McCain or Obama?

That was hilarious. LOL

I get most of my answers from fortune cookies. They never let me down. JK!

I get most of my answers by appending "in bed" to the end of fortune cookie fortunes.
I haven't read every post in this thread so I may be repeating someone else.... It doesn't have to be McCain or Obama, there are other parties with good candidates running. Check out Bob Barr (Libertarian Party nominee) and Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party). Either of them would be a fine president. They may not win but if a large segment of the population votes for them, it sure will send a message to the "big" candidates.
I am Obama supporter. My concerns are with the economy and the war. Considering McCain will bring no change and has publicly made a fool himself with regard to domestic and foreign policy I think it's a pretty easy decision.

I can see how it can become very easy to be caught up with all the crap spewed out by the cable news networks but in reality they are not biased. Making issues out of something that has nothing to do with the average Americans everyday life (see Gay Marriage).FoxNews gets it pretty bad but they are all the same. Those pundits who actually questioned the intelligence about the invasion of Iraq were canned and conservative hosts were put in place (see Ashleigh Banfield).

Now with regard to everyone saying Obama is just a great speaker and nothing else. I'm assuming you only hear his stump speeches. Those speeches aren't intended to go into deep detail of the issues. That's what the debates were for and I'm pretty sure he covered all the issues there in great detail.

And with regard to experience. The 2 candidates are senators. Both have never balanced a budget. Their experience I would say is pretty even. I don't believe voting experience is really a great thing to judge a President, it really only shows what his true intentions as a Democrat or a Republican is. I mean if we went by voting experience for experience I think Big bob Byrd would be scoring a few more points here.

But this all the political BS that has been floating around in my head. Where he wins my vote is on the issues (also I'm a Yellow Dog Democrat ha!).

On health care:
- health care for those with pre-existing conditions
- mandatory health care for children
- subsidizing costs for those that cannot afford health care

- Moving towards the concept of college education as a 'right'
- $4,000 tuition credit for college students
- Increase investments in childhood education, increase funding

National security:
- withdraw troops from Iraq over a set timeline after discussing situation with advisors / military advisors
- End communication sanctions with Iran and Cuba, negotiate with these countries
- Build the military, focus military towards other sources of terrorism than Iraq

- offer a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
- Reform immigration procedures

Sorry for the long post/rant.
Even as a lifelong Democrat I can't vote for a Cook County hack to lead our country......visions of Todd Stroger....reality.

I not thrilled with McCain either but I'm probably going to vote for him.
How about Ralph Nader LOL

Seriously neither of the candidates appeal to me. I'm tired of both parties.
Republicans cater to special interest and Dems want our country to be socialist. I liked Obama until I listened to his speech last night in my home state. Now I have no idea who I'm going to vote for.

Obama does have the best plan to protect the great lakes from ballast water of ocean going vessels so I dunno. I'm on the fence.
How about Ralph Nader LOL

Seriously neither of the candidates appeal to me. I'm tired of both parties.
Republicans cater to special interest and Dems want our country to be socialist. I liked Obama until I listened to his speech last night in my home state. Now I have no idea who I'm going to vote for.

Obama does have the best plan to protect the great lakes from ballast water of ocean going vessels so I dunno. I'm on the fence.

Before HMO's we had socialized health care but the Republicans decided they would rather bleed middle class Americans dry. By your logic we already were and are socialists with our Social Security and Medicare. Obama's plan would basically act as an expanded Medicare plan with majority of funds coming from rolling back the Bush tax breaks to the wealthy.
Before HMO's we had socialized health care but the Republicans decided they would rather bleed middle class Americans dry. By your logic we already were and are socialists with our Social Security and Medicare. Obama's plan would basically act as an expanded Medicare plan with majority of funds coming from rolling back the Bush tax breaks to the wealthy.

while I agree with you on the middle class being sucked dry. Don't you feel that windfall profit taxes, and socialized medicine are a blow to capitalism?

Socialized medicine would be very bad for this country. The government will mess that up royally. I would not want them in charge of my health care.
While I feel we need a solution to rising health care costs I think socializing it would be a farce.
I was all for Hilary..and now I don't think I will vote at all. I MAY vote if Hilary is going to be Obama's VP..but honestly, I don't like him AT all...and think America messed up.
while I agree with you on the middle class being sucked dry. Don't you feel that windfall profit taxes, and socialized medicine are a blow to capitalism?

Socialized medicine would be very bad for this country. The government will mess that up royally. I would not want them in charge of my health care.
While I feel we need a solution to rising health care costs I think socializing it would be a farce.

Medicaid is one of the most efficient Government programs. So no I don't believe it will be messed up.
while I agree with you on the middle class being sucked dry. Don't you feel that windfall profit taxes, and socialized medicine are a blow to capitalism?

Socialized medicine would be very bad for this country. The government will mess that up royally. I would not want them in charge of my health care.
While I feel we need a solution to rising health care costs I think socializing it would be a farce.

I have AIDS and cardiomyopathy.I have since I was 21..I'm 38...I'm also a retired Marine on Tricare, government provided insurance...I have excellent speedy cheap healthcare..The biggest medical expense I have had since 1991 is the 9 dollar cost for name brand drugs and the 3 dollar cost for genetics..Tricare has never turned me down for a med...I have never been turned down for any treatment including experimental drugs..I get top of the line ,first class, high end drugs, all from government healthcare..I'm alive and healthy 18 years after diagnosis due to tricare and high quality treatments
No I don't think socialized med is a blow to capitalism..WE have free educations in the country and I would say health care should be as high a priority. I never hear anyone state that government funded schools are one step closer to socialism.
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McCain: there will be blood

I have to seriously question the intelligence of anyone willing to waste a vote on McCain. I'm voting for Obama. I think the "experience" argument is silly, he is a Senator for goodness sake. People are getting caught up in these media blips.
Heres an idea, stop watching biased news.
I have AIDS and cariomyopathy.I have since I was 21..I'm 38...I'm also a retired Marine on Tricare, government provided insurance...I have excellent speedy cheap healthcare..The biggest medical expense I have had since 1991 is the 9 dollar cost for name brand drugs and the 3 dollar cost for genetics..Tricare has never turned me down for a med...I have never been turned down for any treatment including expiramental drugs..I get top of the line ,first class, high end drugs, all from government healthcare..I'm alive and healthy 18 years after diagnosis due to tricare and high quality treatments
No I don't think socialized med is a blow to capitalism..WE have free educations in the country and I would say health care should be as high a priority. I never hear anyone state that government funded schools are one step closer to socialism.

Indeed. Socialism is just a word used by the Republicans as a scare tactic. I'd love to see a candidate running on a platform to eliminate Police forces, Fire departments and public schooling. Universal health care is just a step forward towards progress.

While there may seem to be a lot to criticize about Bush, Jr., he said in the beginning that his number one priority was to keep the U.S. safe. That he has done, and I for one am grateful.

I don't know enough about the war to comment on it, but I do know that if we bring a Democrat into the Presidency we will lose a lot of our military forces through means of government cutbacks which will put us at great risk in this volatile time. People need to look for some balance between the executive and legislative branches - if they don't they may be sorry.

Obama doesn't have nearly enough experience and would put us in great danger unless he miraculously hired on some experienced, intelligent staff that he, in fact, listened to and supported through action.

There are many other factors too, such as Obama being pro-choice. How can someone coherently speak on human rights when he is willing to destroy its sole foundation of human life itself?

<<sigh>> Tough topic. I won't even start on Obama's view point (or lack of view point) on our economy. Glad I had a chance to put my post in.

Tarazan :Angel_anim:
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I have to seriously question the intelligence of anyone willing to waste a vote on McCain. I'm voting for Obama. I think the "experience" argument is silly, he is a Senator for goodness sake. People are getting caught up in these media blips.
Heres an idea, stop watching biased news.

I find it a shame when people say "unintelligent" people would vote for McCain. My parents are voting for McCain. My mother graduated from Georgetown and my father graduated from UNM, they are intelligent people. My father handed out fliers for RFK, my mother protested Vietnam. They aren't rich, dumb, white suburbians. My father is actually half Mexican, do you think that was easy for him growing up? They aren't midwestern, evangelical zealots. They are normal people, making their way through America. They are not smarter than the average bear nor any dumber. They have investigated both sides and have made their decision. The fact remains this is America, a place where the decision is yours and yours alone. Do not counter by calling people who vote differently than you less intelligent. It is a very unflattering, elitist misconception that the majority of Americans are taking on. And not just for Democrats, but also Republicans. Red, Blue, Green, whatever, get over that you have differences, know your beliefs and values and vote how you will.

I'm sorry, I'm stepping off my soap box.

Explore Obama's voting record before declaring he "was just a senator." Read the NY Times, they have had wonderful articles detailing Clinton, McCain and Obama's senatorial careers. In the case of Obama, there are many things that bring up caution for me. I feel as if he is a great, inspiring speaker but we have also heard inspiring speeches from others (George Bush post-Sept. 11th, don't act like you weren't inspired). He isn't someone I trust yet.

McCain, I don't really believe him yet. I don't think he is saying what he believes. His opinions on matters seem to be from those around him rather than him.

I'm undecided. I'm a democrat. I am young. I have a job. I voted for Kerry. I voted for Hillary. And in no way am I impressed with either candidate. We'll see how everything plays out before I cast my vote. I also think neither candidate will last two terms.

And bitch is STILL the new black.

While there may seem to be a lot to criticize about Bush, Jr., he said in the beginning that his number one priority was to keep the U.S. safe. That he has done, and I for one am grateful.

I don't know enough about the war to comment on it, but I do know that if we bring a Democrat into the Presidency we will lose a lot of our military forces through means of government cutbacks which will put us at great risk in this volatile time. People need to look for some balance between the executive and legislative branches - if they don't they may be sorry.

Obama doesn't have nearly enough experience and would put us in great danger unless he miraculously hired on some experienced, intelligent staff that he, in fact, listened to and supported through action.

There are many other factors too, such as Obama being pro-choice. How can someone coherently speak on human rights when he is willing to destroy its sole foundation of human life itself?

<<sigh>> Tough topic. I won't even start on Obama's view point (or lack of view point) on our economy. Glad I had a chance to put my post in.

Tarazan :Angel_anim:

It's interesting you bring up the subject of experience. Because you could use the same argument against McCain.

Fact of the matter is McCain said it himself that he lacks foreign and domestic experience.

I'm totally lefty .almost extreme left. So I definately want something different.. only republican view i have the same is on the death penalty...but I'd probably be much more cruel..murdering a child? or anyone? You deserve to be murdered in the SAME MANNER. That's my opinion I'm sure other people, many other people disagree, but that's almost the only republican view I beleive.. haha
I'm economically conservative, I work in the defense industry, and I'm STILL voting for Obama.