Mel Def's Journal

Thanks Johnny and Neon for a morning chuckle. :D

Trained this AM with Eric. Good workout and he has given me homework to write down everything I eat today and also ongoing for the next few days. This is a good idea and might get me back on track.

Goal weight is 130 so I have some work to do. I look AWFUL. I have been geting in the swing of things though so improvement will be close at hand. I have 10 weeks to get the lbs off. That is doable. I just have to keep at it and be consistent. Think about fitting in ALL my clothes and having lots of jeans to wear.

I would like to be lean and slim and strong and therefore I SHALL. I want to knock my sweetie's socks off when he comes back from the Middle East in ALL ways. THat means LOTS of cardio and training high intensity.

My wish is to get my metabolism in line and get off the vicious cycle track of losing/ gaining. It sucks to go up and down and to have food rule me. I can do it though.
Eric stretched me after training today and while it was excuriating, DANG I feel much better tonight! Woohoo! I love that. I am tired and still a bit sore ( Those Bosu ball Burpees will whip your butt, that's fer sure).

I wish I could get stretched every workout. It is hard to push yourself to where it could really do some good. Oh well. I guess quantity over quality when I have to do it myself. I laid back on the stability ball tonight when I got home just for the heck of it and while I doubt it did much to elongate my muscles, it felt good too.

I love dairy but it is NOT my friend. I feel so disgusting and bloated now. Party is over with yogurt and cottage cheese. I can't eat it or I feel like crap. What's with that? I know what it does but it sure does taste wonderful.

Cauliflower with cinnamon is good by the way. :D ALmost looks like cottage cheese.
Day three in a row of training and ready for the rest! I will still do cardio the rest of the week and head to the gym on the weekend. It is raining once again. :( Tired of that.

I feel good- not overly tired and fatigued. Well rested and as if my body is recovering from the dairy overload. Heh. Off to the gym!
Well no training afterall on Wednesday- my trainer bailed with something that came up. Took the day off. Last night did HIIT run and have been keeping the diet right to get back in order. Weight is down which is GREAT. 1 lb above my allowable.

The cardio is key for me and the fat loss. I have to balance it wiht training and weights but I HAVE to do cardio unlike some people. It feels good and mostly I don't mind but doing lots of running does wear me out a bit. This weekend I will do runs and also the stepmill- plus just do some work in the gym on my own to supplement the training. I have lost some ground in my back and legs but that is to be expected. I have to train like crazy woman and burn all this fluff off. I am OK with taking a more relaxed approach for now and concentrating on other parts of my life.

Still going to get and stay slim but I dont' need to be cut and swole for now. :D
Did you ever look at Alwyn Cosgrove's site for the cardio training I suggested? It works for me.. I can keep my weight off when I need to with the intensity and I feel rested for all my sessions.
Did you ever look at Alwyn Cosgrove's site for the cardio training I suggested? It works for me.. I can keep my weight off when I need to with the intensity and I feel rested for all my sessions.

Yes thanks Jim! That is good- I have the Rules of Lifting which I believe he collaborated on. I need to visit that one again- the problem with me is I get bored with the protocols and need to change up the time and speeds.

It is more fun that way and I concentrate very much on getting and keeping my heart rate in the zones more than how fast I am going. Lately, I have been going for 30 seconds at 9.0 then 1 minute at 8.0, then 1 minute at 7.0 then recover at 4.0 for a minute and start again. When I have done a few rounds I get pretty exhausted and just try to finish the 30 minutes alloted going as fast as I can for as long as I can on the speed parts and then recover for the 1 minute. Some days are easier than others. Depends so much on what I eat, work stress, my mental state. I think one thing you realize as you get more developed as an athlete is that there are a ton of factors that influence the quality of your workout and keeping it fresh is vital. There is no ONE workout or way, is there?

I really want to become more flexible, I have been saying this for a long time but because I equated frenzy and high heart rate with being in shape I haven't given it a chance to this point. So, I have probably prevented some real growth and good development. I am getting too mature to think I can sprint and sweat my way to athletic development. In the meantime I am turning into a stiff and creaky package. The stretching and development of the length of my muscles is bound to bring me some power and growth I have not been able to acheive. I am doing it. Oh how I do HATE stretching. I think I would run a 9.0 mile per hour sprint instead of doing 15 minutes of Yoga but today I am taking a Yoga class and arriving early so I can get in the back and no one will see the grimace and tears that pop to the eyes. :) I hope to develop a better tude prior to getting there.

Doing a stint on the step mill before that and some weights but I have really not been in the mood for the boring weight routine stuff. I love functional training so much better. Doing the compound moves makes me feel more efficent and effective.

I want my butt and legs back. Yes it is OK not to be perfectly lean and shredded but jiggly makes me sad. That sneaky fat likes to come and sit right on my butt and backs of my legs and make me feel so.... middle aged. AND the abs. Yuck. Lunges and squats are necessary and why not just do it? My mind gets cluttered with junk and avoidance and POW! there I am. If I stick to being disciplined I get used to the workload and being on a schedule.
What I sometimes do is mix up his routines. I will do a total timed cardio session... but I mix up the length of the intervals and the times of them.. this way I have variety. I sometimes will do 9+ mph on the treadmill at a 3% incline for four minutes... and do those three to four times with small rest in between. Other times I'll run 8.3 or so for a mile and then rest, and do mile intervals. I stay higher speed but mix up the length of the intervals every session.

Keeps me from getting bored.
Excellent dy of training! Lots of abs and then new stuff including BOXING- which I LOVED!!!!! I like Eric's training style- always different and we do stuff until I think I won't be able to go on and then we stop just short of total feeling like crap. I need this sort of fun and lack of pressure right now. I am growing in other ways, developing some autonomous work out stuff and it is all going to mesh. I needed to develop that again. I have been dependent on training and not thinking for myself.

The body needs a break from all out at times. I am working on other things right now like my income and career. That is where the focus is.

I do love that boxing.
Took off on Tuesday, Wednesday I did an hour of yoga and stretching and yesterday training and a 20 minute high incline run. It has been good this week overall but obviously I don't train with the intensity I would pre contest. I am not sure when I will go back to that but obviously it calls for a financial and time dedication I just don't have right now. Just important to keep conditioned and the weight down and not worry.

I am exploring other avenues of how to get to my goals and the Yoga and Boxing are intriguing and I want to do more of them. It's fun! I shall get more dvd's from the library for Yoga- I am awful stiff and a class seems intimidating at this point. I shall acclimate and then do a class.

Its the freakin weekend! Hooray!
First run down for the day.Today I will also go to the gym and do the stepmill and some leg work and shoulders and biceps. Heavy on the legs today. Then tomorrow 2 cardio sessions. Monday will also be a cardio day. Then training for Tuesday and Wednesday. I m very sore from Thursday still. I think taking days off makes me sorer.

Rest and lots of good activity today will be good for me. :)

Intense workout on Saturday and just a short run yesterday. Today I will do cardio and perhaps the gym- but we shall see. Feeling good and like the hard work is making a difference. I shalll be able to get the fluff off in short order. :) Glad to say, my lats and shoulders are still looking decent despite the lower intensity. Legs not so much but my intention is to change the shape a bit anyway through the cardio and yoga.

Longer and less bulk means running and stretching a great deal.
Cardio Yesterday and This AM. Monday off. Worked out with trainer yesterday and took body measurements for 3 week challenge today. Shooting for 3% loss in bodyfat and 2 inch loss in hips and waist. Doable. Trainer is sending diet. :) Busy and rushed. More later.
Hey Mel, nice progress girlfriend!

Are you and your beau going to Jax for the World's Largest ****tail Party saturday?

We are going to LSU this weekend as it is family weekend at LSU. We'll be at the game (Tulane) but I'll be watching my iPhone for the FL/GA game updates.:)
Hey Mel,

Glad to see that you are getting into Yoga. Don't worry about other people; they are suppose to be focusing on themselves and turning their attention inward, anyhow. Here are 2 useful websites that I have to understanding the various yoga poses and different yoga style.

Good YOGA info
Great for yoga poses.

Most yoga uses Sun Salutation to warm up. That would be a great starting point. Yoga is frustrating at first but once you get it, it's awesome.
Hey Mel, nice progress girlfriend!

Are you and your beau going to Jax for the World's Largest ****tail Party saturday?

We are going to LSU this weekend as it is family weekend at LSU. We'll be at the game (Tulane) but I'll be watching my iPhone for the FL/GA game updates.:)

Nope. My sweetie is in the Middle East- deployed. I am being a couch potato and not watching football but movies!

I am following the Kyle McDonald Rapid Fat Loss Diet. Ugh. It truly is not too much fun. No starch whatsoever just veggies and protein. I don't mind too much but it does leave me sort of energyless.

The kids came with me to the trainer Friday morning! IT was great! A lot of fun and a very good workout! The girls kept right up and I couldn't believe they didn't even complain about getting up at 5 AM!

I am feeling sort of crappy and blah today. KM cautions against doing intervals while doing this diet so I have scaled back to see what I can withstand. I will keep doing cardio and lifting weights but on a lighter scale for the next 10 days of the diet. I won't lise that much ground doing that- if I notice that the weight is coming off I will tweak it.
Working out this AM with the trainer. I will do some cardio today as well but keep it at 20 minutes. THe diet isn't much fun but sticking to it for the duration of 9 more days and then will slowly add back in carb sources and amp up the workout again.

As long as I don't think about it too much, it is fine. Haha. Today will be a good day!
Today after a very frustrating morning I threw in the towel and went to the gym. It was good- step mill and weights and I am sticking fairly well to the diet. I have a goal of dropping 3 pounds by the 15th which is doable.

Emotionally I am wrecked right now. I feel powerless and today trying to just please and give, I let someone use me and I feel angry and hurt mostly at myself. Why did I allow it? It felt like the right thing to do but no matter how much I gave of my personal inner self this person wanted more and the whole thing feels cheap and awful. I am angry, angry, angry. I have no one to confide in or rely upon but myself. It feels lonely. I don't want to go to my RCIA class tonight. I just want to go to sleep and wake up wiht amnesia for how awful I feel right now. I sure hope I get some relief soon.
2 lbs til goal so good work! Emotionally I am feeling a little more optimistic. I can't do anything but my best and leave what has happened behind me. I can't disern what the journey is for anyone sometimes not even myself so best just keep the focus on my own and that I can control.

Trained this AM and feel sore and tired and a bit pukey from it. We did a boxing workout and that is some serious work! THe kids came along and while they didn't work out they were good and cooperated with the time I spent doing my thing. I could insert some more guilt but honestly, I think I have enough to tie myself to the whipping post about lately and won't take that on as well. I just remember that I am doing the best I can and things will be fine.

This learning stuff is so damned hard. I am growing stronger but the yoke of responsibility is heavy and then the second guessing. Relationships are complex and the times difficult. I can offer understanding until I am blue in the face but at some point I have to command my own respect and expectation. I know I am worth that. No working out for the rest of the day. I feel yuck and going tomorrow at 6.
Did a breakup happen between Monday and Tuesday?