Two runs with the Mizunos instead of the Asic Kayano's and my foot hurts less. That sucks that so much money was spent on those and now they are too painful to wear. They aren't too small, just hit me wrong somehow.
Didn't want to run this AM but finally shame, the scale and observing how very soft I am getting got me on the treadmill. I looked at some gyms this morning and am thinking of trying something a bit different because I am bored and feeling worn out instead of energized and fit like working out is supposed to do. I have been in a state of "poor me" this week and it isn't doing me any good. I must do for others and take the focus off myself, be brave and try new things, stick to the boring stuff and look for the new exciting and scary stuff.
I am forever resetting but that is the fun part! Always new and fresh is better to think about then unpredictable and scary ( which sometimes things are really).
Running this morning was great! I do need a new playlist but that is easy enough. There is a gym in Decatur I am thinking of trying out. Why not?
The nike + has made me angry this week. I am getting tired of the malfunctioning and dropping my runs! Grrrr. It recorded 2 out of the 3 and of course dropped the longest and fastest run.

Damn thing.
I am concentrating on my adventure and happiness and that can control though so no worries! This is just one big expierment and I can always scrap the results and start over. That is indeed the beauty of it.
I am looking for a race to do this month and the next 2.
I want a BMI of 19 down from 20.
I want to build strength and a new skill.
Goals to work towards. I shall get more specific on the last one when I figure it out.