Matt's Diary

Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 229.0

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts, 4 Packets of Oatmeal, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Bowls of Clam Chowder Soup, A few Crackers.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner ( Sweet and Sour Chicken).

Snack: 3 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2800

Exercise: 2.75 hours of Walking.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 230.0

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 4 Packets of Oatmeal, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: Beef and Broccoli, Firecracker Shrimp, 1 side of Chow Mein all from Panda Express.

Snack: A few Crackers.

Dinner: 1/2 Rotisserie Chicken Platter w/1 side of Mashed Potatoes, 1 side of Steamed Broccoli, 1 Zucchini Muffin, all from Arby's.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2750

Exercise: 3 hours of Walking.
Matt, what was the lowest you got down to in 2016? Was it 180 or not quite? I know I reached a point where my weight started creeping up and up and it is very hard to stop that trend. It frightens me. It is so much harder to get back into restriction once you have relaxed your boundaries. It does not get any easier that's for sure. I'm trying harder now as it worries me that I will end up back where I once was & I can't let that happen.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 229.4

Breakfast: 6 Packets of Oatmeal, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Bowl of Clam Chowder Soup, 1 Bowl of Pot Roast Soup.

Snack: A few Crackers, 2 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Country Fried Pork Chop & Gravy).

Snack: 3 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2450

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.
Matt, what was the lowest you got down to in 2016? Was it 180 or not quite? I know I reached a point where my weight started creeping up and up and it is very hard to stop that trend. It frightens me. It is so much harder to get back into restriction once you have relaxed your boundaries. It does not get any easier that's for sure. I'm trying harder now as it worries me that I will end up back where I once was & I can't let that happen.

The lowest I ever got down to was around 178. It frightens me too. I'm afraid that I'm at a point where I'm going to gain back all my weight no matter what I do!
The lowest I ever got down to was around 178. It frightens me too. I'm afraid that I'm at a point where I'm going to gain back all my weight no matter what I do!
have you always followed an "eat less, move more" dieting routine?
have you ever tried intermittent fasting?
Matt, I think if you go back to a couple of weeks from the start of your diary you will find that you ate very differently from what you do now. I just read 5 pages. You started eating less sweet stuff, ate more salads & healthier sides. It's worth a read. You can do this. We can't afford to regain all that lost weight.
have you always followed an "eat less, move more" dieting routine?
have you ever tried intermittent fasting?

Pretty much. I've heard about intermittent fasting but I don't know if I can do it. I think I get low blood sugar and can get light headed and irritable when I don't eat.
... I've heard about intermittent fasting but I don't know if I can do it. ....

if you don't mind a few questions...

1) do you have a regular sleeping schedule? if so, how many hours do you usually sleep?
1a) if you drink alcohol, do you ever/ often drink up until you fall asleep?

2) do you eat a breakfast when you get up in the morning? about what time?

3) when is your last meal of the day? is it dinner or is it a late night snack?

4) what are your core beverages?
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 228.0

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Yogurts, 2 pieces of Toast, 4 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Garden Salad, w/1 side of Seafood Salad, 1 side of Chicken Pasta Salad.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Sweet and Sour Chicken).

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2700

Exercise: 3 hours of Walking.
Matt, I think if you go back to a couple of weeks from the start of your diary you will find that you ate very differently from what you do now. I just read 5 pages. You started eating less sweet stuff, ate more salads & healthier sides. It's worth a read. You can do this. We can't afford to regain all that lost weight.

I took a look. I had a salad yesterday I'm definitely going to go back to having more salads.
if you don't mind a few questions...

1) do you have a regular sleeping schedule? if so, how many hours do you usually sleep?
1a) if you drink alcohol, do you ever/ often drink up until you fall asleep?

2) do you eat a breakfast when you get up in the morning? about what time?

3) when is your last meal of the day? is it dinner or is it a late night snack?

4) what are your core beverages?

1. I don't really have a set schedule. Unfortunately I've been sleeping more because the meds I've been taking make me tired.
1a. I've never drank until I've passed out.

2. Most of the time about 8:30-9. Later on the weekends.

3. I'll have dinner, then a few yogurts right after.

4. Mostly coffee and water. During the weekends I'll have a soda or two.
... 1a. I've never drank until I've passed out. ...

well, i really didn't mean that... just that alcohol is calories (probably the most useless sort), so, say, if you had one or two beers in the evening, this would naturally extend your "eating window"... the amount of hours/ day you eat or drink something with more than ~50 calories.

i have a nephew who is a ultra-marathon runner. a year or so ago when i was discussing my weight loss with him, i mentioned my routing of intermittent fasting. a few days later he sent me an article he read by a well known training physician who, when talking about intermittent fasting, put forth her opinion that one of the best things you can do, if you don't go to full-on intermittent fasting, would be to at least go 12 hours/ day without eating. there are well documented positive effects a routine like this can have; simply giving your digestive system an extended break.

when i began IF, i started by building the fasting time around my sleep. i didn't really like eating early, but my evening snacking needed to be adjusted. it wasn't easy, but eventually i stepped my daily fasting time from 12 hours adding on some time slowly until i could easily go 16 hours.

this is the guy who turned my dieting around...
Dr. Jason Fung - 'Therapeutic Fasting - Solving the Two-Compartment Problem'

i've done some further research and believe me, he is not alone is his opinion on "eat less, move more" dieting.
Hey Matt, for what it's worth I find not drinking helps me sleep better. Drinking can put me to sleep, but I am more likely to wake in the night and not get a good sleep after drinking.

I know you don't drink everyday, maybe you can tell a difference also.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 226.8

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 4 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Garden Salad, w/1 side of Seafood Salad, 1 side of Garden Pasta Salad.

Snack: A few Crackers.

Dinner: 1 Marie Callender's TV Dinner (Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce), 4 pieces of Toast.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2600

Exercise: 1 hours of Walking.

I did better today, except for the walking. I fell asleep and slept through the night. I thought about doing something, but everyone is scare to go out because of this Corona virus.
well, i really didn't mean that... just that alcohol is calories (probably the most useless sort), so, say, if you had one or two beers in the evening, this would naturally extend your "eating window"... the amount of hours/ day you eat or drink something with more than ~50 calories.

i have a nephew who is a ultra-marathon runner. a year or so ago when i was discussing my weight loss with him, i mentioned my routing of intermittent fasting. a few days later he sent me an article he read by a well known training physician who, when talking about intermittent fasting, put forth her opinion that one of the best things you can do, if you don't go to full-on intermittent fasting, would be to at least go 12 hours/ day without eating. there are well documented positive effects a routine like this can have; simply giving your digestive system an extended break.

when i began IF, i started by building the fasting time around my sleep. i didn't really like eating early, but my evening snacking needed to be adjusted. it wasn't easy, but eventually i stepped my daily fasting time from 12 hours adding on some time slowly until i could easily go 16 hours.

this is the guy who turned my dieting around...
Dr. Jason Fung - 'Therapeutic Fasting - Solving the Two-Compartment Problem'

i've done some further research and believe me, he is not alone is his opinion on "eat less, move more" dieting.

Ok I see what you're saying. I think there is a 12 hour window from when I eat dinner, until I eat breakfast again the next morning. Of course the window shortens a bit during the weekend because I might have a few drinks., of course I usually sleep in so I start eating later also.