Matt's Diary

Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 191.6

Breakfast: 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch/Dinner: 2 slices of Pepperoni Pizza, one small order of French Fries, 1 Pepsi all from Apollo's

Snack: 1 slice of Colossal Carrot Cake, 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie all from McAllister's Deli.

Miscellaneous: 3 Bottled Waters, 1 Vodka Cranberry, 1 Whiskey Ginger, 3 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 3450

Exercise: 3 hours of Walking.

I went a little crazy though I didn't technically eat a lot. I was going to walk more, but it started to rain a lot. I wasn't happy about it but as least it wasn't snow.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 194.4

Breakfast: 3 Yogurts.

Lunch: 1 Dave's Double w/ Bacon, 1 side of Large Fries, 1 Large Dr. Pepper all from Wendy's.

Snack: 3 Cupcakes.

Dinner: 2 Hot Dogs, 1 small Dr. Pepper all from Sheetz.

Snack: 1 Yogurt.

Miscellaneous: 1 Bottled Water, 1 20 oz. Cherry Coke.

Estimated Calories: 3700

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.

I went a little crazy today again, I wanted to walk more, but Misty didn't. I think sadly she's starting to slow down since she's older.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 197.0

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 5 cups of Coffee..

Lunch: 1 Italian Sub, 1 side of Chips all from Panera.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Chicken Parmesan).

Snack:21 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2430

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.

I wanted to walk more, but my dog didn't, probably bc it was so cold out. It was in the teens today!
In the teens over there & stinking hot here. We are going interstate tomorrow & it is going to be 41oC, which is 105.8oF. EEK! I'm not sure that I prefer Summer to Winter when it's THAT hot!
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 196.4

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 5 cups of Coffee..

Lunch: 1 Salad w/ Chicken, Egg and Balsamic Dressing, 1 bowl of Lightly Salted Vegetable Noodle Soup, a few Crackers.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 bowl of Vegetable Beef Soup.

Snack: 3 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2280

Exercise: 3 hours of Walking.

I felt like crap today I had a headache and felt all around lousy. I think the drastic temperature change caused it.
In the teens over there & stinking hot here. We are going interstate tomorrow & it is going to be 41oC, which is 105.8oF. EEK! I'm not sure that I prefer Summer to Winter when it's THAT hot!

Eek indeed! I hate 15 degree weather, but I don't think I'd prefer 105.8 degree weather!
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 195.2

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 5 cups of Coffee..

Lunch: 1 Salad w/ Chicken, Egg and Balsamic Dressing, 1 bowl of Lightly Salted Vegetable Noodle Soup, a few Crackers.

Dinner: 1/2 Chicken Platter (1/2 Rotisserie Chicken, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes, 1 side of Steamed Broccoli, 1 Zucchini Muffin) all from Arby's.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters, 2 glasses of Diet Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 2600

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.

It was a lot nicer today (it went from 15 to 60 degrees!), though it rained. Misty didn't want to walk much, which I was fine with since I still felt a little under the weather.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 195.2

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Salad w/ Chicken, Egg and Balsamic Dressing, 1 bowl of Minestrone and Kale soup, a few Crackers.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Meatloaf).

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters, 1 cup of Tea.

Estimated Calories: 2170

Exercise: 3 hours of Walking.

It was cold but not as cold as it was the previous days.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 192.6

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Salad w/ Chicken, Egg and Balsamic Dressing, 1 bowl of Minestrone and Kale soup, a few Crackers.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Honey Glazed Turkey).

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters, 2 cups of Tea, 1 Cranberry Vodka, 2 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2350

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 191.6

Breakfast: 5 Yogurts, 1 cup of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Taziki's feast meal (Includes Beef Medallions, 1 side of Roast Potatoes, 1 side Greek Salad and 1 Pita), 2 Cookies all from Taziki's.

Snack: 1 Cinnamon Roll, 3 Cupcakes.

Dinner: 1 Rock Bottom classic Burger, w/ Fries and 2 Dr. Peppers all from Rock Bottom brewery.

Miscellaneous: 3 cups of Water, 1/2 Pepsi, 1/2 of a Ginger Ale, 2 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 4900

Exercise: 3.75 hours of Walking.

Wow I went really crazy today. Also I felt like crap I hop I'm not getting sick.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 195.8

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 1 Yogurt.

Lunch/Snack: 1 Package of Nekot Cookies, 4 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, 1 York Peppermint Patty.

Dinner: 1 Taziki's feast meal (Includes Beef Medallions, 1 side of Roast Potatoes, 1 side Greek Salad and 1 Pita), 1 Baklava all from Taziki's.

Snack: 3 Yogurts, 1 Glazed Doughnut, a few small Cookies.

Miscellaneous: 1 Bottled Water, 1/ 20 oz. Cherry Coke, 1/2 of a 20 oz. Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 3450

Exercise: 3.33 hours of Walking.

Much better than previous Sundays though I snacked a little too much.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 195.4

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Seasonal Greens salad w/Chicken Salad and Balsamic dressing, 1 bowl of Broccoli and Cheddar soup, 1 French Baguette all from Panera.

Dinner: 1/2 Chicken Platter (1/2 Rotisserie Chicken, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes, 1 side of Lima Beans, 1 Zucchini Muffin) all from Arby's.

Snack: 1 Tbsp. of Honey.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 3070

Exercise: 2.67 hours of Walking.

I've been feeling like crap on and off and I've been coughing for the last few days I hope I'm not getting bronchitis.
I've been feeling like crap on and off and I've been coughing for the last few days I hope I'm not getting bronchitis.
I hope you aren't either. Buy some lemons, Matt & start having a hot lemon drink every night, preferably just before going to bed. I add a teaspoon of honey & a little ground turmeric, but you could add some ground ginger. I have this all year & haven't had as much as a cold for about 3 years.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 195.6

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 1 Poached Egg, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Bowl of Italian Vegetable w/Farro Soup, 1 bowl of Minestrone w/Kale Soup, about half of a sleeve of Crackers.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Simply Steamers TV Dinner (Meatball Marinara).

Snack: 2 Yogurts, 1 Tbsp. of Honey.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2350

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.
I hope you aren't either. Buy some lemons, Matt & start having a hot lemon drink every night, preferably just before going to bed. I add a teaspoon of honey & a little ground turmeric, but you could add some ground ginger. I have this all year & haven't had as much as a cold for about 3 years.

I'll try it, what is it just hot water w/Lemon? I've been having a bit of honey.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 195.2

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Salad w/Chicken and Balsamic Dressing, 1 Bowl of Italian Vegetable w/Farro Soup, a few Crackers.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Beef Teriyaki).

Snack: 2 Yogurts, 1 Tbsp. of Honey.

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters, 1 cup of Tea

Estimated Calories: 2450

Exercise: 2.75 hours of Walking.

I was going to try to walk more but it was freezing cold (like 15-20 degrees F). Also it looks like I have another Stalker Cat, this makes it no. 4! The only thing is this one doesn't seem to like dogs, it hissed at Misty and almost scratched her!
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 194.2

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 slices of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Salad w/Chicken and Balsamic Dressing, 1 Bowl of Minestrone w/Kale soup.

Dinner: 1/2 Chicken Platter (1/2 Rotisserie Chicken, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes, 1 side of Broccoli, 1 Zucchini Muffin), 1 Salted Caramel Cookie all from Arby's.

Miscellaneous: 4 Bottled Waters, 1 cup of Tea

Estimated Calories: 2800

Exercise: 2.5 hours of Walking.

I broke down and had a cookie at Arby's. Also I need to do more walking, if Misty doesn't want to walk I'm going to have to force myself to walk without her. Yesterday I mentioned I have another Stalker Cat, this evening I had to help him get down from a tree. I think the other cats chased him up there.
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Here's Stalker Cat #4. I was going to post Stalker Cat #3 but I have 1 video of him and I don't know how to post videos on here.