McCain or Obama?

Obama 08 all the way.
I am Obama supporter. My concerns are with the economy and the war. Considering McCain will bring no change and has publicly made a fool himself with regard to domestic and foreign policy I think it's a pretty easy decision.

I can see how it can become very easy to be caught up with all the crap spewed out by the cable news networks but in reality they are not biased. Making issues out of something that has nothing to do with the average Americans everyday life (see Gay Marriage).FoxNews gets it pretty bad but they are all the same. Those pundits who actually questioned the intelligence about the invasion of Iraq were canned and conservative hosts were put in place (see Ashleigh Banfield).

Now with regard to everyone saying Obama is just a great speaker and nothing else. I'm assuming you only hear his stump speeches. Those speeches aren't intended to go into deep detail of the issues. That's what the debates were for and I'm pretty sure he covered all the issues there in great detail.

And with regard to experience. The 2 candidates are senators. Both have never balanced a budget. Their experience I would say is pretty even. I don't believe voting experience is really a great thing to judge a President, it really only shows what his true intentions as a Democrat or a Republican is. I mean if we went by voting experience for experience I think Big bob Byrd would be scoring a few more points here.

But this all the political BS that has been floating around in my head. Where he wins my vote is on the issues (also I'm a Yellow Dog Democrat ha!).

On health care:
- health care for those with pre-existing conditions
- mandatory health care for children
- subsidizing costs for those that cannot afford health care

- Moving towards the concept of college education as a 'right'
- $4,000 tuition credit for college students
- Increase investments in childhood education, increase funding

National security:
- withdraw troops from Iraq over a set timeline after discussing situation with advisors / military advisors
- End communication sanctions with Iran and Cuba, negotiate with these countries
- Build the military, focus military towards other sources of terrorism than Iraq

- offer a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
- Reform immigration procedures

Sorry for the long post/rant.

Amen. That's why he's getting my vote. I started out as a die-hard Hillary supporter, but I always said that whoever got the Dem nomination (barring Jesse Jackson) would get my vote. I wasn't thrilled with Obama until I watched the convention last week. I was very impressed with him, Michelle and Biden. I think he's very intelligent, has dignity, courage and the qualities a successful leader needs. And I agree with him on the issues. While I have the utmost respect for McCain as a great war hero, I believe as president he'd further ruin our country.

And as to Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama being bitches, that comment really pisses me off. If a woman is intelligent, strong and speaks her mind, she's a bitch. If a man does that he's just a man. I guess we women should just be quiet, submissive doormats. NOT!! Welcome to the 21st century.
I'd vote for McCain if I lived in the US. However I don't, so I'm just going to voice that and run out of the thread before I get barked at.
Amen. That's why he's getting my vote. I started out as a die-hard Hillary supporter, but I always said that whoever got the Dem nomination (barring Jesse Jackson) would get my vote. I wasn't thrilled with Obama until I watched the convention last week. I was very impressed with him, Michelle and Biden. I think he's very intelligent, has dignity, courage and the qualities a successful leader needs. And I agree with him on the issues. While I have the utmost respect for McCain as a great war hero, I believe as president he'd further ruin our country.

And as to Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama being bitches, that comment really pisses me off. If a woman is intelligent, strong and speaks her mind, she's a bitch. If a man does that he's just a man. I guess we women should just be quiet, submissive doormats. NOT!! Welcome to the 21st century.

I also was a Hillary supporter. The way I see it, when you call Hillary or Michelle bitches you only appear threatened. Basically threatened by a strong woman. That is why Hillary has been attacked by the right unmercifully. That's my point of view as a dude.
I am the lone Democrat in an all Republican office and it gets hard when I heard someone tell my boss's daughter that all liberals are terrorists. Last time I checked I baked cookies... I wasn't toting any explosives in my purse. And just now, our accountant has to go pay an overdue bill at GA Power for our company and she goes, "I'm going to go stand in line with all the people who have their power shut off because they can't afford their bill but can afford their Barack Obama t-shirt." These are the same people in my office who complain about the cost of gas while they drive their gas guzzlers and I barely drive my basic 34 mile per gallon car... I ride public transit 85% of the time. And they claim that Obama wants to depend on Middle East oil yet it's always been a Democrat trying to convince people to stop relying on oil and gas. And they say that John McCain served our country in war and Barack didn't. Well sorry the man isn't old enough and why was this small peas eight years ago when McCain was passed over for nomination by someone who used his father's political ties to dodge the draft. And you know what, I still don't give a shit that Palin's daughter is preg, but you can tout morals as much as you want. Abstinence only education doesn't work. Didn't work in the Palin household, and it's not working in Alaska since it's a state with considerable progression in teen STDs. Maybe if kids knew that sex can give blisters on your private parts it might deter them just a little bit.
And just now, our accountant has to go pay an overdue bill at GA Power for our company and she goes, "I'm going to go stand in line with all the people who have their power shut off because they can't afford their bill but can afford their Barack Obama t-shirt."

Not to mention, for how much Mitt Romney went off about the Elitest Liberal Washington last night, I think that statement above is pretty elite. And I also find it funny that for being elite during the majority of the last 8 years Republicans have been in control of the government in Washington. And funny that Palin accused Obama of snubbing her house for not being posh enough (can someone send me a link where he said that, btw?), that her running mate has several houses.
The fact that this thread implies only 2 candidates running makes me sick. I vote for neither of them and will probably seek out a third party candidate that represents what this country is supposed to be.

These guys will not be good leaders.
The fact that this thread implies only 2 candidates running makes me sick. I vote for neither of them and will probably seek out a third party candidate that represents what this country is supposed to be.

These guys will not be good leaders.

Maybe I understand that the process is designed now to keep the influence of a 3rd party candidate to a minimal. Is it right, probably not, but to think Bob Barr, Ron Paul or Nader will be good leaders not only makes me sick but makes laugh.
Military family here for Obama!!!!

But honestly, this is the best our country has to offer?

McSame and his crazy FLDS looking woman are vile to me.

Obama is the best our country has offered us in eight years. I'm ready for some REAL freedom. Not freedom for bible thumping america.
Obama is no more than a racial pop icon.People need to look into where Obama gets all his funding. He is no different than any other canidate minus his skin color. It's not like all the hippies and enviromentalists got millions of dollars this year to fund him.

McCain has a 1 in 3 chance of dieing first term (actuary numbers)

I dont want a pop sensation and I dont want a Pitbull with lipstick on (Lord knows we have had enough "bull"ying for 8 years)

I dont know if this was mentioned yet, but Palin charged Rape victims for there examination kits. So.... I could never vote for anything she is a part of.

I am taking the fair approach this election. Heads its Obama, Tails its an Independent

I think the Brits have it right when it comes to government. Since I know someone will think (well why dont you move there). I plan on getting my MBA which will allow me to live there without a work visa for 2 years with an extension of 3 years if I do not find a job. I just need to convince my wifey.
Maybe I understand that the process is designed now to keep the influence of a 3rd party candidate to a minimal. Is it right, probably not, but to think Bob Barr, Ron Paul or Nader will be good leaders not only makes me sick but makes laugh.

How are any of the guys you mentioned less qualified than the two major candidates? If anything I rather have someone with less professional political experience run the country. If you go back to when our country began all the politicians were normal people. They were farmers or plantation owners before anything else. They joined politics to help their country, not to make money. We need someone in office that represents the majority of the country, not someone that supports the ideas of a political party. I dont want a career politician. Most of the presidents that I consider to have been great leaders were the John Adams, Thomas Jeffersons, Abe Lincolns all of whom were people first politicians second.

I am not saying I support Ron Paul or any of the candidates you mentioned, but I dont think you should discredit them so quickly when you look at how unqualified the two major candidates really are.
How are any of the guys you mentioned less qualified than the two major candidates? If anything I rather have someone with less professional political experience run the country. If you go back to when our country began all the politicians were normal people. They were farmers or plantation owners before anything else. They joined politics to help their country, not to make money. We need someone in office that represents the majority of the country, not someone that supports the ideas of a political party. I dont want a career politician. Most of the presidents that I consider to have been great leaders were the John Adams, Thomas Jeffersons, Abe Lincolns all of whom were people first politicians second.

I am not saying I support Ron Paul or any of the candidates you mentioned, but I dont think you should discredit them so quickly when you look at how unqualified the two major candidates really are.

I believe the Democrats have selected someone who does represent the majority of the people. Obama wants to help the middle class his tax plan. This will cut taxes on 150 million Americans. The Democrats have also raised the minimum wage helping those people in the lower class. I could go on but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Just don't go telling me that political parties don't represent the majority of America. Maybe your just out of touch with the majority of America.
Obamaism is just as bad a disease as McCainism.

Lower taxes, great. Raise minimum wage, great. But that is one issue. I cannot vote for him because of, what he calls, Civil Rights. Giving certain groups of people more chances than other groups of people. Hurting one groups chances at college so that another group can get in easier. He is not for equality. But hey, we all have our opinions.

I'll probably vote for Stephen Colbert. :)
I wasn't sure who I'd vote for until McCain chose Caribou Barbie as his running mate.

Now I'll be voting for Obama.

Of course, I'm in Texas so my vote won't mean shit...but I'll vote anyway.