Mel Def's Journal

Training this AM. My legs are sore as is my back and arms but I am going. I will do cardio tonight and if I am up for it SFP 2 although an abbreviated version. My child woke me up 3 times last night and I feel yuck.

Keep on truckin... life is good. I am optimistic and although progress on many fronts is slow, I am building up some strength and seasoning. That's what its all about. Unless it is really the Hokey Pokey and then we have all been chasing the wrong thing. Ha. :D
Well I did TRY to train but after the kids and I packed up and headed down the road my trainer called to cancel. Bah.

We came home and I did a Hybrid workout of my own on the treadmill. 45 minutes. I am sore and have been all week still but I am afraid to take off time because I sense it won't help. I am staying at 134 which is aggravating but I think it will take me cutting out my last meal of the day to break it. I am upping workouts and plan to workout this evening at the gym. It is ALL GOOD!

I keep working hard and staying on course I will knock these 4 lbs off by deadline but it will take getting picky about the food. I need to manipulate intensity and food to exact balances or I get too tired and crap feeling to avoid eating surplus. I battle on...
Down a 1 lb... no training this AM. I was sore and tired from no sleeping well. I have a thing at the school tonight so I am not sure if I will do cardio tonight even so today may be a day of rest.

Mostly I want to work on keeping my stress level in check, staying in the NOW and taking things as they come instead of getting all worked up about it. Off to work now and a day I WILL get things done.
Took off yesterday AND had a total binge on naughty food. So bad I won't get on the scale. Oh well. Today is a new day!

Did 5 miles this morning and am starting a Nike + 10K program that looks interesting. I am still mainly doing the SFS Protocols but I get bored easily so I need to mix it up. MY trainer is so unreliable I dont' know if I will continue on with that. I may just go ahead and do my own thing and the gym. It has to be worthwhile to train and someone has to keep me to task- well if they are always cancelling, they can't do it. I really want to lengthen and smooth out my muscles on the lower half and I think yoga and running will do it. Still lunges and squats are essentilal but I want less heavy on the weight. Shred without bulk. Keeping the sprints shorter is one tactic I am trying and stretching which I don't like to do but need to do more. Going to do that now.

I will do another round of cardio this evening and have a weekend of repair to make up for the damage of yesterday. Marathon and not a sprint. :)
Today I plan to do the SFS protocol and hi the gym as well. I feel better today after having a food hangover for the entirety of yesterday. Regular food people eat has a totally different effect on me. I dont' know how people eat rich food all the time! Your body either compensates for it or you don't notice how awful you feel . I went to bed at 8:30 I felt so bad. Glad I ran yesterday so that atleast might have helped.

So today- 3 miles easy pace in the AM, gym I will do protocol 2 with 45 minutes on the stepmill and the sprint part on the bike or elliptical to change my routine.
You continue to impress me, Mel!

Thanks. I can't fathom why but thanks for the vote of confidence.

OK. I went to church this AM and haven't worked out yet. Just ate breakfast/brunch and thinking of sleeping. I feel sleepy and cold and this weather is not helping. The kids are over at a friends house. I should do something productive... but don't feel like it. IF I don't go to the gym, which I am not feeling like doing, I shall do a SS cardio on the treadmill.
Usually what I write in this journal, I make happen. I have been slacking the last 2 days- not done squat. I will get back in order today. I will go to the gym tonight- hopefully early afternoon depending on how work goes. I could get on the treadmill right now but I just don't feel like it. Funny thing is, when I take off a little time I get sore. My legs hurt! Is it from sitting around too much?

I am practicing mindfulness and awareness today. I will do the best I can and not beat myself senseless for lack of perfection. I am so close to my goal and have made some changes that bring me to another level. I still don't have an athletic goal in mind- something blocks me from reaching out of that comfort zone. Maybe I should go back to the basics of pull ups per day or miles per week. Or both. And some others.

I wish I had a training partner. That would make it more fun. Poor pitiful me. :) Nonsense anyway. I am not one to enjoy chatting during workouts. Let's face it, I want someone to COMPETE against. That isn't going to win me any friends. ha.
Huh? Because you kick butt, sista! You have incredible drive and desire and overcome a lot!

Thanks very much! I don't know where my motivation is this week... I STILL haven't worked out today and have eaten a big dinner and just feel like sitting. What is this about? I have had a hell of a time at work but I should be used to that. I am tired of disappointing clients, crashing appraisals, stupid processing backlogs,etc. etc. etc. Sick of it ALL. Now I want to feel not in control of my body too it would seem. So it is 6:30... maybe I should go to sleep and wake early and start anew? Gosh, this is day 3 of saying that.

OK after my big tummy of food goes down a bit I will atleast get on the treadmill for 20 minutes... if I can't do anymore then atleast I did something but today I just don't wanna.

I REALLY am frustrated with life right now BUT today did show some improvement. It was tiny but I will take it. So keep on truckin, Mel.
Yesterday I did 4.5 miles in the morning steady state. I am going to get on the treadmill this AM too after I fix the kids a good breakfast.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I feel so blessed with my good health, my beautiful children and the people who love me and so many other gifts. I wish everyone a wonderful day to reflect on the abundance and gifts God grants each of it and the wisdom to recognize those amazing things.
Working out a bit later... tired and icky feeling from food yesterday which was GREAT going down but now I deal with the food hangover. I am drinking lots of water and am starting the RFL diet today and continuing with the SFS protocols of the famed Lyle McDonald.

His theories and research are sound and I would like to get addtional books from him at some point. I have seen a change in my lower body from the SFS protocols although my little Thanksgiving throwdown is covering up anything right now. The holidays are tough. I just am not there with the mindset yet.

Today is a new day and I will get my body back in order and recovered from all the fat and carbs.
I KILLED it at the gym today. Ran fast for 30 minutes, lifted with mod weight but lots of reps, then 30 minutes on the step mill to finish it. I drove HARD!!!

I love when I do that. Not going through the motions but focused and conscious of the muscles working and contracting. The tingle and burn or the lactic acid and the pouring of sweat. A very good day indeed in the gym.

I am satisfied. :D
Ran 4 miles easy pace this morning. Got 2 more goals on my Nike Plus site- hooray!~ Set 2 more, 1 of running 40 miles in the next 4 weeks ( I know, sort of easy) and the other one was run 12 times in the next 4 weeks. I should probably set more challenging goals but given current holiday and family obligations, I think this is the best to shoot for.

I knew better than to get on the scale but did anyway. Sigh. Ew. I am retaining some water but still. That elusive 130 seems impossible to maintain. Always something to strive for and surely I will get there eventually.
Back from an emergency trip to Baton Rouge where I went with my fiancee to see his mother the last time before she passed away. He flew in from Iraq on emergency leave and we made it in time to spend one day with his mother before she left the earth. It was terribly sad but one thing that happened that was very happy is...

WE GOT MARRIED! Yes, Mel Def is now an honest woman. :) I am married to the my dear officer and officially an Army wife. Whew. I can't believe it just quite yet. We figured since he would not be sure when he would come back and how and so forth that we would go ahead and get it done. I am thrilled!

OK- here is the confession part. I haven't done diddly for a week, not been too good diet wise and enjoyed some really awesome cake and food. Those Louisianans are trying to make the death of my figure. I am going to have to wear stretch pants and long sweaters if I don't get my butt in gear. Back to work. I am going to the gym tomorrow. AND 1st thing on the treadmill for some cardio and recovery from my transgressions. <------- Heard that alot in reference to the Tiger Woods thing, thought I would use it. :D.

Happy! Joy! I am married to my soul mate and life long companion. It was the right thing to do. YAY!
Thanks for the well wish g8r80!

This morning I am up and determined to get back on my track. I won't have time to go to the gym today so the treadmill it is. I am looking forward to some gym time this weekend and hope I will be able to do it. For now, its a matter of wobbling back into habit and nothing else.

I love the way a good sweat makes me feel and the air running through my lungs. Time to recapture that good bit of happiness and discipline. I need a new goal- really.
YAY! I did what I should and got on the treadmill! The first step back... now gameplan to get this back to normal. I feel so much better. Ran pretty strong and I think taking time off might have done some good. I felt great and had plenty of power to go the whole time.

45 minutes for 3.75 miles. OK a snails pace admittedly but it felt good. Sprint intervals and some steep incline work. Mixed it up. Need to do some ab work and pull ups.
Just wanted to drop in an say, Congradulation on being married. Hope your hubby returns home soon.