Matt's Diary

Year 1, Day 11 (Day 379)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 181.8

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 3 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 cup of cut up Cucumbers and Onions w/dressing, 1 Chicken and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Chobani Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Beef strips Portabella).

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters

Estimated Calories: 1840

Exercise: 3.67 hours of walking, 10 minutes of HIIT.
3.5 hours of walking will negate Cicis

Not always, plus I don't want to make a habit out of gorging on junk food lol.
Year 1, Day 12 (Day 380)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 181.0

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1/2 a bag of Popcorn, 1 Chicken and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Spoonful of Peanut Butter

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Beef and Roasted Potatoes).

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters

Estimated Calories: 1870

Exercise: 3 hours of walking, 30 minutes of weight training.

Well 180 was nice, I'm back at 181. I have to stay away from Peanut Butter! I didn't realize it had so many calories, 1 spoonful was like 120 calories!
I didn't realize it was so packed in calories either. I've always heard people say that peanut butter helps curb hunger. Something about lining your stomach. Sounds like pseudo-science to me, but then again, I don't really struggle with hunger pangs.
Great job on reaching your goal. That is FANTASTIC. Congratulations! I took about a year on my journey too. Funny, I started at 320 pounds and finished at 175- almost the same stats as you.I know what it took to get here. Now comes the hard part- maintenance-lol. I find this part the hardest to be honest with you. It is good to be able to eat right, exercise and watch the scale go down- you get a sense of accomplishment. On maintenance you eat right , exercise and want to keep the scale in the same place-no reward-haha. That being said you can do it just like I am. I had a small 30 pound blip but that was over time and not eating right ( it is easy to fall into old habits sometimes) but I am back on track again and back at my goal. Good thing is, you know what to do and how to do it. Just continue to stay the course.
Oh, Matt. Well done!! I only just caught up with the last 5 days of your diary. You made me laugh & blush. "What would Cate say?" I am really flattered & glad that I have been able to help you. You are the one who has done it though!
Cowboy is spot on with his comments on maintenance. Now comes the hardest part. You have been a man on a mission & it has been rewarding to see the scale go down & down & down. I love that you now want to actually learn to cook instead of eating tv dinners! I have noted what you have eaten since Sunday & I can't help but say I remember what it felt like to get to my goal weight & how I felt like eating everything I had not allowed myself to eat while I was getting there. The best thing I think you could do for yourself is to start adding more healthy, unprocessed food to your diet, continue maybe weighing once a week, but don't allow yourself to gain any more than say 5lbs. It goes back on so easily & it gets harder & harder to re-motivate yourself.
I think you should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. You are looking wonderful. I love your new pic! You have come such a long way, Matt. You really have made my day! I hope you stick around xoxo Cate
Year 1, Day 13 (Day 381)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 181.2

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 1 cup of Cucumbers and Onions w/dressing, 1 Chicken, Ham and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: A few Crackers.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Country Fried Chicken), 1 Apple.

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters

Estimated Calories: 1930

Exercise: .67 hours of walking, 10 minutes of HIIT

I hope I don't get stuck at 181. I would have liked to have walked more but we had a huge Thunderstorm. I'm going to increase the amount of calories I eat since my goal has shifted to weight maintenance.
I didn't realize it was so packed in calories either. I've always heard people say that peanut butter helps curb hunger. Something about lining your stomach. Sounds like pseudo-science to me, but then again, I don't really struggle with hunger pangs.

Yeah I never heard that. I get hungers pangs occasionally but not often.
Great job on reaching your goal. That is FANTASTIC. Congratulations! I took about a year on my journey too. Funny, I started at 320 pounds and finished at 175- almost the same stats as you.I know what it took to get here. Now comes the hard part- maintenance-lol. I find this part the hardest to be honest with you. It is good to be able to eat right, exercise and watch the scale go down- you get a sense of accomplishment. On maintenance you eat right , exercise and want to keep the scale in the same place-no reward-haha. That being said you can do it just like I am. I had a small 30 pound blip but that was over time and not eating right ( it is easy to fall into old habits sometimes) but I am back on track again and back at my goal. Good thing is, you know what to do and how to do it. Just continue to stay the course.

Yeah I know what you mean. Right now I'm trying to enjoy being thin and get in shape. What's a little disappointing was I hoped to have gotten a flat tummy, but I have a bit of loose skin that looks like I have a bit of a gut. Maintenance is a lot harder, especially since there's more of a temptation to eat junk food.
Oh, Matt. Well done!! I only just caught up with the last 5 days of your diary. You made me laugh & blush. "What would Cate say?" I am really flattered & glad that I have been able to help you. You are the one who has done it though!
Cowboy is spot on with his comments on maintenance. Now comes the hardest part. You have been a man on a mission & it has been rewarding to see the scale go down & down & down. I love that you now want to actually learn to cook instead of eating tv dinners! I have noted what you have eaten since Sunday & I can't help but say I remember what it felt like to get to my goal weight & how I felt like eating everything I had not allowed myself to eat while I was getting there. The best thing I think you could do for yourself is to start adding more healthy, unprocessed food to your diet, continue maybe weighing once a week, but don't allow yourself to gain any more than say 5lbs. It goes back on so easily & it gets harder & harder to re-motivate yourself.
I think you should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. You are looking wonderful. I love your new pic! You have come such a long way, Matt. You really have made my day! I hope you stick around xoxo Cate

Yeah I've noticed a bit more of a temptation to go back and eat junk food, but the temptation hasn't been huge. I'm going shopping today so I might buy some stuff to cook. As for the pic, I posted it on my Facebook page and I got a very positive response! I just wish I could do something about the loose skin!
You sir should be proud of your accomplishment! Take a minute to savor it.
So many of us hope to stick with it like you have.
Year 1, Day 14 (Day 382)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.2

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 1 Nutri-grain bar, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 2 Nutri-grain bars, 1 Ham and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: Various free Samples.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Beef Strips Portabella)

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters

Estimated Calories: 1970

Exercise: 2.45 hours of walking

Another rainy, crappy day, so I didn't get much in the way of walking. Today was payday so I did some shopping and ran a few errands. Because of this I got home late and didn't get a chance to do weight training.
You sir should be proud of your accomplishment! Take a minute to savor it.
So many of us hope to stick with it like you have.

Trust me I am savoring it! Not too much, I don't want to let it go to my head and let myself go...
Hi Matt. I think it's good if you can really savour your success. That doesn't mean you will let yourself go. You should be really proud of yourself. Perhaps it's time to investigate a healthy, well-balanced diet, introducing some new foods, a few nuts perhaps, some Mediterranean style foods, avocado etc. Just be careful to stay within 5lbs of your maintenance weight & adjust accordingly. Let the fun begin. :D
Year 1, Day 15 (Day 383)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.4

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 1 Nutri-grain bar, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 hard-boiled Eggs, 2 Nutri-grain bars, 1 Ham and Cheese Sandwich.

Dinner: 2 4 oz. pieces of Angus beef steaks, 1 side of Spinach, 1 salad.

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters, 2 Hardywood IPAs, 2 Bud Lights, 1 Lemon Drop shot.

Estimated Calories: 2900

Exercise: 3.45 hours of walking; 10 minutes of HIIT.

I never thought I'd be saying this but my weight is lower than I would like it lol. I tried my hand at cooking and it turned out pretty good. I also went out which explains the alcohol.
Hi Matt. I think it's good if you can really savour your success. That doesn't mean you will let yourself go. You should be really proud of yourself. Perhaps it's time to investigate a healthy, well-balanced diet, introducing some new foods, a few nuts perhaps, some Mediterranean style foods, avocado etc. Just be careful to stay within 5lbs of your maintenance weight & adjust accordingly. Let the fun begin. :D

I plan on introducing different foods in my diet ( if and when my budget allows), I made a steak last night and it turned out pretty good. What types of Mediterranean foods would you suggest? I used to have nuts as a snack but they were pretty high calorie, of course they were salted peanuts. I'm actually looking to stay within a 4 lb range of my current weight (178-182). As you can tell from my most recent diary the fun has already begun! :p:D
Yeah peanut butter is high in calories. Sometimes I eat way too much. Eliminating it sounds like a good plan. I have eliminated it for the most part.