MsBubbles: Daily Health Efforts

A bit dejected this morning, but I knew this was going to happen. My stomach is still on the bigger side, for me. And no, this is not a surprise since I was sick the past two weeks and couldn't move or exercise, and had to eat whatever I could stand the sight of, which often included desserts. Now I'm still having to eat when not hungry (not burning calories much, metabolism in the gutter), just to take these antibiotics without getting nauseated, several times a day.

It's tempting to start running numbers obsessively, and then almost immediately start rebelling against them via binges. This is what happens within my world and I'm done fighting it or trying to hack it. Don't do it, Bubbles. Just don't. It only leads to a bad place.

I just need to make it a priority the rest of this week, to be kind to myself. And by that I mean, be kind in my brain, to my brain. Not slide off into self-loathing. If I lost the great (part-time, as needed) job I had due to sickness, then so be it. Something else must be in store for me. If my stomach is carrying a lot of fat due to the upheaval I went through from things that were 100% out of my control these past 10 months, then ok, I think I did pretty well on everything else, considering. Fitness was the thing that got sacrificed in between times. I just need to keep reassuring myself, like a person with VERY healthy self-esteem would, that I did my best - maybe even better than most - and my best was pretty impressive.

If the business owner doesn't ever call me back for work, that's ok and entirely up to her.
If I have to put up with an uncomfortably protruding belly in my clothes for another week until I can make some headway, that's ok and completely normal. My stomach doesn't know anything about any preconceived timeline in my head for making it healthy.

Just going to focus on being my own friend for the time being.

I did do some workouts yesterday in my living room. I don't feel a darn thing today though. I also walked 1.5 miles without needing to pass out, sit or get a fever afterwards. :party:

Oh!! And was able to play trumpet for a good while - feels like my lungs are remembering how to expand and contract again without major spasms. Yay. Got a gig on the weekend that I'm looking forward to but also I need to actually be able to play the darned instrument by then (wait! The gig is tomorrow! :oops: Thankfully, the main goal of the band is fun and joy, and not snippiness about who flubbed what part).

Wait - epiphany. This is all about courage. It's an easy way out to start self-flagellation. It's easier and less painful than just picking up and getting on with it from this point forwards, with some kind of faith that I can make the immediate future different from the immediate past. Therefore, I applaud and embrace my own courage. And I hope everybody else here does too.
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Good for you with your determination to stick with the healthy path instead of falling into old habits. I love that you got out your trumpet and so glad you could play it. Sounds like a good sign of health if you can manage to play that after having gone through such a hard illness. Enjoy the gig!
Being kind to yourself and doing what you can without wrecking yourself is always the right choice. And I 100% do admire your courage.
Thanks Liza & Llama!

I usually practice daily (since the trumpet embouchure is so fickle and needs daily exercise), and had missed about three days. It usually takes about 3 days per 1 missed day of practice to get back to where I was.
Wouldn't it though, Cate. Absolutely.

Feeling much better this morning, both about my bodyweight, muscle tone, lack of virus, and about my brain/self.

As they say, my 'toxic trait' is signing up for various fitness apps and challenges and then rebelling against the structure (common theme for me) and not doing them, or finding that they don't do a darned thing for me and cancelling it all again. I signed up for another one a few days ago, because honestly, I do better with an app or a robot saying to me 'Hey it's time to do this thing'. I cannot rely on myself to make myself get up and do said workout. But I will do it robotically.

Therefore, I'm happy to post that I have TWO, yes, TWO days under my belt of doing a really easy 15 min calisthenics thing. LOL. I also did my own off-skate 'dryland' exercises, which are far from easy. My head is literally in my ass because when my glutes are happy, I'm happy. I will probably crack 😉 that joke a lot.

I probably won't stick with this one past the week trial period. But I'm hoping it will have gotten me back into the swing of things by then. I do love the monotonous AI voice though and do not respond well to shrill and perky people screaming at me to channel my own badass.

Interestingly, using the new app's food logging function for the day was pretty easy. I did it just out of curiosity. The running calorie total triggers me so I probably won't look at that much. But I did find it helpful for a running total to remind me to start a meal prep before I get too hungry and plough through something quick and stodgy, throughout the day. However, if I'm sat on my couch in the evening and want to eat something but might 'go over' some vague idea of number in my head, I'm not going to worry about it. Binge eating is far more damaging than a 300 cal snack.

While on my walk yesterday I stumbled upon a Little Free Library, and actually stopped to look at the book titles. There was one in there called Gravitas, written by a woman who started her own business dress company - for all sized women - and called it Gravitas. The book is all about embodying all of who we are as women, and finding our Gravitas. I looked at a few pages enough to feel like I would actually read the book, and took it with me. It's lovely. The author (Lisa Sun) comes across as the real deal. I feel like I have read every self help book out there over the decades so don't need to read another one, but this one hits me in the right place at the right time. I love that she takes a pop-up changing room to trade shows and asks the women to think about things they're really great at, naturally and to focus less on hating their own body parts in the changing room. This is a condensed version but that's the gist. Her first dress she sold was fitted to real women's shapes first, and designed to be ordered in different sizes and styles. Not that the dress was created and then attempted to fit real-world women. I doubt I'll be buying any of the clothing but I love that concept and I hope to see more of it at other places.
Therefore, I'm happy to post that I have TWO, yes, TWO days under my belt of doing a really easy 15 min calisthenics thing.
Great job! Overdoing it would be a terrible idea right now anyway. For me just showing up/getting started is the big thing. Once I'm active I often do more than planned anyway but if I plan to do so from the start I'm probably going to stay on the couch. Basically:
my 'toxic trait' is signing up for various fitness apps and challenges and then rebelling against the structure (common theme for me) and not doing them,
This me.
My head is literally in my ass because when my glutes are happy, I'm happy. I will probably crack 😉 that joke a lot.
I love it. You can "crack" that joke any time. I do love a silly joke.
I looked for the book Gravitas in our library catalogue but it wasn't there.
Wouldn't it though, Cate. Absolutely.

Feeling much better this morning, both about my bodyweight, muscle tone, lack of virus, and about my brain/self.
That's good to hear :grouphug:
Thank you both so much for the comments!

Llama, you and I share the same self-sabotage tendencies, I think! :ROFLMAO: Main thing is we see them, say hi and go about our day best we can, I guess!

Cate, I think that book is not really anything that hasn't already been said in any 'believe in yourself' type books written by women, for women. There's a lot written on the topic, and that's great. God knows I need a lot of help in that department.

Mini report for the past week. No weighing though, or any kind of numbers (except mins, hours etc)!

Sun - Sick
Mon - Sick
Tues - Sick
Wed - Less sick - recovering
Thurs - Lower body + calisthenics app 'workout' (it was so piddly, it was just like stretching. Still needed but disappointing)
Fri - 30 min walk, wimpy app calisthenics
Sat - Lower body (+ incidental walking in mall and at gig, which I bombed at! o_O)
Sun - Upper body + abs program I found via one of my favorite speedskaters on Instagram, hoping to go for 1 hour walk in a minute.

Feeling so much more energetic and happy again, and definitely lighter than when I started this journal. Clothes not bulging quite as much. Can't fit back into a good number of the smaller ones yet though.
Cate, I think that book is not really anything that hasn't already been said in any 'believe in yourself' type books written by women, for women. There's a lot written on the topic, and that's great. God knows I need a lot of help in that department.
Don't we all? I needed those books more when I was much younger, but still need reinforcement. Women lifting up other women are my kind of women :beating:
A happy coincidence that the calisthenics app was so wimpy while you were recovering. And yay for feeling less bulge-y! I generally feel like I should be at goal already after 5 days of doing well aaand... no way. But progress is progress!
Right, Llama. It's been five days - I'm THERE now, right?!

Stock-taking, since it's Monday, a new month, and my job/income prospects are up in the air. Need to be anchored in something.

Just got over a 1 hour walk in, before the heat and humidity push things up to the high 90s again. This is normal for where I live though, between June and September.

My eating has not been great today yet. Not very nutrient-rich.

Today's workout will be lower body again. I can't wait till I can go for a long skate, again (it's just too hot right now, and I don't do rinks).
Adding some nutritious bites to meals - even if its just some fruit to sweets or shredded lettuce to basically whatever, can be really helpful for me when I'm trying to get back on track. And uncertainty does my head in so I hope you'll know what's what with your job soon :grouphug:
Getting an hour's walk in before it gets too hot is good. I don't cope well with uncertainty either so I hope you can get some more regular work/income.
Llama that is a good approach and goes along with my attempts to avoid perfection, so I don't trigger myself into going off the rails.

Thanks Cate - today was relatively low humidity and temp, which was a pleasant surprise. So I got my walk in earlier. It didn't reach the 80s until 1pm, which for a summer in GA is unheard of.
And I DID get confirmation of work this Friday :hurray:, which has really put my mind at ease. I mean, I could also go back to the corporate world for better job security, but I just don't wanna if I don't have to. 3.5 decades was long enough.

For some reason I slept for 10 hours straight last night! I felt great when I woke up. Must've needed it. Have been eating better today too. I think I'm teetering on the edge of a migraine, so need to watch the triggers (coffee, chocolate, cheese, pickled stuff, and definitely continue to have no alcohol at all).

I am really excited about being well enough now to actually DO something about having a healthier body that I can feel happy about. I'm really impatient to get there! But it took me the better part of the past 10 months to get to the state I'm in now, not to mention on and off over the decades before that. I just need to remember to do this out of self-respect, which means to also respect where I am right now instead of disowning or loathing it. Being able to reiterate that here, as much as possible, really helps.

Abs workout today, here in about an hour perhaps. I can't do upper body today as I'm still really sore from Sunday and I need to be able to hold the trumpet up tonight at practice. :ROFLMAO:
Welcome back MsBubbles. Sorry to hear you've had a tough run of it but you sound really motivated and I'm sure you'll be back in your shorts and bikini in no time!

A 10-hour sleep sounds glorious. Hope you have a great day.
All of your last post was good. A moderate day, confirmation of more work, 10 hours of sleep straight(wow!) & showing yourself respect. Excellent!
Thanks Cate - today was relatively low humidity and temp, which was a pleasant surprise. So I got my walk in earlier. It didn't reach the 80s until 1pm, which for a summer in GA is unheard of.
I had to look up GA. I know very little about Georgia but know a little bit more now. "Short, mild Winters & long, hot summers, tornadoes & cyclones". Do you go hiking up in the mountains in Summer, Bubbles?
Hey Bubbles, good to see you here, I think I remember you from before, do you remember me? I joined in 2019. And
unofficial and unsolicited opinions
Are always welcome!! That is what most of us do here, and I always value and consider the opinions of others, such as you. I know most here are not experts, but I think hearing a range of thoughts helps us focus on our problems. So thanks for visiting my diary!

I hope you are feeling better, getting well is more important than short term exercise and even diet. Unless those can contribute to your recovery. Steroids don't sound good... hope you don't need a lot of them. I am absolutely no expert but the people I have know who needed steroids had lots of unpleasant side effects.
Physical fitness and my own celebration of the wonder of the human body to be able to still create decent muscle in late 50s has gone waaaay down the priority list.
I like the way you put that, the "celebration of the wonder of the human body to be able to still create decent muscle in late 50s" thing that is. I could say the same, but am well beyond my 50s, LOL. I am sure it will go up your list as you feel better, don't fret too much about it now.
My number one problem as well. I think we are better at figuring out how to beat or manage them together... let's do it!
Yay for knowing more about the work situation and getting a solid night's sleep! Not doing more upper body work when you're still sore sounds sensible ;)
Abs workout today, here in about an hour perhaps. I can't do upper body today as I'm still really sore from Sunday and I need to be able to hold the trumpet up tonight at practice. :ROFLMAO:
I'm glad you have your priorities straight--saving your arm strength for playing trumpet is a good move!