Well-known member
Hey Matt - nice to see you're still here and posting. Keep on keeping on! I love your cheat days, serious food envy.
Thanks! I'm trying to cut down, but its harder since I can't drive and I've been relying on Uber Eats.
Hey Matt - nice to see you're still here and posting. Keep on keeping on! I love your cheat days, serious food envy.
its harder since I can't drive and I've been relying on Uber Eats.
Wow - that makes things tricky!...its harder since I can't drive and I've been relying on Uber Eats.
You have overcome everything else, you will overcome this. Have you had anymore seizures ? how much longer before the doc will consider letting you drive again ?
Wow - that makes things tricky!Lugging shopping home on foot is a real disincentive - as I know from experience, having been in that "food desert, no car available" situation. It really tilts the shopping away from good-nutrition-but-heavy foods, like (for example) oranges to onesthat are light to carry, but will last a while (like a kilo of rice) even if they're not great nutrition. I hope you can find better help than Uber Eats soon!
I feel really strongly that public transport is a significant government responsibility - it's especially bad in rural areas in Australia, but some of the newer suburbs also miss out. What sort of food-shopping is close enough to you to walk to?
do you could have a friend you could invite as your guest for lunch ... at a restaurant near your grocery store?.... I live in an suburban area that's very "car dependent", there's no real public transportation...
I imagine it becomes very costly very quickly ordering in all the time - I wonder if your Aldi is the same as our Aldi in the UK. It's super, super cheap here!
It's the fresh fruit and vegies that can be weighty when hauling it all by foot - but tinned tuna is very diety, and pretty light. Maybe you could see what Aldi's has in that line?
(As a vegetarian trying to be thinner, I get very envious of people who can take advantage of fish-eating - such a great way to get protein without fat!)