McCain or Obama?

Obamaism is just as bad a disease as McCainism.

Lower taxes, great. Raise minimum wage, great. But that is one issue. I cannot vote for him because of, what he calls, Civil Rights. Giving certain groups of people more chances than other groups of people. Hurting one groups chances at college so that another group can get in easier. He is not for equality. But hey, we all have our opinions.

I'll probably vote for Stephen Colbert. :)

My Wife and I were going to write in "Jesus" just for laughs. We dont want either one in.

Obama does not represent us and neither does Palin.:smash:
Obamaism is just as bad a disease as McCainism.

Lower taxes, great. Raise minimum wage, great. But that is one issue. I cannot vote for him because of, what he calls, Civil Rights. Giving certain groups of people more chances than other groups of people. Hurting one groups chances at college so that another group can get in easier. He is not for equality. But hey, we all have our opinions.

I'll probably vote for Stephen Colbert. :)

The largest group to suffer from inequality in this country is women. The largest group to benefit from legislation supporting equality is women. What is the majority of the population in America? Women. Which party has fought for the equal wage for women? Democrats. Who has fought to deny women an equal wage? Republicans, like McCain. Don't talk to me about equality because again you seem to be out of touch.
I didnt say I have anything against equality. I said that his stance is not to bring equality. He wants to cripple certain groups of people to help other groups of people. That is BS. That is what affirmitive action does and it's ridiculous.

And no, not everyone should be paid equally for the same job. It comes down to ability and the strength of the company. There are more factors to look at than salary alone when determining the state of equality in the country.

I am not out of touch, you just seem to be an Obama fan and that is fine. I have no problem with it, but obviously you don't like different opinions.
I didnt say I have anything against equality. I said that his stance is not to bring equality. He wants to cripple certain groups of people to help other groups of people. That is BS. That is what affirmitive action does and it's ridiculous.

And no, not everyone should be paid equally for the same job. It comes down to ability and the strength of the company. There are more factors to look at than salary alone when determining the state of equality in the country.

I am not out of touch, you just seem to be an Obama fan and that is fine. I have no problem with it, but obviously you don't like different opinions.

I have no problem with different opinions. I have a problem when people try to speak for the majority of America and seem to be out of touch with those people and the issues.
I dont see how I am out of touch for disagreeing with what he plans to do. Either it's a good plan or a bad plan. I happen to think it is a bad plan. Honestly, every candidate has the same basic ideas about things like stimulating the economy, making sure everyone is awarded the same opportunities and so on and so on. The differences come in how they plan to get there. I believe both candidates will hurt the country more than help the country.

Not to sound cynical but the majority of the voters elected Bush for two terms. I didn't vote for him at all. Does me being out of touch with America then mean I was wrong? No. It means that I was able to see something I didnt like and I see things I dont like in the two major candidates. Just something to think about.
You've GOT to be freaking kidding me. McCain is full of shit. So is Palin. There's no WAY they could lead the nation in a positive direction.

I sincerely dislike people who think they speak for the majority of America, when they honestly have no reason to like one side other than people around them like that person.

Ah, I guess blissful ignorance is better for some people than the bitter truth.

:puke:McCain makes me nauseous.
You've GOT to be freaking kidding me. McCain is full of shit. So is Palin. There's no WAY they could lead the nation in a positive direction.

I sincerely dislike people who think they speak for the majority of America, when they honestly have no reason to like one side other than people around them like that person.

Ah, I guess blissful ignorance is better for some people than the bitter truth.

:puke:McCain makes me nauseous.

Do you think you speak for the majority?

You think voting for McCain is blissful ignorance?

Are you one of those blissfully ignorant "I am a good person so I am voting for a black man"

If not please describe for me a few of the policies Obama is bringing to the table that you think will make him the great leader and change this country around.

Changing the skin color of the president is not the real change this country needs.

I know I said earlier I wont support McCain because of Palin's actions towards rape victims. It is just your response is the typical response that all these blindly "Obama 2008" people are giving.
Do you think you speak for the majority?

You think voting for McCain is blissful ignorance?

Are you one of those blissfully ignorant "I am a good person so I am voting for a black man"

If not please describe for me a few of the policies Obama is bringing to the table that you think will make him the great leader and change this country around.

Changing the skin color of the president is not the real change this country needs.

I know I said earlier I wont support McCain because of Palin's actions towards rape victims. It is just your response is the typical response that all these blindly "Obama 2008" people are giving.

You really think this is about race? Have you been in a coma? Have you seen the garbage the Republicans have done in the past 8 years? That's good enough reason to vote Democrat. But go ahead and try to insult peoples intelligence with your obvious ignorance, it's very entertaining :)