Matt's Diary

Goal 1: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 240.8

Breakfast: 2 Fried Eggs, 5 pieces of Bacon, 2 pieces of Toast, 4 Pancakes w/Syrup and Butter, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch/Dinner: 1 Plate of Sushi, 1 Bowl of Watermelon.

Snack: 4 Yogurts, 1 Banana.

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2500

Exercise: 3.75 hours of Walking.

I got a new little mini griddle over the weekend that I've been using with eggs, so I thought I'd try it out with pancakes since there was a recipe inside. Unfortunately I think I screwed them up since they were a bit overcooked and I used baking soda instead of baking powder. I got sick to my stomach though i don't know if it was the pancakes or something else.
your profile says you live in/near the state capital... is the water that bad?

In the city; where I worked it kind of is. That's how I got started drinking bottled water. There were a few times I turned on the faucet at work and the water came out cloudy. FYI- I'm actually cutting down on the amount of bottled water I drink, its just seems I drink a lot because if I refill a bottle a few times I count it as 3 bottled waters or if I drink a cup of water (the cups I have are about 18 oz) I count it as a bottled water. Sorry about he confusion.
baking powder is baking soda plus other stuff, so you not only put in the wrong stuff, you put in far too much. not sure if that could have upset your stomach, but it probably didn't add much to the taste and without the acid to react, the cakes were likely very flat and solid. double-acting baking powder activates first when you mix it with liquid and again when heated.
In the city; where I worked it kind of is. That's how I got started drinking bottled water. There were a few times I turned on the faucet at work and the water came out cloudy. ...
since you are on the east coast, just a thought... how old is the building you work in?

you definitely aren't alone, though... i see people picking up cases of plastic bottles every time i'm at the market. i'm not as much bothered by the water as i am about the waste. every time i watch Stargate Atlantis and see all the bottled water we send to a distant fictional galaxy, i think about how mankind will simply go on to trash other planets if we ever get our butts off this one.
Goal 1: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 239.8

Breakfast: 2 Fried Eggs, 6 pieces of Bacon, 4 pieces of Toast, 4 cups of Coffee.

Snack: 1 Banana.

Lunch: A few Crackers, 1 Bowl of Grapes, 1 Apple, 1 Banana.

Dinner: 1/2 Rotisserie Chicken Platter w/1 side of Mashed potatoes, 1 side of Steamed Broccoli, 1 Zucchini Muffin all from Arbys.

Snack: 4 Yogurts

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 3000

Exercise: 2 hours of Walking.

I was doing good until later in the evening and I ate too much. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't walk as much.
baking powder is baking soda plus other stuff, so you not only put in the wrong stuff, you put in far too much. not sure if that could have upset your stomach, but it probably didn't add much to the taste and without the acid to react, the cakes were likely very flat and solid. double-acting baking powder activates first when you mix it with liquid and again when heated.

They actually weren't flat though I think they were a bit overdone and tough.
since you are on the east coast, just a thought... how old is the building you work in?

you definitely aren't alone, though... i see people picking up cases of plastic bottles every time i'm at the market. i'm not as much bothered by the water as i am about the waste. every time i watch Stargate Atlantis and see all the bottled water we send to a distant fictional galaxy, i think about how mankind will simply go on to trash other planets if we ever get our butts off this one.

The shopping center where I used to work is over 30 years old.Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if we started dumping our trash on another planet.
Goal 1: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 239.6

Breakfast: 4 Pancakes w/Syrup and Butter, 2 cups of Coffee.

Snack: 2 Yogurts, 2 Cupcakes.

Lunch/Dinner: Pot Roast, w/ 2 sides of Duchess Potato Casserole.

Snack: A few Grapes.

Miscellaneous: 3 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2550

Exercise: 3.5 hours of Walking.

I tried again to make pancakes and was pretty successful this time. I got some Baking Powder to use this time, and did not over cook them. I only messed up one, which was under-cooked (I poked it and batter seeped out). I also had some cupcakes which I should have avoided.
Goal 1: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 239.2

Breakfast: 2 Bowls of Cereal, 2 Fried Eggs, 4 Pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Poke Bowl.

Dinner: 1 Garden Salad w/Catalina Dressing. 1 Orange, 1 Bowl of Grapes.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 3 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2500

Exercise: 2 hours of Walking.

I ate pretty good today, but I didn't get to walk as much. It's been rained most of the night.
Thanks but unfortunately the weight went up again :(:(

I agree with Cate. Try to cut out the sweet foods. You walk so much, it's inspiring. Maybe something offer than TV dinners? That might help. I am by no means a nutrition expert, but I think those have a lot of salt in them, right?

Do you like apples? I eat one every day for a snack.
Goal 1: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 239.2

Breakfast: 2 Fried Eggs, 2 Pieces of Toast, 6 Pieces of Bacon, 1 Bowl of Hash Browns, 5 Pancakes w/ Syrup, 2 cups of Milk, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 2 Yogurts, 1 Bowl of Microwaveable French Fries

Snack: 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Dinner: Zucchini and Butternut Squash Spirals w/ Scallops, Shrimp and Marinara Sauce.

Miscellaneous: 1 Bottled Water, 1 20 oz. Cherry Coke..

Estimated Calories: 3250

Exercise: 3.33 hours of Walking.

I did pretty good today except for the Cookie, French Fries and the Soda. It rained a lot and there was flooding so I stayed in and I snacked some due to boredom. I did cook my dinner well I cooked the scallops on the griddle I got and Microwaved the rest.
I agree with Cate. Try to cut out the sweet foods. You walk so much, it's inspiring. Maybe something offer than TV dinners? That might help. I am by no means a nutrition expert, but I think those have a lot of salt in them, right?

Do you like apples? I eat one every day for a snack.

I do like apples! I'm going to try to cook more even if its in the microwave. I found a steamer that I used to use, I also have the griddle.
Matt- what you eat is entirely up to you, but when you said
I did pretty good today except for the Cookie, French Fries and the Soda.
my thought was...
What about the-
6 Pieces of Bacon, 1 Bowl of Hash Browns, 5 Pancakes w/ Syrup, 2 cups of Milk,
on top of 2 eggs & 2 slices of toast.
Is your breakfast always eaten out? At home, could you not have 2 eggs, 2 slices of toast, 2 pieces of bacon & maybe some veggies as well. It is really easy to cook up some onions, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes & courgettes to add to any meal, including breakfast? I honestly don't know how you fit all that in. I was gobsmacked reading that. I'm sorry if I come across as rude, but I am genuinely shocked. A little avocado with eggs on toast is one of my favourite breakfasts.
Matt- what you eat is entirely up to you, but when you said

my thought was...
What about the-
on top of 2 eggs & 2 slices of toast.
Is your breakfast always eaten out? At home, could you not have 2 eggs, 2 slices of toast, 2 pieces of bacon & maybe some veggies as well. It is really easy to cook up some onions, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes & courgettes to add to any meal, including breakfast? I honestly don't know how you fit all that in. I was gobsmacked reading that. I'm sorry if I come across as rude, but I am genuinely shocked. A little avocado with eggs on toast is one of my favourite breakfasts.

Sometimes I eat out, but not usually. I made the eggs, the pancakes and the bacon was microwavable. Lately I'll have a big breakfast and a small lunch. I actually don't like tomatoes or mushrooms, I could do avocado though. What are courgettes?
We call them zucchini but I thought they were called courgettes in the US. Do you like spinach?
In the US it's a type of squash that can get quite large. I sometimes grow them, and like to eat them, right now the local farmers are producing them in excess, the closest farm stand is selling them 10 for a dollar, give away really. The word is Italian and means small squash, nothing small about ours. I agree with Cate, I have found adding more veggies to my diet to be quite helpful.
Goal 1: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 240.4

Breakfast: 1 Doughnut, 1 Coffee Roll, 1 Cheese Danish, all from Wawa, 6 Pancakes w/ Syrup, 1 cup of Coffee.

Lunch/Dinner: 1 Big Bacon Classic Double, 1 Large Order of Fries, 1 Large Dr. Pepper, all from Wendy's

Snack: 1 Slice of Strawberry Cheesecake, 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 1 Bottled Water, 1 20 oz. Cherry Coke.

Estimated Calories: 4700

Exercise: 3.33 hours of Walking.

Wow I ate quite a bit today!