Matt's Diary

Was it a good meetup Matt?

It was okay, the venue wasn't that great. Also I was kind of in a bad mood when I got there because the parking is awful over there (It took me 30 minutes to get there and 20 minutes to find a parking space). The view is the best thing the restaurant has going for it.


Are they always different people & you have to start all over each time or do you get to develop friendships within the group?

It's a little of both. You see the same people at various meetups but there are new ones that show up also.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 187.6

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Pieces of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ham/Turkey/Cheese Sandwich, 1 Bag of Chips, 1 Banana.

Snack: 1 Small Cookie, A few Crackers, 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Sweet Sesame Chicken).

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 1 Old Fashioned, 4 Rum and Diet Cokes..

Estimated Calories: 2730

Exercise: 3.5 Hours of Walking.

I was hoping my weight would go down more, honestly I'm a little disappointed. I noticed my weight this time last week and the week before have been pretty much the same. I'm going to have to do better this weekend.

Also since the weathers getting nicer and hotter I have to be a little more mindful of when I walk Misty, I don't want her overheating.I had to cut our afternoon walk short because it was too hot. I did some walking at this First Friday event I went to.
Wow, I'm totally impressed with your ability to maintain your healthy weight and the amount of walking you do. Congratulations!
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 187.0

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Pieces of Toast.

Lunch: 1 cup of Broccoli and Cheese soup, 1 Apple, A few bites of a Southwest Chili Lime Salad, 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie all from Panera.

Snack: Various free samples, 1 Slice of Cake 2 Yogurts.

Dinner: A few Tortilla Chips, 1 Taco, 1 Enchilada, 1 side of Refried Beans, 1 side of Rice.

Miscellaneous: 5 Glasses of Water, 1 Cappuccino, 1 20 oz. Dr. Pepper, Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 3850

Exercise: 3.5 Hours of Walking.

I was doing better for the most part up until dinner. It was Cinco De Mayo otherwise known as "Donald Trumps least favorite holiday", I had a date and we decided to eat Mexican food. I forgot how much calories it had!
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 190.0

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 1 Cheese Danish, 1 cup of Coffee.

Lunch/Dinner: 1 Piece of Steak, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes, 1 side of Peas, 1 side of Lima Beans, 1 slice of Pizza, 2 pieces of Fried Shrimp, a few pieces of Baby Shrimp, 1 Salas w/ Ranch Dressing, 1 side of Seafood Salad, 2 slices of Carrot Cake, a few Cookies all from Golden Corral.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 2 Glasses of Water, 1 20 oz. Cherry Coke, 1 20 oz. Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 3650

Exercise: 3.5 Hours of Walking.

I tried but I went crazy on Golden Corral.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 192.6

Breakfast: 5 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Spicy Thai Salad w/ Chicken, 1 Apple all from Panera Bread.

Snack: A few Crackers, 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Beef Teriyaki).

Snack: 1 can of Spinach, 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2350

Exercise: 3.25 Hours of Walking.

Kind of a crap day, my weight went up wayyy too much, also I forgot to set my alarm so I got up late.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 190.4

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 4 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ham/Turkey/Cheese sandwich, one bag of Chips.

Snack: A few Crackers, 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (BBQ seasoned Steak w/ Red Potatoes).

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2270

Exercise: 3.33 Hours of Walking.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 188.4

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 4 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ham/Turkey/Cheese sandwich, 2 bags of Chips.

Snack: 1 Wedge of Watermelon, 5 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Chicken Linguine w/ Red Pepper Alfredo).

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2350

Exercise: 3.5 Hours of Walking.

The weight's coming down nicely. I'm also pretty sure I burned some calories wiring some paintings for hanging.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 187.4

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 4 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ham/Turkey/Cheese sandwich, 2 bags of Chips.

Snack: A few pieces of Watermelon, A few Crackers, 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Homestyle Chicken and Potatoes).

Snack: 3 Yogurts

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2310

Exercise: 3 Hours of Walking.

We had a thunderstorm which I was actually glad we had because the pollen was really starting to bother me. Unfortunately that meant my dog didn't want to go out at first. I'm also starting to worry because apparently snakes are starting to come out (even though I haven't seen one yet), and my dog liked to sniff around in the wooded areas and grass near my apartment complex. The last thing I need is for either of us to get bit by a snake!!
What sort of snakes do you have near you, Matt? Well done on getting that weight moving down again.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 186.8

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 4 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ham/Turkey/Cheese sandwich, 2 bags of Chips.

Snack: A few Crackers, 1 Apple.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Grilled Chicken Pesto w/ Vegetables).

Snack: 6 Yogurts

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 3 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2500

Exercise: 3.75 Hours of Walking.
What sort of snakes do you have near you, Matt? Well done on getting that weight moving down again.

Thanks! Well There are 34 species of snakes in VA, but the only poisonous snake here is the Copperhead. I actually saw one last night, luckily it was dead.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 186.8

Breakfast: 2 Yogurts, 2 Poached Eggs, 2 pieces of Toast, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 Cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 Rotisserie Chicken meal (w/ 1 side of Mashed Potatoes,1 side of Broccoli and 1 Zucchini roll) all from Arby's

Snack: 5 Yogurts, 1 Banana.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice Steamers TV Dinner (Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo).

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters, 4 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2840

Exercise: 3.75 Hours of Walking.

Kind of a rough day. Had kind of a crap day at work, plus I found out some paintings I submitted to a gallery were rejected. At least I did good food wise, even though the calories were a bit high I did not eat any junk today.
There is, but not in Tasmania. Australia has about 170 species of land snakes, but only 3 are in Tasmania: Tiger, Lowland Copperhead and White-lipped. All three Tasmanian species are capable of injecting venom, although the venom of the White-lipped snake has never been recorded as causing death to a human. Check out this site if you want to know more:
Sorry about the paintings being rejected, Matt. Are you going to submit them elsewhere? Well done on a day without junk food & that weight coming down, down...
I like the way you list the amounts and types of food you have - and it looks like you have some reliable choices that would be healthy and simple enough for anyone to follow. Wishing you success in avoiding snakes, selling your artwork, and continuing your healthy lifestyle.
Goal 7A: In Progress...

Today's Weight: 186.8

Breakfast: 5 Yogurts.

Lunch: 3 pieces of Rotisserie Chicken and 1 side of Mashed Potatoes.

Snack: 1 Apple, 1 Banana, 1 mini-Cheesecake, 1 small Ice Cream creation from Coldstone Creamery.

Dinner: 1 cup of Broccoli and Cheddar soup, 1 small Caesar salad, 1 Apple, 1 Chocolate Chip cookie all from Panera.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters, 1 Small Dr. Pepper, 1 small Orange Juice.

Estimated Calories: 3300

Exercise: 3.25 Hours of Walking.

I did better than previously, though there were some things I could have avoided. The weight reading may not be that accurate because I slept until noon haha.
There is, but not in Tasmania. Australia has about 170 species of land snakes, but only 3 are in Tasmania: Tiger, Lowland Copperhead and White-lipped. All three Tasmanian species are capable of injecting venom, although the venom of the White-lipped snake has never been recorded as causing death to a human. Check out this site if you want to know more:
Sorry about the paintings being rejected, Matt. Are you going to submit them elsewhere? Well done on a day without junk food & that weight coming down, down...

Cool I'll check it out! If you want to learn more about reptiles in VA here's a cool site:
As for the paintings I plan on submitting them to another gallery, also technically I can exhibit a painting at that one since I got a membership and each member is can exhibit a painting.