Matt's Diary

Day 165

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 229.0

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast, 2 packets of oatmeal,1 cup of milk, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 2 Pieces of chicken, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of green beans, 1 side of broccoli, 1 roll all from Golden Corral.

Snack: 1 Chocolate chip cookie

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Steak and Roasted potatoes), 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 3 cups of diet iced tea,5 bottles of water.

Exercise: 3 hours of walking.

Tomorrow is my last day of taking Prednisone and I'm glad. It made me feel weak and constantly needing to snack. I'm surprised I didn't gain More weight lol.
Day 166

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 227.6

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast, 2 packets of oatmeal,1 cup of milk, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Turkey bravo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Dinner: 2 Pieces of steak,2 pieces of pepperoni pizza, 1 piece of ham 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of green beans, 1 side of broccoli,all from Golden Corral.1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 4 cups of diet iced tea,7 bottles of water.

Exercise: 3.6 hours of walking.

I did good today until the end at least I'm off the Prednisone and I'm not hungry all the time.
Day 167

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 228.2

Breakfast: 1 blueberry muffin, 2 packets of oatmeal,1 cup of milk, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Turkey bravo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (Country fried chicken), 2 pieces of toast, 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 2 bottles of diet iced tea, 5 bottles of water.

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking.
Day 168

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 227.6

Breakfast: 3 packets of oatmeal, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch:2 Pieces of chicken,1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of green beans, 1 side of broccoli,all from Golden Corral

Snack: A few saltine crackers

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Sweet and Sour chicken), 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 4-5 bottles of water.

Exercise: 3.25 hours of walking.

Again with eating more than I'd like. I'm off the Prednisone but I'm still feeling some of the side effects.I hope they will go away soon.
Day 169

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 226.0

Breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 pieces of toast, 2 cups of milk.

Lunch: 4 chocolate fudge cookies, 1 bag of grandmas mini sandwich creme cookies, 1 20 oz. Cherry Coke, 2 bananas.

Dinner: 1 piece of Salmon, 1 piece of ham, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of macaroni, 1 roll, 1 can of Pepsi.

Snack: 1 banana

Miscellaneous: 1 diet iced tea, 2 bottled waters

Exercise: 4 hours of walking.

I volunteered today and had a bunch of snacks so I decided to group it together as lunch. At least I didn't eat a bunch of pizza.
Day 170

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 228.6

Breakfast: 1, banana, 2 packets of oatmeal, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Italian Combo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Dinner: 2 pieces of bourbon glazed salmon, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of spinach, 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 5 bottled waters

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking.

A bit of a drastic jump today, I don't think its jumped this much even when I slipped and had a bunch of pizza. I think I'm still experiencing side effects of Prednisone even though my last dose was Thursday night. I hope this won't last long.
Day 171

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 228.6

Breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Turkey Bravo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Snack: Kit-Kat bar

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Meatloaf) 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 3 Diet iced tea, 5 bottled waters

Exercise: 3.5 hours of walking.
Why Kit-Kat, why can of Pepsi? That's probably around 500 calories of sugar. Why? Why not get to the nearest grocery store and buy yourself a couple of apples and a banana? Doing such a small change will lead to an extra pound of fat burned per week. Why self sabotage?
Why Kit-Kat, why can of Pepsi? That's probably around 500 calories of sugar. Why? Why not get to the nearest grocery store and buy yourself a couple of apples and a banana? Doing such a small change will lead to an extra pound of fat burned per week. Why self sabotage?

The KitKat was a slip-up, though in all fairness I was feeling weak at the time.I'm hoping it's a residual side effect to the Prednisone I was taking. As for the Pepsi, given the fact that before I was drinking 5-6 Pepsi's a day the fact that I got down to one is a feat in and of itself. I don't know if I can ever completely give up soda.
The KitKat was a slip-up, though in all fairness I was feeling weak at the time.I'm hoping it's a residual side effect to the Prednisone I was taking. As for the Pepsi, given the fact that before I was drinking 5-6 Pepsi's a day the fact that I got down to one is a feat in and of itself. I don't know if I can ever completely give up soda.

Oh, why not switch to diet Pepsi? I know it's not the same, but it's quite close minus the calories. On the giving up part, why do you doubt yourself so much? Who convinced you of that? Is there someone at work who is constantly telling you that you won't be able to give up something at work? I highly doubt it (but if there is, you should punch him in the face). So why set up yourself for failure at the start?
Oh, why not switch to diet Pepsi? I know it's not the same, but it's quite close minus the calories. On the giving up part, why do you doubt yourself so much? Who convinced you of that? Is there someone at work who is constantly telling you that you won't be able to give up something at work? I highly doubt it (but if there is, you should punch him in the face). So why set up yourself for failure at the start?

Yeah I think Diet Pepsi is gross.I usually drink Diet iced tea which isn't that bad. I just think 1 a day isn't that bad or as bad as drinking 5-6 as I used to drink.
Day 172

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 227.2

Breakfast: 3 packets of oatmeal, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Turkey Bravo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Dinner: A few pieces of ham, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of spinach, 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 3 Diet iced tea, 4-5 bottled waters

Exercise: 3.4 hours of walking.
Yeah I think Diet Pepsi is gross.I usually drink Diet iced tea which isn't that bad. I just think 1 a day isn't that bad or as bad as drinking 5-6 as I used to drink.

Well, it's not as bad obviously, but let me give you a perspective. 1 pepsi can is 150 calories, 150 x 7 = 1050 calories per week. Multiply that by 4 weeks and you get 4200 calories a month, which is over 1 pound of fat lost, just from ditching ONE CAN OF PEPSI. Now I can continue with the math, but my point is, it's insanely easy to gain weight even from something simple as 1 can of soda per day. It's also insanely easy to lose weight by the same principle.

Also, these beverages usually contain sodium and caffeine and this is done on purpose. Caffein is a diuretic (makes you pee water), while sodium (salt) makes you thirsty. Hence your natural instinct will be to either drink more Pepsi, or to eat more food to satisfy that thirst, which is often mistaken for hunger. The reason you don't taste the salt is because there's a truckload of sugar to camouflage that.

Just how the junk food industry works. :)
Well, it's not as bad obviously, but let me give you a perspective. 1 pepsi can is 150 calories, 150 x 7 = 1050 calories per week. Multiply that by 4 weeks and you get 4200 calories a month, which is over 1 pound of fat lost, just from ditching ONE CAN OF PEPSI. Now I can continue with the math, but my point is, it's insanely easy to gain weight even from something simple as 1 can of soda per day. It's also insanely easy to lose weight by the same principle.

Also, these beverages usually contain sodium and caffeine and this is done on purpose. Caffein is a diuretic (makes you pee water), while sodium (salt) makes you thirsty. Hence your natural instinct will be to either drink more Pepsi, or to eat more food to satisfy that thirst, which is often mistaken for hunger. The reason you don't taste the salt is because there's a truckload of sugar to camouflage that.

Just how the junk food industry works. :)

Given how my weight has been all over the place as of late I may take that into consideration.
Day 173

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 226.6

Breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Turkey Bravo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Dinner: 2 sirloin steaks, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of green beans, 1 side of broccoli, 1 roll, all from Golden Corral. 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 3 Diet iced tea, 4-5 bottled waters

Exercise: 3.4 hours of walking.
Day 174

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 226.8

Breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal, 3 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Classic with chicken salad, 1/2 Turkey Bravo sandwich, 1 piece of french baguette bread all from Panera bread.

Dinner: 1 can of Spinach, 1 Marie Callender's TV dinner (Steak and roasted potatoes, 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 3 Diet iced teas, 3 bottled waters

Exercise: 2.16 hours of walking.

For some reason it seems I'm stuck on 226 lately, also I would have done more walking but I wasn't feeling that great and the dog wanted to go in early for some reason.
Day 175

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 226.2

Breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of coffee.

Lunch: 2 pieces of baked chicken (breast and thigh), 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of green beans, 1 roll all from Kroger.

Snack: 1 bowl of cucumber w/ 1-2 tbsp of balsamic vinaigrette dressing. 1 sample of orzo

Dinner: 2 pieces of honey bourbon glazed salmon, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 1 side of collard green, 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 3 Diet iced teas, 6 bottled waters

Exercise: 3.75 hours of walking.
Day 176

Goal 1: ACHIEVED! Goal 2: ACHIEVED! Goal 3: ACHIEVED! Goal 4: ACHIEVED! Goal 5: In progress...

Weight: 226.6

Breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal, 2 cups of milk.

Lunch: several pieces of ham, 1 side of orzo, 1 side of collard greens

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV dinner (meatloaf), 1 can of Pepsi.

Miscellaneous: 1 cup of Diet iced tea, 2 bottled waters

Exercise: 4 hours of walking.

226 again,oh well.