Matt's Diary

Day 282

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 202.8

Breakfast: 3 yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Spicy Thai salad w/chicken, 1/2 Sierra turkey sandwich, 1 apple all from Panera Bread.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Country Fried chicken), 1 cup of orange juice, 1 peach.

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters.

Estimated Calories: 1800

Exercise: 2.75 hours of walking; 60 (4 reps of fifteen) dumbbell curls, 30 (3 sets of ten), standing dumbbell flies, romanian deadlifts, squats, single-arm dumbbell snatches, side to side presses, arm raises, oblique side bends, tricep extensions; all w/5 lb. weights; 60 (4 sets of fifteen) crunches.
A really good day Matt :)
Day 283

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 202.0

Breakfast: 3 yogurts, 1/2 bowl of grapes, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Greek Goddess salad w/chicken, 1/2 Sierra turkey sandwich, 1 apple all from Panera Bread.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf), 1 yogurt.

Miscellaneous: 4.5 bottled waters.

Estimated Calories: 1860

Exercise: 2.75 hours of walking; 60 (4 reps of fifteen) dumbbell curls, 30 (3 sets of ten), standing dumbbell flies, romanian deadlifts, squats, single-arm dumbbell snatches, lateral rows, arm raises, oblique side bends, tricep extensions; all w/5 lb. weights; 60 (4 sets of fifteen) crunches. 1 bonus set of curls w/ a 8.8 lb. weight.
Day 284

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 201.6

Breakfast: 2 yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1 17 oz. salad w/chicken, 1 roast beef sandwich, 1 ham sandwich, 1 apple.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Roasted garlic chicken), 1 apple..

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters.

Estimated Calories: 1880

Exercise: 2 hours of walking.

I brought my lunch today, mainly to save money. I hardly got a chance to walk b/c there were thunderstorms practically all day and neither me or my dog wanted to go out in that mess.
Day 285

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 201.0

Breakfast: 3 yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal,1 cup of orange juice, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1 17 oz. salad w/chicken, 1 roast beef sandwich, 1 ham sandwich, 1 apple.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf)

Miscellaneous: 5.5 bottled waters.

Estimated Calories: 1840

Exercise: 3.2 hours of walking; 60 (4 reps of fifteen) dumbbell curls, 30 (3 sets of ten), standing dumbbell flies, romanian deadlifts, squats, lateral rows, arm raises, oblique side bends, 40 (4 sets of ten) tricep extensions; all w/5 lb. weights; 60 (4 sets of fifteen) crunches. 1 set of single-arm dumbbell snatches w/ a 8.8 lb. weight.
Day 286

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 201.0

Breakfast: 3 yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal,1 cup of orange juice, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1 17 oz. salad w/chicken, 2 ham sandwich's 2 apples.

Snack: Various appetizers, 1 bottle of beer.

Dinner: 1 salad w/ basil vinaigrette dressing, 2 dinner rolls, 1 piece of New York Strip Steak, 1 side of roasted potatoes, 1 slice of cake, 1 few mini cupcakes, 1 cup of coffee.

Miscellaneous: 7 glasses of water.

Estimated Calories: 3600

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking.

Today was a special occasion so it was basically a cheat day. I went crazy mainly on the appetizers which I wish I didn't do but oh well. I'm not good at parties and social events so I tend to eat more. I probably should have had a lighter lunch or breakfast.
Day 287

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 202.4

Breakfast: 3 yogurts, 2 pieces of toast,1 cup of orange juice

Lunch: Roast chicken ( leg, thigh, and 1 slice), 1 side of pumpkin/ sweet potato casserole mix, 1 side of cucumbers w/ dressing, 1 bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper.

Snack: Various free samples

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Beef and roasted potatoes.), 1/2 bowl of grapes.

Miscellaneous: 2 glasses of water; 2 glasses of diet iced tea.

Estimated Calories: 1730

Exercise: 2 hours of walking.

Well I paid for the overeating at the wedding with a gain in weight. I tried to walk more but the dog freaked out when she heard a motorcycle so she ran back inside.
Day 288

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: In progress...

Weight: 202.6

Breakfast: 3 yogurts, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1 17 oz. salad w/chicken, 1 roast beef sandwich, 1 ham sandwich, 1 apple.

Snack: 1 Greek yogurt

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf)

Miscellaneous: 6.5 bottled waters.

Estimated Calories: 1750

Exercise: 1 hour of walking; 60 (4 reps of fifteen) dumbbell curls, 30 (3 sets of ten), standing dumbbell flies, romanian deadlifts, squats, lateral rows, arm raises, oblique side bends, dumbbell woodchops, Russian dumbbell swing; 60 (4 sets of fifteen) tricep extensions; all w/5 lb. weights; 60 (4 sets of fifteen) crunches.

Starting today I'm going to incorporate HIIT training in my workout. I wish I walked more but the dog refused to go out, well she went out for a little while then would run back in, then would want to go out again. I also made a nice exercise schedule lol.

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Day 289

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: ACHIEVED! Goal 6: ACHIEVED! Final Goal: In Progress...

Weight: 200.6

Breakfast: 1 yogurt, 1 Greek yogurt, 1 apple, 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1 17 oz. salad w/chicken, 1 roast beef sandwich, 1 ham sandwich, 1 apple.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Meatloaf)

Miscellaneous: 6 bottled waters.

Estimated Calories: 1800

Exercise: 3 Hours walking, 10 minutes of HIIT ( 4 sets of 20 front jabs each side, jumping jacks, sumo squats)

I'm calling it, Goal 6 achieved! On to my final goal. Only 20 lbs. to go! BTW I have kind of a silly question how can you tell the difference between excess skin and flab?
Looks like a good exercise plan!
