tried it a few times, with disastrous results, so I can appreciate it is not easy. Go girl!
Last time I skated was with my nephew, last summer, on my sister's old skates where the closures no longer worked properly. The terror subsided after the first half hour but omg it was such hard work :rofl:
Thanks Alligatorob, Llama and Liza3. I think that out of control feeling is the biggest hurdle (aside from that 'fear of falling' feeling!). When I learned, all we wanted to know at first was how to brake, and hard. None of us wanted to propel forwards without knowing we could do that! Makes sense.

Man. 'Attitude in the toilet' day today. But already did the lower body workout, which made my head feel better (head in arse). This reverse cabin fever is really getting me down - having to stay indoors because it's prohibitively hot, with heat advisories, etc.

On the upside, I don't have any need to stuff this depressive mood down with junk food any more. Plus I think maybe, just maybe, my stomach might be a little more deflated today. At least I can get a pair of shorts on comfortably that I couldn't, a few months ago.
I'm in awe of anyone who can skate! It looks wonderful.
You don't have to apologise for being US-centric. Many people think the forum is US-based when they first join the forum but we are a mix of people living in the US, Ireland, Australia, Austria, Finland & who knows where else. When you're sweltering I'm freezing & vice versa. I love looking up foods I have never heard of & places I have never been.
I'm in awe of anyone who can skate! It looks wonderful.
You don't have to apologise for being US-centric. Many people think the forum is US-based when they first join the forum but we are a mix of people living in the US, Ireland, Australia, Austria, Finland & who knows where else. When you're sweltering I'm freezing & vice versa. I love looking up foods I have never heard of & places I have never been.
Please keep telling me how cold it might be where you are. I need that right now :D .

I did think the board was international, just wasn't really thinking about who might be reading what I was rambling to myself about :ROFLMAO: , plus I haven't yet had time to see where everyone's based, on people's profiles. I'm not even sure if that info is available anyway - would just need to scroll back through people's journals perhaps :unsure:.

Quick post this morning - my stupid fridge and freezer both died yesterday and were no match for this heat. I had to throw everything away :cry:. I am mourning the loss of a brand new pack of bacon, a HUGE bag of frozen berries (so over 20 USD right there), other stuff I had cooked and prepared for later easy meals (taco meat, etc.). :mad::banghead:. I had been out for July 4th and came back around 10pm. Had to throw it all out there and then and take whatever was salvageable to my daughter's to put in her freezer. No way was I going to throw out a brand new package of Ezekiel bread, for example. That's the only bread I can eat that doesn't give me unpleasant reactions and is kind of expensive. I am a renter though so the fridge costs are not on me. And my poor landlord went out of town for 4th July and has to deal with this. They are very sweet people.

I will need to eat restaurant food or Whole Foods buffet or something probably for about 4 days. I hate restaurant food for the most part. It's always way too salty.

I live right next door to a Chick-Fil-A restaurant, which has superb breakfasts. Since I'm working that laborious job today, possibly for 10 hours or more, I went and got some. I got the 'meal' which included tater tots type things. Oh, 'hash browns'. The breakfast sandwich was stellar but the hash browns will probably come back to me many times throughout the morning. Not a fan.

I did lower body and abs, plus the walk yesterday. Feel good from that. Stomach slightly smaller again today, just by eyeballing it. I could also be deluding myself. Stepping on the scales at this point just isn't going to happen though. Neither will getting out the tape measure :LOL:. It will be obvious when there's a noticeable difference and maybe then I'll do those things.

I hope everybody has a great July 5th or whatever day it is where y'all are!
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Oh man what a bummer having your fridge break down and losing all that food. Coping with high temps is challenge enough without that added to it.
Sorry about your fridge, happened to me a couple of times, no fun. When living on the Gulf Coast we kept coolers ready for blackouts, all too common in hurricanes. We'd transfer stuff to the coolers and try to get ice for storage. It worked... sometimes.
I did lower body and abs, plus the walk yesterday. Feel good from that. Stomach slightly smaller again today, just by eyeballing it. I could also be deluding myself.
Probably not, you can feel and see small changes. Good for you on the exercise!
I hope everybody has a great July 5th or whatever day it is where y'all are!
Thanks, probably the same day here as yours.
Good morning Bubbles, It's 8.58 am on the 6th of July, here in sunny but cold Tasmania. It's currently -1°C & will only get up to 11°C today. That's 32°F-52°F. It's 6.58 pm on the 5th of July in Georgia & still 25°C. That's about our average daytime summer temp I think. You will never be expected to know where everyone is or what time it is there. It would take you forever to go back through diaries to work it out. I did forget Canada!
I'll send you a little bit of our frost. We're going through a record cold snap! It's a bugger about the fridge & freezer dying & losing food. I hate that. It always seems such a waste. At least you don't have to buy new ones yourself.
Yes, Cate, I remind myself of this each time someone else I know can afford to buy a house! The repairs are not my responsibility while renting. And I'm whatever the opposite is of a handyman/person. Thank you for the weather report! I need some of that frost for my little cooler. LOL.

Hi Rob - I'm on Eastern daylight time. Right - I have the cooler packed with gas station ice now. All my ready made ice packs in the freezer were very warm by the time I discovered everything in the freezer was hosed.

Thanks, Liza & Llama!

In 'daily health efforts' news, I worked from 10am - 5.30pm yesterday, moving things, lifting, carrying, etc. (very glad for my upper body workouts!), and only ate two little fru-fru snack bars from Fresh Market (made with dates & the like, not rice or soy or wheat or sugar). So when I finished work I was really hungry. I hadn't had Chinese food in years so I treated myself. Ended up paying WAY too much for it. I bought lo mein, which I know is just bad news (I'm allergic to rice, btw), plus a whole serving of greasy broccoli. All very tasty. I ate far FAR too much of it. There really was no reason for that. I just got overly hungry and ate faster than my satiety sensors could keep up with. My stomach really did not like this and I have some stomach pain this morning from it. Oh and I also had a glass bottle of cherry-ade fizzy pop stuff. Pure sugar and colorings! It all put me into a coma last night and I fell asleep sitting up, watching Shrek.

This morning I feel like I'm coming out of a coma.

I'm going to try to not beat myself up over this. If my fridge and freezer were working, this wouldn't have happened. But my clothes that don't fit don't know or care about that. :rolleyes::frown: I try to avoid wheat/gluten as much as possible due to stomach bloat but this morning I'm reaping what I sowed last night. Today will be an exercise in not self-loathing, because that will just make me overeat all over again. As a bonus, my rings are now too tight and it feels like my eyeballs are floating, just above the puffy circles under my eyes. Thanks Chinese Food!

Today...I have another gig later so can't do upper body today. Will have to do lower and maybe abs again.
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I remind myself of this each time someone else I know can afford to buy a house! The repairs are not my responsibility while renting. And I'm whatever the opposite is of a handyman/person.
I feel this way too. I also have excellent landlords so when one has nice landlords there is definitely many benefits to renting. I don't like the precariousness of it (like the fact if they decide to sell I could lose my place) but other than that it's mostly really good!
I'm going to try to not beat myself up over this
I hope you can go easy on yourself. It is hard to stay on track when something sudden comes up like that fridge and freezer breakdown..
Outside circumstances definitely weren't in your favor there, and when that combines with physical work and no real lunch it's no surprise your brain stem wanted you to eat as quickly as possible before your neocortex could really catch on and object to the kind/amount of food.
a whole serving of greasy broccoli. All very tasty.
I am always disgusted when someone takes a perfectly healthy veggie and adds lots of fat and/or sugar to it. Seems to defeat the purpose. Though I have to admit it can taste better...
I'm going to try to not beat myself up over this.
Don't that never does any good, as I am sure you know. Actually I think you are doing a very good job of trying to figure this out. Today is another day, and its today that matters. Hang in there girl!