Matt's Diary

Year 1, Day 71 (Day 439)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.4

Breakfast: 1 large Yogurt, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 hard-boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt,1 cup of Salad , 1 Roast Beef/Bacon and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Beef and Roasted Potatoes).

Snack: 2 Yogurts

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled waters, 3 bottles of Bud Light.

Estimated Calories: 2830

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 30 minutes of weight training.
Hi Maintenance Matt :D
Keep up the good work :)

Thanks. Maintenance Matt LOL. I guess because I'm high maintenance right? :)
Year 1, Day 72 (Day 440)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.0

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 3 packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast.

Snack: 2 Nutrigrain bars, 1 small box of Dots (Gumdrops).

Lunch:1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Country fried chicken), 1 Apple.

Snack: 2 Nutrigrain bars.

Dinner: 1 piece of Salmon, 1 side of Roasted potatoes, 1 side of Spinach.

Snack: 2 Nutrigrain bars.

Miscellaneous: 2 cups of Diet Iced tea, 1 Diet Pepsi.

Estimated Calories: 2650

Exercise: 4 hours of walking.

I ate too much Nutrigrain bars, I should have bought them but they were cheap. Also I had a headache so I skipped the weight training which I hated doing.
Year 1, Day 73 (Day 441)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.6

Breakfast: 1/2 large Yogurt, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch:1 Apple, 1 Nutri-Grain bar, 1 Yogurt,1 cup of Salad , 1 Roast Beef/Bacon and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt, 2 Nutrigrain bars.

Dinner: 1 piece of Salmon, 1 side of Roasted potatoes, 1 side of Spinach.

Snack: 2 Nutrigrain bars.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters, 2 cups of Diet Iced Tea.

Estimated Calories: 2860

Exercise: 3.67 hours of walking, 10 Minutes of HIIT.
Year 1, Day 74 (Day 442)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.8

Breakfast: 1/2 large Yogurt, 4 Nutri-Grain bars, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch:1 Apple, 1 Nutri-Grain bar, 1 Yogurt, 1 bag of Popcorn, 1 Roast Beef/Bacon and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Chicken Parmesan), 1 Piece of Toast.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 2 cups of Diet Iced Tea.

Estimated Calories: 2660

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.

I had a clog in my sink this morning when I woke up I noticed it was filled with blackish smelly water, and I had to call maintenance. I hated to call them since I would be at work and I hate someone being in my apartment when I'm not there but I didn't have a choice. Also since it was backed up I didn't get to clean any dishes or my egg cooker, which is why I skipped the salad and eggs.
Hi, Matt. That sounds horrible! Eeuww. Hope it's fixed! I would not like someone coming into my place if I was not here either.
Matt- I think it's great that you have got to your goal weight & that you are maintaining. I really do. I will be much happier when I read that you are replacing processed food & packaged food with more natural, fresh food. I think your heart is in the right place & I know you take advice on board & in the right spirit. I want you to be healthy. I think your determination is admirable & I also think, if you set yourself a task you will do it. Fresh is best. Enough nagging for today, xoxo Cate
Year 1, Day 75 (Day 443)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.6

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 hard-boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt,1 cup of Salad , 1 Roast Beef/Bacon and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Country Fried Chicken).

Snack 1 Yogurt.

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2550

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 10 minutes of HIIT.
Hi, Matt. That sounds horrible! Eeuww. Hope it's fixed! I would not like someone coming into my place if I was not here either.
Matt- I think it's great that you have got to your goal weight & that you are maintaining. I really do. I will be much happier when I read that you are replacing processed food & packaged food with more natural, fresh food. I think your heart is in the right place & I know you take advice on board & in the right spirit. I want you to be healthy. I think your determination is admirable & I also think, if you set yourself a task you will do it. Fresh is best. Enough nagging for today, xoxo Cate

Yeah it was fixed. Yea I hate especially since the day I put the request in I saw one of the maintenance guys and he told me apparently a year ago when they came in to change the filters my dog got loose. I've been meaning to add more fresh food, though the main problem is time and money. Packaged food is more convenient and takes less time.
Year 1, Day 75 (Day 443)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.0

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 hard-boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt,1 cup of Salad , 1 Roast Beef/Bacon and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Beef and Roasted Potatoes).

Snack 1 Yogurt.

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2620

Exercise: 3.75 hours of walking.
Year 1, Day 76 (Day 444)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.4

Breakfast: 1 Large Yogurt,2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 hard-boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt, 1 cup of Salad , 1 Roast Beef/Bacon and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 3 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 piece of Salmon, 1 side of mashed Cauliflower, 1 side of Spinach.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2650

Exercise: 3.75 hours of walking.

Kind of a crappy day. it started off well but ended crap. I was going to go to downtown for this event where they featured various art galleries, but parking was an absolute nightmare and I ended up leaving. Also I got a headache so I skipped the HIIT training.
Sorry for your kind of crappy day Matt. Can you leave your car at home & catch public transport, or is that not feasible. Hope you have a better day today xoC
Year 1, Day 76 (Day 444)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.42
Breakfast: 1 Large Yogurt, 4 packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch:1 piece of Rotisserie chicken, 1 serving of Pulled Pork BBQ, 1 side of Broccoli, 1 piece of Corn on the cob, 1 side of Coleslaw all from Golden Corral, 1 Yogurt.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Creamy Chicken and Shrimp).

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 3 Bud Lights.

Estimated Calories: 2800

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 30 minutes of Weight training.
Sorry for your kind of crappy day Matt. Can you leave your car at home & catch public transport, or is that not feasible. Hope you have a better day today xoC

Thanks.Public transport sucks here. It only runs in the city, not out in the surrounding counties where I live. I guess I could catch an Uber/Lyft but that can be kind of costly.
Year 1, Day 78 (Day 446)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 175.2

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 4 Doughnuts.

Lunch: 4 Slices of Pepperoni Pizza, 5 pieces of Garlic Bread, 1 cup of Dr. Pepper all from Cici's Pizza.

Dinner: 1 Bacon Cheeseburger, 1 side of Fries, 2 cups of Dr. Pepper all from Red Robin.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 1 Bottled Water, 2 cups of Diet Iced Tea.

Estimated Calories: 4600

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 30 minutes of weight training.

Today was a cheat day and I went nuts, more nuts than normal. My weight dropped and I was concerned so I ate a little more.
Oh, Matt. If your body decides to drop a little weight, please don't over-compensate by eating extra junk food. More healthy protein would be great! :)
Ahh your cheat days freak me out - your poor tummy! How do you feel the next day after all that crap? More power to you for keeping your weight off and maintaining xx
They freak me out too!