Matt's Diary

Year 1, Day 37 (Day 405)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.6

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 Coffees

Lunch: 2 Pieces of Rotisserie Chicken, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes, 1 side of Broccoli, 1 side of Green beans all from Golden Corral.

Snack: 2 Yogurts

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Chicken Parmesan).

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 2 12 oz Alaghash White Ales, 1 Rum and Diet Coke.

Estimated Calories: 2430

Exercise: 4 hours of walking
looking good, the scales are moving in the right direction :)

Yes they are! I was freaking out for a minute, I read this article about former contestants on "The Greatest Loser" who gained their weight back no matter what they did and I don't want that to happen to me.
There will be a lot of trial & error with maintenance Matt. Keeping an eye on it & making instant adjustments, as you are doing will soon correct anything. Well done!

Exactly, that's what I'm doing now. Thanks!
Year 1, Day 38 (Day 406)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.4

Breakfast: 5 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal

Snack/Lunch: 2 Chocolate Fudge cookies, 4 Lemon Cookies, 1 Suzy Q, 2 Chocolate Chip cookies, 1 Chocolate Chip Brownie, 1 20. Cherry Coke.

Dinner: 8 pieces of Garlic Bread, 3 slices of Pepperoni Pizza, 2 slices of Chicken Bacon club flatbread pizza, 1 slice of Buffalo Chicken, 3 Cinnamon Rolls all from Cici's Pizza.

Miscellaneous: 1 Cup of Diet Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 4066

Exercise: 1 hour of walking.

Today was a cheat day, so I went a little crazy lol. I didn't get a chance to do walking since my dog was afraid to go out, b/c someone called the police for some reason and they were outside talking among themselves.
I was about to say "yay" for being back under 180 & then I read what you had for dinner! :rolleyes: WOW! Matt- is your dog scared of the police? Were there flashing lights & sirens? :)
I don't think I can even have a cheat day. If I did I think the old memories and temptations would come up as to what I used to eat. Good for you for getting it out of your system though. Cudos for being able to do that. I do have a cheat meal once in a while but try to still eat healthy normally. I do allow myself some "cheat things" once in a while but I don't think I could eat cookies and pizza without feeling sick-lol.
Year 1, Day 39 (Day 407)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.6

Breakfast: 5 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 Coffees

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 cup of salad w/chicken, 1 Roast Beef and Cheese Sandwich..

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 New York Strip Steak (.7 oz.), 1 side of Mini-Roasted Potatoes, 1 side of Spaghetti and Marinara Sauce.

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters

Estimated Calories: 2400

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking, 10 Minutes of HIIT.

Well its been one month since I achieved my final goal and all is well!
I was about to say "yay" for being back under 180 & then I read what you had for dinner! :rolleyes: WOW! Matt- is your dog scared of the police? Were there flashing lights & sirens? :)

LOL!!! Well that's what was odd there were no sirens or flashing lights, just two police cars parked and three PO's standing there talking.They didn't even acknowledge us. I'm guessing it was the police I guess it could have been something else.
I don't think I can even have a cheat day. If I did I think the old memories and temptations would come up as to what I used to eat. Good for you for getting it out of your system though. Cudos for being able to do that. I do have a cheat meal once in a while but try to still eat healthy normally. I do allow myself some "cheat things" once in a while but I don't think I could eat cookies and pizza without feeling sick-lol.

Yeah I used to be that way and I was figured if I have a day to get it out of my system then I won't be tempted all the time! Every time I'm tempted to eat junk, I think "just wait until Sunday you can eat all the junk you want!"
Your cheat day looks amazing - or "a normal Saturday night" for me at the moment! Looks like you're doing great - well done :)
Year 1, Day 40 (Day 408)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.2

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 Coffees

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 cup of salad w/chicken, 1 Yogurt,1 Chicken and Cheese Sandwich..

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 cup of Spaghetti w/Marinara sauce, 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Roasted Garlic Chicken)

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters, 1 Diet Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 2420

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 30 Minutes of Weight Training.

I know I shouldn't have had the spaghetti, but I wanted to finish off the spaghetti before it went bad (I hate wasting food).
Your cheat day looks amazing - or "a normal Saturday night" for me at the moment! Looks like you're doing great - well done :)

Yeah it is amazing..and exhausting! lol. It WAS a normal day for me also! Thankfully I changed things around. Thanks! :)
Year 1, Day 41 (Day 409)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.2

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 1 Banana, 2 Coffees

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 bag of Dried Cherries, 1 Banana, 1 Yogurt,1 Chicken and Cheese Sandwich..

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 2 6 oz. Salmon fillets, 1 side of roasted Mini-Potatoes.

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters, 2 cups of Diet Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 2460

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 10 Minutes of HIIT.
Year 1, Day 42 (Day 410)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.8

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 Coffees

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 bag of Dried Cherries, 1 Yogurt, 1 Roast Beef and Cheese Sandwich..

Snack: 2 Yogurts

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Beef and Roasted Potatoes), 2 slices of Toast.

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters, 1 cup of Diet Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 2230

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 30 Minutes of Weight Training.
Year 1, Day 43 (Day 411)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.6

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 Coffees.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 cup of Salad w/ Chicken, 1 Yogurt, 1 Roast Beef and Cheese Sandwich, 1 bag of Popcorn.

Snack: 2 Yogurts

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Country Fried Chicken).

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters, 1 bottle of Bud Light, 1 Devils Backbone Vienna Lager, 1 Hardywood Singel.

Estimated Calories: 2600

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 10 Minutes of HIIT.

I screwed up and ate some Popcorn, well A LOT of popcorn.
What on earth is a Devil's Backbone lager? Sounds very Halloweeny! When you say 4 hours of walking is that after work in one go? Or just like throughout the day? Popcorn is a lovely treat - I can never put back half a bag and end up eating the whole lot. Salt & vinegar popcorn is my favourite!