Matt's Diary

I have a question since you started off heavier than I was, are about at the weight I want to end up at and you appear to have lost weight at a rate of about 10 or so pounds a month, which is right at where I am (I've averaged 11lbs a month for the last 3 months).

Did you ever keep track of how much of a caloric deficit you were creating when doing all of your walking? I keep reading all of these horror stories of losing all your energy and gaining back all of your weight because people have too big of a deficit and lose the weight too quickly. I'm not terribly concerned about muscle loss as long as I am still able to exercise and have energy. I'm not the bodybuilder type and I don't care if I end up with a lean frame at the end of this.

It hasn't been that hard for me to eat about 1,800 calories a day (about what you're eating now) and exercising about 4-5 days a week. Most days I have a 1,000-1,200 deficit every day and that includes me eating 3 meals a day with 2-3 snacks throughout the day.

Some people would say this is too much, but I'm eating a variety of foods, I don't feel hungry throughout the day and I don't feel lethargic. Do you think this sounds like what you went through? Did you have any setbacks?
I have a question since you started off heavier than I was, are about at the weight I want to end up at and you appear to have lost weight at a rate of about 10 or so pounds a month, which is right at where I am (I've averaged 11lbs a month for the last 3 months).

Did you ever keep track of how much of a caloric deficit you were creating when doing all of your walking? I keep reading all of these horror stories of losing all your energy and gaining back all of your weight because people have too big of a deficit and lose the weight too quickly. I'm not terribly concerned about muscle loss as long as I am still able to exercise and have energy. I'm not the bodybuilder type and I don't care if I end up with a lean frame at the end of this.

It hasn't been that hard for me to eat about 1,800 calories a day (about what you're eating now) and exercising about 4-5 days a week. Most days I have a 1,000-1,200 deficit every day and that includes me eating 3 meals a day with 2-3 snacks throughout the day.

Some people would say this is too much, but I'm eating a variety of foods, I don't feel hungry throughout the day and I don't feel lethargic. Do you think this sounds like what you went through? Did you have any setbacks?

I wish I posted the calories earlier. I would say the biggest mistake I've made was at one point I was eating too little (around 1100-1200 calories) Which I think caused me to get anemia. I've heard stories like the people on the Biggest Loser that also and it scares me to death. I after I meet my goal, my next goal is maintenance. I don't think the 1800 a day is too much.
Yay for getting rid of fat clothes!!! :D I hope you kept a pair of your biggest pants Matt. Ironically I had an outfit that I bought on a visit to the US when I was at my biggest. I loved this outfit, but it was huge. The irony is that it was decorated with elephants. I kept that outfit & nothing else. I could fit 2 of me in it now.
Yay for getting rid of fat clothes!!! :D I hope you kept a pair of your biggest pants Matt. Ironically I had an outfit that I bought on a visit to the US when I was at my biggest. I loved this outfit, but it was huge. The irony is that it was decorated with elephants. I kept that outfit & nothing else. I could fit 2 of me in it now.

Well I kept some and put them in storage and I donated some. The only thing I kept was a blazer I got at JC Penney that I never got a chance to wear. It's too big for me now, so I'm going to to try to sell it on Craigslist.
Day 366

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 182.8

Breakfast: 1 Nutrigrain bar, 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: Bourbon Chicken/rice, 1 side of Broccoli, 1 side of Kale, 1 side of Strawberries, 1 side of Corn on the cob all from Golden Corral.

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf)

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters, 1 Diet Iced tea

Estimated Calories: 1860

Exercise: 3 hours of walking, 10 minutes of HIIT training.

I still feel crappy if I still feel bad tomorrow I'm going to the DR.
That's no good Matt. Good idea seeing the doc!

Yeah I have a sinus infection, they gave me amoxicillin. I wish I got the liquid form b/c the pills are HUGE. I wish they made pill pockets for humans!
Year 1, Day 1 (Day 367)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 182.0

Breakfast: 1 Nutrigrain bar, 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal.

Lunch: 2 Nurtigrain bars, 1 Yogurt, 1 Apple, 1 Ham and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf)

Miscellaneous: 2 bottled waters, 1 Diet Iced tea, 1 Coffee

Estimated Calories: 1830

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.

"Ok its day 1. So far I have to say I have to step up my game." That was the first thing I wrote that kicked off my journey exactly a year ago. Honestly there were times I didn't think I would make it this far. I wish I had more to say but I'm still sick.
Year 1, Day 2 (Day 368)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 181.8

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 slices of Toast, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Yogurt, 1 Apple, 1 Ham and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: Various free samples

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Beef Strips Portabella)

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters, 2 Diet Ginger Ales

Estimated Calories: 1900

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.

I'm still sick though feeling a little better, I'm taking it easy so unfortunately, that means little exercise except for walking my dog. (I would skip that or at least walk less, but she has other ideas and she's the boss!) I'm inching towards my final goal, but I hope the loss isn't due to my illness.
Year 1, Day 3 (Day 369)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 181.6

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Snack: 1 Mini-Tootsie Roll

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Yogurt, .5 Apple, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Chobani Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Country Fried Chicken)

Miscellaneous: 4 bottled waters, 2 Diet Ginger Ales

Estimated Calories: 1900

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.

I ate a little more than usual, I have to be careful! I went to my rental office to pick up a package that's where I got the Tootsie Roll.
Year 1, Day 3 (Day 370)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 181.4

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Yogurt, 1 Apple, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 2 Yogurts

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Chicken Parmesan)

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters, 2 Diet Ginger Ales

Estimated Calories: 1870

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.
Year 1, Day 4 (Day 371)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 181.4

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal.

Lunch: 2.5 Doughnuts (1 Glazed, 1 Boston Cream, 1/2 of Chocolate), 1 Reese's Big Stix candy bar)

Dinner: 10 Pieces of Garlic Bread, 3 slices of Pepperoni Pizza, 3 slices of Meat lovers pizza, 2 slices of Dessert pizza, 2 glasses of Sprite all from Cici's Pizza.

Miscellaneous: 4 Diet Ginger Ales

Estimated Calories: 4200

Exercise: 1.6 hours of walking.

As you can see today was a cheat day. I regretted the sweets b/c in addition to having a sinus infection I got a nasty canker sore and sugar apparently aggravates it. Also one of the doughnuts was so rich I couldn't finish it. I wish I could have walked more but we had a bad thunderstorm last night.
Miscellaneous: 4 Diet Ginger Ales

Please tell me those weren't Ale-8-Ones. :p

And I suppose I'll get the answer to this question tomorrow, but how much of a gain do you see after having a cheat day? I'm always afraid I'll end up undoing the entire previous week and I haven't really allowed myself any real 'cheat days' yet. Not even a cheat meal.
Year 1, Day 5 (Day 372)

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 183.4

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Hard-boiled eggs, 1 Yogurt, 1 Apple, 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Chicken Parmesan)

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters

Estimated Calories: 1830

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.

Well my weight went up, I guess that's punishment for Sundays gluttony. The good news is I'm feeling better and I got a little more exercise as I'm cleaning out a lot of crap in my apartment and getting rid of old books, furniture, etc.
Please tell me those weren't Ale-8-Ones. :p

And I suppose I'll get the answer to this question tomorrow, but how much of a gain do you see after having a cheat day? I'm always afraid I'll end up undoing the entire previous week and I haven't really allowed myself any real 'cheat days' yet. Not even a cheat meal.

Ale-8-one? I actually had to Google that! I believe it was Canada Dry. The only reason I bought some was b/c drinking Ginger Ale has always helped a little when I was sick. It really depends but I would say one or two lbs. Sometimes its the next day, sometimes its the day after next. I think its better to have a cheat day b/c in the past I would randomly declare days cheat days and eventually EVERY day was a cheat day.