Matt's Diary

At least you got on the scale to assess the damage. I was chicken. Im not stepping on that thing till Friday. By then Im hoping to have reversed my sinful Sunday.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it living in Virginia. It's made in Kentucky (my home state). Maybe I just think it's bigger than it really is.

2lbs doesn't sound that bad, but I only lost 1.7lbs lost this past week so that would put me in the wrong direction unless I only have a cheat day about once every 2 weeks. :p
Year 1, Day 6 (Day 373)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 183.6

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee, 1 Banana.

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Apple, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Banana, 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Beef Strips Portabella)

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters

Estimated Calories: 1830

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking.

Well I'm not sick which is a good thing. I finished up clearing my apartment of old furniture, etc that I barely used and was just taking up space. Tomorrow I'm going to clean may apartment which is waaaaay overdue.
At least you got on the scale to assess the damage. I was chicken. Im not stepping on that thing till Friday. By then Im hoping to have reversed my sinful Sunday.

Ha! Yeah, I like to see how much damage I'm doing. Sometimes I'll weigh myself a few times a day to say what my weight is at different stages.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it living in Virginia. It's made in Kentucky (my home state). Maybe I just think it's bigger than it really is.

2lbs doesn't sound that bad, but I only lost 1.7lbs lost this past week so that would put me in the wrong direction unless I only have a cheat day about once every 2 weeks. :p

I don't think they sell it where I live, or at least they don't carry it where I shop. I usually just get Canada Dry, Seagram's or whatever is cheapest. Yeah, it's not awful, but I don't want to make a habit out of it lol. :p:D
Year 1, Day 6 (Day 373) Addendum

I forgot to put for lunch I had a small salad w/ chicken (about 1 cup) also.
Year 1, Day 6 (Day 373) Addendum

I forgot to put for lunch I had a small salad w/ chicken (about 1 cup) also.
Year 1, Day 7 (Day 374)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 181.4

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 1 Hard-boiled Egg, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Apple, 1 1 cup salad w/ Chicken, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Beef and Roasted Potatoes), 1 glass of Orange Juice.

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters, 2 cups of Diet Iced Tea, 1 shot of 5 hour Energy.

Estimated Calories: 1860

Exercise: 4 hours of walking 10 minutes of HIIT training, 2+ hours of Apartment cleaning.

I got a lot done today and I'm exhausted I think I got like 4 hours of sleep.
Year 1, Day 7 (Day 375)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 181.4

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Apple, 1 1 cup salad w/ Chicken, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf).

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters, 2 cups of Diet Iced Tea.

Estimated Calories: 1870

Exercise: 3 hours of walking, 30 minutes of Weight training.

I've started my exercise routing back up since I'm no longer sick. However, I did switch up the days I'm doing it. I now do the HIIT on M-W-F and Weight lifting on T-TH-S.
Year 1, Day 8 (Day 376)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.4

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 3 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Apple, 1 1 cup salad w/Chicken, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: Various free Samples

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Beef Strips Portabella).

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters, 3 Rum and Diet Cokes

Estimated Calories: 2050

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking, 10 minutes of HIIT.

Final Goal: ACHIEVED!!!!


I figured since I've completed my goals I wanted to look back and comment on my journey so far and reflect on what worked and what didn't etc..


1. Cutting out junk food and sodas: A no-brainer.

2. Exercising: Another no-brainer, having a dog that LOVES to walk helped a lot. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have done as much walking.

3. You: I think being on this site has helped tremendously. I've tried keeping diaries before, but not a public one where I can be held accountable for my actions. If I was tempted to go to McDonald's and gorge on junk I would think: "What would Cate say?" Of course it's not perfect (see CiCi's pizza days)


1. I ate too little. There was a time near when I first started where I got down to 1000-1100 calories a day which is waaayyy too low. I think that caused me to get anemic.


1: Eat better food. I know that sounds odd, but TV Dinners aren't the best things in the world to eat. I need to learn to cook!

That's about all I could think of. I want to thank Cate, Caligirl, KnowandDo, Trusylvr, Mowens, Brawny and everyone who has given me advice this past year. Now I'm going to go out and eat pizza and McDonalds!! JK! Seriously, my new goal is maintaining my weight.
That's so awesome. And that you did it in almost exactly a year!

Are you going to be setting any future goals for yourself? I saw you mentioned learning to cook some healthy meals for yourself. Or is it all maintenance from here on out?
Great job!!! So happy for you! :hurray::hurray::hurray:Good luck with maintenance! :)

If I was tempted to go to McDonald's and gorge on junk I would think: "What would Cate say?"
I had to chuckle at this. It's so perfect. I need a bracelet that says this. lol!
Year 1, Day 9 (Day 377)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 181.2

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 bag of Popcorn, 1 Apple, 1 1 cup salad w/Chicken, 1 Turkey Sandwich.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf).

Miscellaneous: 4 bottled waters, 5 Rum and Diet Cokes

Estimated Calories: 2120

Exercise: 4 hours of walking, 30 minutes of weight training.
Year 1, Day 10 (Day 378)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.8

Breakfast: 5 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal.

Lunch: 1 Energy bar, 1 Kit-Kat Big Kat Bar, 1 20 oz. bottle of Cherry Coke.

Dinner: 9 pieces of Garlic bread, 6 slices of Pepperoni Pizza, 2 pieces of Chicken Rand flatbread pizza, 2 Pieces of dessert pizza, 3 Cinnamon rolls all from Cici's pizza.

Miscellaneous: 2 Diet Iced Teas, 2 glasses of Orange juice.

Estimated Calories: 4050

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking

I volunteered this week so I went to Cici's again. I probably shouldn't have oh well.
3.5 hours of walking will negate Cicis